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Artists Turn Songs into 3D-Printed Sculptures. “Ride of the Valkyries” by Richard Wagner. Images via Music becomes tactile and textured in Brooklyn-based design studio REIFY’s 3D-printed sound sculptures. Using an unconventional array of printing materials—plastic, bronze, and even coconut husks—REIFY weaves country hits, classical concertos, and more into honeycombed geometries. When paired with REIFY’s augmented reality smartphone app, the sculptures come alive, singing their original soundwaves back to viewers.

Founder and CEO Allison Wood, along with master technologist Kei Gowda, creative coder David Lobser, and UX/UI designer Christine Whitehall, developed REIFY through their membership at the museum-led incubator that is NEW INC. Although the majority of their current work involves single-track musical input, REIFY plans to print whole albums, poems, and any other sonic sources that could shape their designs into something that looks—and sounds—catchy and new. “Spin, Spin” by Gordon Lightfoot “From The Morning” by Nick Drake. Artist Zach Blas' "Face Cage" Helps You Beat the Government's Facial Recognition Software. People may not be talking about it as much these days, but the government is still watching you and keeping a list, just like Santa Claus, only less jolly.

Artists have been designing interesting ways to help the public avoid the eagle eye of the government, including "Stealthwear" from artist Adam Harvey and fashion designer Johanna Bloomfield. The latest in anti-surveillance gear is something that looks like it belongs in a DC Comics fan-fiction film, but it gets the job done in terms of shielding your identity from all of the facial recognition cameras out in the world. The device is the "Face Cage," and it was conceived and designed by artist Zach Blas. According to Al Jazeera, Blas' creation is "a skeletal mask made of pointed slivers of metal that rests atop the wearer’s face — rather like a medieval torture device — and highlights the features biometric technology uses to identify individuals.

" [via Al Jazeera] Jessica Rosenkrantz - Growing Objects. Cilllia - 3D Printed Hair Structures for Surface Texture, Actuation and Sensing. WIRED- R4D4- AADRL : robotic fabrication. Nicole Nadeau's nipple tiles are moulded from her breast. New York 2016: US artist Nicole Nadeau has used one of her own breasts to create a mould for a collection of hexagonal tiles complete with pink nipples. Nadeau created a single mould of her breast to form the tiles, which are cast in ceramic and mounted onto solid-surface material Corian. Each is painted white apart from the teat, which is coloured in rosy pink. The project relates to the mythical Amazon warriors of ancient Greek, who are said to have cut off one breast to more easily draw a bow and arrow.

Nadeau has tessellated the tiles to create an installation at this year's Collective Design fair in New York, taking place from 4 to 8 May 2016. Titled Everyone Thought I Was You, the wall-mounted piece comprises honeycomb-like configurations designed to look like patterns found in nature. The artist is a twin, so the artwork is also intended as an exploration into the territory between individuality and similarity. "I do think people are expressing them more in design," said Nadeau.

OPTIMATTER - A tool to optimize your 3D Printing. ICD/ITKE ResearchPavilion15-16. YOBI3D el Google de la impresión 3D - Impresoras 3D Granada | Createc 3D. Yobi3D es un buscador que aspira a ser el Google, tratando de escanear la red en busca de contenido imprimible en 3D, uniendo infinidad de sitios donde comparten este contenido en una única plataforma con un buen motor de busqueda. Desde el 2014 que iniciaron la aventura Yobi3D a ido mejorando y añadiendo nuevas caracteristicas muy interesantes, es muy agradable la visualización de los objetos y encuentra infinidad de ellos.

No todala información que encuentra Yobi3D está destinada o preparada para la impresión, ya que se ha generalizado y se pueden encontrar distinto modelos 3d de personajes, robots, etc., más complejos difícilmente irreprimibles pero que si se pueden utilizar con otros propósitos muy interesantes. Y para hacer el sitio más útil para aquellos involucrados con la impresión en 3D, hay nuevo filtro de impresión de Yobi3D. Fuente: Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!

3D printed flexible textiles - a stitch toward personalized clothing. Jan.28, 2014 If you like Spirograph and the idea of 3D printed textiles, then you'll love Flexible Textile Structures by the [trans]LAB team – Negar Kalantar and Alireza Borhani. From fashion to function, 3D printing is already making significant inroads into the world of textiles. With the prototypes of Flexible Textile Structures, Kalantar and Borhani explore the current possibilities of additive manufacturing in the realm of textiles and present an exciting foray into the future of this 3D-printing application.

