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Sun Cults. Photo Gallery: How the NSA Infiltrates Computers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International. The CIA Didn't Trust Snowden, Even Back in 2009. Edward Snowden had a negative report placed in his CIA personnel file more than four years ago, but that "red flag" wasn't enough to keep him out of the NSA's highly classified computer network. According to a report in Friday's The New York Times, while working as a CIA technician back in 2009, Snowden was sent home from an overseas posting due to the suspicions of supervisor — who suspected him of trying to gain unauthorized access to classified files. Yet, that didn't stop Snowden from retaining his security clearance when he switched jobs and moved to the NSA. At the beginning of 2013, Snowden was hired by Booz Allen Hamilton, a government contractor who put him to work for the National Security Agency.

Had Booz Allen or the NSA seen Snowden's CIA file before hiring him, it almost certainly would have affected his employment, but his tarnished record appears to have "slipped through the cracks. " MicroStrategy. The most comprehensive business intelligence platform in the industry. MicroStrategy is the world’s most comprehensive and trusted BI platform, designed from the ground up and proven to support the most demanding analytics applications. Our unified, organically developed, architecture is built on the core of a single foundational metadata—ensuring trust across any style of analytics and easy scalability as your business grows. Industrial-strength. Any style of analytics at any scale. We wrote the book on analytics. Download it now Build once, deploy anywhere.

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Neues Zeug. Welches Buch hat Dich verändert? - Seite 41 - Esoterik-Forum. Underground Links. Artillery. Posted - 2009.04.17 11:42:00 - [13] Edited by: Great Smirnov on 17/04/2009 11:45:59i can only agree with that. artillery is mega crap in PvE, i wouldn't even bother to fit it in PvP. 1200 do not hit properly even battleships and this with skills nearly maxed out. i got whole the time message "barely scratched" and alike, which are somewhere 300-700 damage from a fitting that supposed to do 3500 damage on alpha. and yes, tracking computer already fitted and running and proper ammo was used. how can a weapon system succeed in PvP if it cant properly hit even slow NPC battleships? Crappiest base dps, crappiest optimal, deadly crappiest tracking makes arty altogether worst long range weapon system in game. the same for autocannons, while firing without cap being a bless for close range combat dps still be lowest and new falloff mechanics cuts that low dps even more. you can't speed tank on your optimal, your dps sucks on falloff.

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Dadurch wird man an erster Stelle zum Freund der Engel und an zweiter Stelle Beherrscher der Dämonen. Der Abramelin-Text ist für viele Okkultisten der Auslöser für die Beschäftigung mit dem eigenen Heiligen Schutzengel. Erfahrungsgemäss hat v.Ins auf Fragen nicht reagiert. S.L. SMILE now - Geheimgesellschaften A-Z. Hier findet ihr ein Verzeichnis aller Geheimgesellschaften. Nicht alles ist furchtbar ernst gemeint – schließlich haben wir uns ja u.a. der Satire verschrieben. Um zu sehen, was jeweils darüber bei uns steht, benutzt bitte das Google-Fenster (im Kasten rechts) … Zu Geheimgesellschaften und ihren Einfluss auf die menschliche Geschichte ist sehr viel zu sagen – das Spektrum reicht von alternden Hochstaplern, die sich freitags im Logenhaus gegenseitig beweihräuchern und danach beschwingt, beschurzt und beschwipst nach Hause fahren, bis hin zu elitären wirklich konspirativen Zirkeln, die im Geheimen und an allen Gesetzen vorbei die Schaltstellen von Politik und Wirtschaft mit Günstlingen aus ihren eigenen Reihen bestücken.

Damit fangen die Vorwürfe jedoch erst an; es ist alles dabei: Drogenhandel, Menschenhandel, Mind-Control, Satanismus, kriminelle Verschwörungen aller Art, etc.p.p. Vgl. auch unser Artikel zu Geheimgesellschaften (s. Brotherhood: Synonym für »Freimaurerloge«. I. Templer: I.

Logen und Geheimbünde

Adolf Hemberger in Gnostika. Wenn wir in GNOSTIKA einen Aufsatz von Adolf Hemberger (1929-1992) bringen, so muss ich wohl einige Sätze voranstellen. Eigentlich würde er ja eine etwas tiefergehende Studie verdienen, denn schließlich war er es, der erstmalig nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg akademische Studien zu Geschichte und Lehrgut der esoterischen, aber vor allem magischen Geheimbünde im deutschen Sprachraum in Angriff nahm. Adolf Hemberger war im Brotberuf seit 1970 an der Universität Gießen tätig und hatte dort den Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftstheorie und Forschungsmethodologie inne.

Seinen zahllosen Interessen gemäß hatte er vorher in der Politikwissenschaft gearbeitet, war Dozent für Psychologie und Heilpädagogik in Fulda gewesen und hatte ebenso an Volkshochschulen (z. B. autogenes Training) unterrichtet. Er hatte gleichfalls einen Abschluss als Diplom-Volkswirt. Aber das ist nicht der Grund, warum er in unserer Zeitschrift zu Worte kommt. H. GNOSTIKA 5.

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Top 15 Hacking Software. 1. Nmap I think everyone has heard of this one, recently evolved into the 4.x series. Nmap (”Network Mapper”) is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Can be used by beginners (-sT) or by pros alike (–packet_trace). Get Nmap Here 2. Recently went closed source, but is still essentially free. Nessus is the world’s most popular vulnerability scanner used in over 75,000 organizations world-wide. Get Nessus Here 3. Yes, JTR 1.7 was recently released!

