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Insight Into Post-ELD Fleet Management Procedures in Business Fleet. FleetUp’s FMCSA-certified instructor, retired state trooper and Department of Transportation (DOT) inspector, Samuel Mayfield, provided insight into what fleet managers can expect now that out-of-service criteria (OOS) associated with the ELD mandate is in full effect.

Insight Into Post-ELD Fleet Management Procedures in Business Fleet

His comments were featured in an article titled “ELD Compliance: What Now?” By Les Smart in Business Fleet Magazine. The article explores common questions regarding fleet management changes and expectations in the industry following the mandate including administrative tasks, training tips, and inspection procedures. Now that the ELD mandate is in full effect, fleet managers have the support they need to focus on improving business performance overall, from compliance to leveraging intelligent data for efficient and productive operations. Administrative and the Back-Office Duties Inspection Changes Mayfield described new inspection requirements, including providing ELD data upon request while on the road.

Managing Hours of Service Compliance - HOS Basic and Rules. Managing Hours of Service Basic Compliance Hours of Service (HOS) has always been a hot-topic in the trucking industry.

Managing Hours of Service Compliance - HOS Basic and Rules

However, with the advent of Compliance Safety Accountability (CSA), even more attention is being paid to this issue. How to Lower Insurance Premiums with ELD Compliance. Lower Your Insurance Premium with ELDs.

How to Lower Insurance Premiums with ELD Compliance

The FMCSA is considering raising the insurance minimums for the first time since the 1980s. For this very reason, fleets can’t afford to let poor recordkeeping compromise CSA scores which, in turn, increases insurance premium. ELDs can help a great deal with this issue. While ELDs will not prevent the premium increase from taking place they can certainly protect fleets from premium hikes by lowering the tendency of risky driving, logging errors, and violations. Here are a couple of ways how ELDs can reduce your insurance premium: Insurance premiums heavily rely on CSA scores. Leaders in the insurance industry have already suggested incorporating ELD data into the assessment process when determining an insurance premium. CSA scores are calculated by using the previous two years’ data which, in turn, contributes to the percentile rankings to fix the premium costs.

How Trucking Companies Can Streamline Fuel Costs? As you may know, the profit margins in the trucking industry are thin.

How Trucking Companies Can Streamline Fuel Costs?

Moreover, in times of economic downturn, the escalation and volatility of fuel cost only adds to the misery of trucking companies. Fuel cost is the second largest expenditure for these companies. As you may have guessed, reducing fuel consumption and maximizing fuel efficiency is one of the major objectives of all truck fleet operators. Although fuel costs are beyond the control of the industry, fleet managers can take several steps to streamline fuel costs: Speed Reduction.

ELD Buying Tips - What to Know Before Buying an ELD? ELD Mandate FAQ - ELD Regulation and What is NOT An Exception? Who does the ELD regulation apply to?

ELD Mandate FAQ - ELD Regulation and What is NOT An Exception?

The ELD regulation would apply to all CMV drivers, with a few exceptions: Current RODS Exceptions Drivers who keep RODS no more than 8 days during any 30-day period. These drivers may continue to relying on paper RODS.Short-haul Drivers 100 air-mile radius driver Drivers who work within a limited distance of the work reporting location and generally are released from duty within 12 hours from the beginning of the work day.Operators of property-carrying CMVs not requiring a CDL ** For drivers without CDL, it is uncertain that the drivers are an exception **Driveaway-Towaway Drivers Drivers who transport a vehicle for sale, lease, or repair, provided the vehicle driven is part of the shipment.Drivers of vehicles manufactured before model year 2000 As identified by the VIN of the CMV.

What is NOT an exception? What is not a CMV? Who does the ELD regulation apply to? The ELD regulation would apply to all CMV drivers, with a few exceptions: Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Compliance, Rules & Benefits. What is the electronic logging devices (ELD) compliance all about?

Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Compliance, Rules & Benefits

The ELD compliance is made to help make the work environment easier for all the drivers and faster to accurately track, manage, track and also share records of duty status data, which is also known as RODS. This rule applies to all buses and trucks. If you own a motor carrier business, you surely want to read this to know better about the ELD compliance. Remote Engine Shut Off - Preventing Vehicle From Theft. FleetUp ELD FAQs and Fleet Management System (FMS) FAQs. 7 Fleet Management Tools Every Fleet Manager Needs in 2020. A decade ago, most transportation professionals wouldn’t have known what the term “nuclear verdict” meant.

7 Fleet Management Tools Every Fleet Manager Needs in 2020

Today, the words send shivers down fleet managers’ spines. If you’re lucky enough to be unfamiliar with the term, a “nuclear verdict” is when a jury awards upward of ten million dollars to a lawsuit’s plaintiffs. While the average crash still costs employers far less than that – $16,500 if there’s no injury, $74,000 if there is – juries have started to award multi-million dollar settlements far more often than they used to. Since 2011, at least fifty verdicts have forced carriers to fork out ten million dollars or more. Unfortunately, today’s juries tend to distrust the trucking industry. That’s why putting a dashcam in every cab should be your fleet’s top priority. The best dashcams livestream everything and keep recordings of the moments before and after crashes happen. FMCSA's Hours of Service (HOS) Rules - 30 Minute Break Rule. To enhance safety and minimize accidents the FMCSA has introduced many Hours of Service (HOS) rules.

FMCSA's Hours of Service (HOS) Rules - 30 Minute Break Rule

One such rule is the 30-minute break rule which was introduced on December 27, 2011. The rule requires CMV drivers to take a compulsory 30-minutes break after 8 hours of continuous driving. Drivers should bear in mind that they don’t need to take a break after 8 hours if they are involved in other non-driving tasks within that period. These tasks include fueling, loading or unloading cargos, waiting time, etc. Real-Time Fleet Diagnostics with FleetUp/Navistar Partnership. Our new partnership with OnCommand Connection from Navistar offers real-time fleet diagnostics.