The team works cooperation with the Design, Research, and Education for Additive Manufacturing Systems (DREAMS) Laboratory at Virginia Tech to produce textile prototypes which are resilient, form-fitting, and soft to the touch. The main design concern of Flexible Textile Structures was designing a fabric that was both flexible and rigid. Prototype #1 uses Powder Bed Fusion and has a medieval aesthetic, looking like a patch from a 3D-printed coat of mail. El matemático que hace arte con la luz.

Por Mar Abad ( @marabad ) ran los años 70 en el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT) y un joven llamado Jim Campbell intentaba no volverse loco. Estudiaba ingeniería electrónica y matemáticas en uno de los centros más exigentes del planeta. «Era un ambiente muy neurótico. Necesitaba hacer algo para no enloquecer y empecé a interesarme por el arte», cuenta el estadounidense en el Espacio Fundación Telefónica, en Madrid.

Campbell ha venido hasta aquí para presentar la mayor exhibición que se ha hecho hasta ahora de su obra desde que empezó a experimentar con la luz. Eso ocurrió en los 90. El ingeniero contó que en aquella época empezó a interesarse por «la interactividad». La obra espera al visitante, en la entrada, a la derecha. Este recorrido por la tercera planta del Espacio Fundación Telefónica en Madrid, titulado Ritmos de luz, es una reflexión del artista sobre «el espacio, el tiempo y la memoria», según Laura Fernández Ordaz, directora de arte de esta fundación. 3D Printed Footwear: How 3D Printing is Changing Racetracks and Runways | i.materialise 3D Printing Service Blog.

Practical or extravagant, perfectly fitting or perfectly outstanding, 3D printing has been pushing the limits of personalized footwear over the last several years. Creating a one-of-a-kind, wearable product has become easier than ever, and 3D printed shoes are already being used on racetracks and runways around the globe. Creating shoes with the perfect fit: In need of a better-fitting shoe size? 3D printing can do the trick. 3D modeler Frederik Bussels from Belgian design studio took pictures of a foot and turned these photos into a 3D model using Autodesk’s 123D Catch application (click here to learn how to turn photos into 3D models yourself).

He then shaped a 3D shoe model to wrap perfectly around the foot. Shoe design by Frederik Bussels Once the 3D shoe model was complete, the only thing left to do was print it. Printing perfect insoles: RSPrint This technology is not just a mere fantasy of the future, but it is actually currently in use by athletes. Sign In. One-word-young-designers-Plastics-6096747.

Gray Matters One word, young designers: Plasticity By Andrew Vrana, special to the Houston Chronicle February 25, 2015 Photo: Courtesy Emerging Objects Emerging Objects imagined "3D Printed House 1.0" for the Jin Hai Lake Resort Beijing. Though most visions for a 3D printed house demand a very large 3D printer, this one would use a large group of small ones to print building components -- 3D printed bricks and tiles -- using innovative materials such as salt and a cement polymer. Emerging Objects imagined "3D Printed House 1.0" for the Jin Hai... In the best-known line from The Graduate, an older businessman buttonholes the young counterculture hero, played by Dustin Hoffman, and offers him "one word" of career advice: "Plastics. " This Is What Math Equations Look Like in 3-D | Science. In this model of a mathematical surface, every aspect of every swoop, dip and pinch is encoded in a single equation.

That equation has a singularity where the plaster would be drawn infinitely thinly. In a concession to physics, the final gap is bridged by a tiny wire. UIUC Altgeld collection Knowledge of curves in the plane can be bootstrapped to build surfaces by first making metal arcs then connecting them with string. This model was constructed by Arnold Emch, the only major American model maker. By changing the parameters in the equation defining the Clebsch cubic (discussed below), you can morph the shape of the surface. This surface is the graph of the real part of a complex function (i.e., the square root of -1 is involved).

After a century of tension, many of this model's strings have frayed and snapped. A single equation cuts out the two separate pieces of this model. A glimmering curve is suspended at the center of this model, where two surfaces made of string intersect. The material-ability praxis of Manuel Kretzer. Articles The material-ability praxis of Manuel Kretzer Articles Hybrid Design Interviews Media Architecture Architect and Designer Manuel Kretzer is research assistant at the Chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design (CAAD), ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He coordinates the Postgraduate Master of Advanced Studies’ digital design and production modules and also conveys a doctoral research on soft and dynamic architecture with a particular focus on smart material performance. In 2012, Kretzer initiated the Materiability Research Network ( a non-profit educational community platform that promotes novel material developments in the form of open information and do-it-yourself tutorials.

In addition, Kretzer has published The Cone – Interactive architecture for Burning Man in 2008 and is currently working on a book entitled Alive – Advancements in Adaptive Architecture, which will be released in August 2014. Manuel Kretzer: Same as above.