John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. You can get JTR Here 4. Nikto is a good CGI scanner, there are some other tools that go well with Nikto (focus on http fingerprinting or Google hacking/info gathering etc, another article for just those). Get Nikto Here 5. 6. p0f 7. 8. 9. Perspectives with Personality. Top 100 Underground Hacking Websites. Suck-o.comHacking/Coding/Web Development - Friendly forums and a huge high quality download section with no dead links. If you are annoyed by oh-so-1337 smattering sites plastered with ads, no useful content and lame forced voting then join our knowledge-pool...we're independent and non-commercial.

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In 2011 this site became much more dynamic, offering ratings, reviews, searching, sorting, and a new tool suggestion form. This site allows open source and commercial tools on any platform, except those tools that we maintain (such as the Nmap Security Scanner, Ncat network connector, and Nping packet manipulator). We're very impressed by the collective smarts of the security community and we highly recommend reading the whole list and investigating any tools you are unfamiliar with. 11 tools (5) ★★★★ Metasploit (#2, Metasploit took the security world by storm when it was released in 2004. Metasploit was completely free, but the project was acquired by Rapid7 in 2009 and it soon sprouted commercial variants. The Metasploit Framework now includes an official Java-based GUI and also Raphael Mudge's excellent Armitage. Categories. Top 100 Underground Hacking Websites. Themen.


Die Physiker. OSINT. Planet CCC - Blogs and more around CCC, CCC-Hamburg and Attraktor. Virtual desktop Login Manager. WEBtops. Schmedley Schmedley is a Web-based desktop start page, which uses widgets to mimic the look and feel of a traditional desktop. Schmedley features integration with Meebo, and plans to offer integrated productivity services in future releases.

Click on image for larger size. Glide Glide OS 4.0 is a comprehensive cloud computing solution. Purefect Purefect is an open source web desktop that provides web based AJAX-IDE, Instant Messaging and APIS. Desktop Two Desktoptwo is a free Webtop developed by Sapotek (it's also been called a WebOS although Sapotek states on its website that the term is premature and presumptuous) that mimics the look, feel and functionality of the desktop environment of an operating system. AjaxWindows AjaxWindows is a virtual operating system that lets you store, edit and share your files using only a browser. Startforce StartForce is one of the many web desktop applications available on the internet. oDesktop Click on image for larger size. Nivio Atoolo Mygoya Mywebdesktop. Zuula Search. Download | w3af - Open Source Web Application Security Scanner. VirtualBox Alternatives and Similar Software. Antaran Technologies - Hauptseite.

Forensics. Browser error. The Official ROOTCON Blog: Introducing 35 Pentesting Tools Used for Web Vulnerability Assessment. 2. Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner Acunetix WVS or Web Vulnerability Scanner is a pentesting tool for Windows users so that they may be able to check for SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS), CRLF injection, Code execution, Directory Traversal, File inclusion, checks for vulnerabilities in File Upload forms and other serious web vulnerabilities. You can download this tool here. 3. SQLninja is a an sql injection tool for web applications that use Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end though it runs only in Linux, Mac and BSD. 4.

Nikto is an open source web server scanner “which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 6400 potentially dangerous files or CGIs, checks for outdated versions of over 1200 servers, and version specific problems on over 270 servers. " 5. SQLmap is an open source automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool that fully supports MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server. 7. 9. 10. 11. bsqlbf-v2 12. 13.

Introducing 35 Pentesting Tools Used for Web Vulnerability Assessment. More about Blackhatz.

Networking Hacking

Remote Desktops. Red Hat JBoss A-MQ. To respond to business demands quickly and efficiently, you need a way to integrate the applications and data spread across your enterprise. Red Hat® JBoss® A-MQ is a flexible, high-performance messaging platform that delivers information reliably, enabling real-time integration and the Internet of Things (IOT). More Why Red Hat JBoss A-MQ? Red Hat JBoss A-MQ is a flexible, cost-effective messaging platform that uses open source messaging technologies to deliver information safely and reliably. Its small footprint and adherence to standards makes it possible to connect nearly everything and enables the Internet of Things.

Red Hat JBoss A-MQ can be deployed and easily managed in any configuration, so you can deploy a network of brokers across your infrastructure whether they are on premise, in the cloud, or in a hybrid configuration. Red Hat JBoss A-MQ allows you to: Integrate applications, endpoints, and devices more efficiently. Less.


ExtTop - Desktop Sample App. Central Intelligence Executive. Bookmarks. Silverlit Flugmodell Speedy Plus (85997) im Conrad Online Shop | 208066. Are the NSA's PRISM slides photoshopped? (Updated: June 10, 2013) Yesterday, Thursday June 6, The Washington Post and The Guardian came with a breaking news story about a Top Secret NSA program called PRISM, which reportedly collects data directly from the servers of nine major internet companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Skype and Apple. Many of these firms have already denied that the government has access to their networks. Today both president Obama and director of National Intelligence James Clapper said there is no gathering of information about US citizens or of any person located within the United States. > See for the latest information: - PRISM as part of the BLARNEY program - New insights into the PRISM program The Guardian claimed to have obtained 41 slides of an NSA presentation about the PRISM collection program, and showed some of them on its website.

Here we take a more close look at these slides, which, if genuine, give a very rare look at a recent Top Secret document from the US National Security Agency. Metadata: The Hidden Treasure.

Magie & Okkultismus

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