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37 Ways to Use Twitter for Business. Business owners have a lot on their mind! They need to market the business, make sure customers are happy, ensure products and services are being produced and delivered on time and on budget, amongst dozens of other tasks. There are many things that may seem urgent and important, but these can distract you from doing those things that are not urgent but are important that can be lost in the noise and activity of the day to day “busy-ness”. So how do you set priorities and determine what is important for your focus and time? What is Important? The US President Eisenhower’s quote sums it up well. “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important” Stephen Covey the author of “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” developed and popularized this with a matrix that provides busy people with a framework and tool to prioritize their time. Image source: Sid Savara So How Can You Use Twitter for Business? Networking Research Marketing Personal Branding Customer Service.

Twellow. Elena_volkova Back on Twitter. Socialmedia Twitter Users. 9 Lessons From Successful Brands on Twitter. Dave Kerpen is the CEO of Likeable, a social media agency that has worked with more than 200 leading brands including, Verizon and Neutrogena. He is author of Likeable Social Media. Twitter Campaigns.