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HTML 5 Tutorials. Site Pal, a virtual person to make your site interesting! “What is SitePal?” SitePal is an easy-to-use service that allows you to create a speaking avatar for your website and empower your online communication. sourced from sitepal. A lot of people abuse this character and make then say and do things that are kitsch or just bad taste, but that is something the designers have to work with. These moving characters add a bling to your website that makes it stick out from the rest and conveys information in a way that can not be done with text. I can’t put my sitepal character here as I have a free wordpress acount, and this account would need a video recording of the sitepal character to upload here, but you can go to my site gharr and check it out (assuming the free sitepal account has not expired). Shortened link to this article: Site Pal, a virtual person to make your site interesting! Like this: Like Loading...

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Joomla. Joomla! CSS / HTML. HTML/XHTML. CSS. Debunking Myths from the Top 10 Converting Websites. Editor’s Note: We welcome Charles Nicholls as our newest contributor. He’s a conversion and analytics expert, and the founder and chief strategy officer of SeeWhy, a conversion and cart-abandonment-recovery firm. He’s also the author of “Lessons Learned from the Top Ten Converting Websites,” a study of the top-converting ecommerce sites. In the piece below, Nicholls lists the top converting ecommerce sites, and debunks myths surrounding what’s required to have a high-converting site. Ecommerce teams have an understandable fascination with the top ten converting websites. The Top Ten Here’s the list of the Top 10 converting websites, showing their rank, company name, industry sector and average six-month conversion rate.

Charles Nicholls My analysis is based on the SeeWhy study, which used the latest Nielsen data available, for the six months ending November 2009. (Un)Conventional Conversion. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) W3Schools Online Web Tutorials.