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How to Find a Wolf Sanctuary Near You and Meet Some Wild Wolves! Did you know that there are wolves living near you in almost every state in the country? Sadly most of these wolves are not living in the wild, but in wolf sanctuaries, which are conservation organizations set up to protect them and help grow their population enough to be re-introduced to the wild.

Wolves once inhabited most of North America, from coast to coast, but as humans spread across the states over the last century, these majestic, intelligent creatures (ancestors of “man’s best friend”) have become nearly extinct. Wolves have died out both due to habitat loss and also due to active human hunting and trapping. Today they can only be found in the wild in Canada, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Wyoming, whereas they once lived everywhere. Wolf sanctuaries are trying to help protect highly endangered wolves and reestablish populations in places where they once lived. Watch a video about my adventures howling with the wolves of the NYWCC here! + Subaru. Idaho. Azlancat : Susi the wolf is in danger... Suzi The Wolf Deserves Protection! 23 March 2013. Nabeki (@Howling4Justice) sur Twitter. Howl Across America.

May 26, 2011 I want to take the opportunity to once again thank Louise du Toit for creating this amazing song for Howl Across America. Howl Across America was launched in July 2011 to protest the brutal Idaho and Montana wolf hunts. We continue to demand the end of wolf hunts and wolf slaughter. Wolves in the Northern Rockies were stripped of their ESA protections in a travesty of justice when the US Senate passed a budget bill with a wolf delisting rider attached. On a dark day, in the Spring of 2011, wolves were delivered to their enemies on a silver platter.

We call on the USFWS, Ken Salazar, President Obama and Congress to right this wrong and relist gray wolves before state management silences their howls forever. Louise has been a stalwart supporter of wolves and this cause. August 12, 2011 Created by members of NIWA (Northern Idaho Wolf Alliance), Wolf Warriors, and Howling For Justice, HOWL ACROSS AMERICA is calling on all wolf advocates to speak up for the wolves in August 2011.

Wolf. The easiest way to control the wolf is to leave it alone, and kill the creatures it eats–because those are the creatures you will have to deal with if you kill off the wolf. Nature is not kind to the wolf; it goes hungry when not enough food is around. The simplest way to solve this is through restricting the reproduction of wolves, and tracking their movements. Wolves also roam–so a park need to be large enough to handle that or be landscaped to control the wolves movements–costly, but tourism might pay back big for such efforts. While the wolf is considered as game (allowed to be hunted and killed) there will always be a conflict in letting the wolves breed over numbers that are really needed in a area, commercial gains versus the conservation of the wolf.

Is there an alternative to hunting? Wolf conservation is a world wide issue. The idea of conserving wolves for hunting is not probably a good view to take. —End of Article— Like this: Like Loading...

Wolf Conservation

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