Real-Time Fleet Diagnostics with FleetUp/Navistar Partnership

What does that mean for you? What is your New Year’s resolution? Improve efficiency? Increase your bottom line? Our new partnership with OnCommand Connection from Navistar International Corporation – the first and only open architecture diagnostics system – can help you keep those resolutions. We know how important real-time insight into your vehicle performance can be when you’re constantly on the go. ELD Compliant: How to Be Sure Your ELD is Really Compliant. As full enforcement of the ELD Mandate is around the corner, the FMCSA has found malfunctioning and non-compliant devices, which means registered, self-certified devices could be removed from the FMCSA-approved list if the issues aren’t resolved.

ELD Compliant: How to Be Sure Your ELD is Really Compliant

How can you be sure your device is really compliant? The FMCSA recommends checking your device for these frequently reported issues prior to April 1: Erroneous Fields in ELD Output File The ELD rule lists the fields required in an ELD output file and the acceptable ranges for these values. Files missing required fields, or containing fields with invalid values, will not be accepted by the Web Service or eRODS, and therefore not viewable to the safety official.

ELD Violation Fines - ELD Penalty For Not Complying ELD Mandate. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) will now begin enforcing the ELD mandate requirements. Avoid ELD violation fines by complying with ELD and understand what should drivers, carriers and fleet managers expect to happen next? Over the last few months, the industry has been flooded with information about preparing for this day. Fleet and trucking media have written news ranging from what drivers must do to be in compliance to FMCSA exemptions to the ELD rule. We’ve also seen stories about drivers protesting the mandate (#ELDorMe). And manufacturers have been educating the industry on their ELD solutions. Myths of Bluetooth ELDs - Facts They Don't Want You To Know. If you have considered using a Bluetooth ELD to keep your fleet and drivers compliant with the FMCSA mandate, I urge you to reconsider.

Here are the myths of Bluetooth ELDs, and the facts they don’t want you to know: Myth #1: Bluetooth ELDs are reliable. Fact: If you’ve ever streamed music from your mobile device to a Bluetooth headset, you already know how unreliable the connection can be. The same is true with a Bluetooth ELD… except drivers will be found in violation when they lose connection. When a Bluetooth ELD loses its connection to the mobile app, the ELD keeps sending data, but the data goes nowhere. Myth #2: Bluetooth ELDs are easy to setup. Fact: Easy setup is just the perception. ELD Mandate Myths - Part III - All You Need to Know in Conclusion. Join our webinar series as FMCSA-certified instructor Samuel Mayfield answers YOUR questions regarding the ELD mandate and regulations. Everyone wants to know, “Am I exempt from the ELD Mandate?”.

Here is a set of commonly asked questions: “If the body of the truck is 2000 or newer, and the engine 1999, will it still be exempt?” “Does a 2012 Glider truck with a 1999 model year engine have exemption from the ELOG?” “Do older trucks need an ELD?” “I have a Freightliner Coronado 2016 with Detoit D60 1997, do I need an ELD?” These question allow us to put together myth #4. #4.

True and False. ELD Short-Haul Exemption Explained - 100 or 150 Air Mile Radius. What is the 100 Air-Mile or 150 Air-Mile radius referring to? If your operations meet the Short-Haul Exemption, your fleet is exempt from the ELD Mandate. – Operate within a 100 air-mile radius (for CDL drivers) or – Must go off duty within 12 hours – Keep time cards – Return to the same work reporting location (this can vary across your drivers) – Operate within a 150 air-mile radius (for non-CDL drivers) – Does not drive through a state that requires a CDL for the vehicle they drive – Keep time cards – Return to the same work reporting location (this can vary across your drivers) Many of our customers have asked, how do I calculate air-miles?

1. You are now looking at a 100 or 150 air-mile radius around your normal work reporting the location. If you go outside of this radius, you must use a paper log. Florida’s ELD Mandate Extension - Get Prepared Now! It’s finally happening. The ELD mandate, mentioned in the 2012 Congress bill ‘Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century’, will be implemented in December this year. However, Florida has been granted a one-year extension, meaning Florida’s drivers will have until December 2018 to comply with the mandate. The ELD mandate had sprouted some controversies previously, but its effectiveness and viability laid them to rest.

What Is The ELD Mandate? The idea of the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) was proposed so that the truck drivers could electronically log in and record their total work hours. Full Fleet Management System Benefits - More Than Compliance. Dot 16 Hour Rule - Short-Haul Exception Benefits and Exemption. Fleet Management API - FleetUp API For 3rd Party Development. IFTA Compliance With Automated Fleet Tracking Software. DVIR Compliance With Fleet Management Software Solution. Fleet Vehicle Trip History - Fleet Tracking Platform. FleetUp Cloud - Save and Track Fleet Management Data Online. Manage Driver and Employee With Fleet Management Software. Fleet Management Products - Software and Solutions - FleetUp. Fleet Management Solution SAAS - Software As A Service. Ruggedized Tablet For Fleet and Workforce Management. Fleet Performance Platform - Fleet Management and Monitoring. The FleetUp Experience - FREE Trial of Fleet Management Tool.

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Menu. Vehicle Fleet Management System For Service Industry - FleetUp. FMCSA's Hours of Service (HOS) Rules - 30 Minute Break Rule. Menu. ELD Compliance - FMCSA Approved Electronic Logging Device. Top Fleet Telematics Company - Best Fleet Management System. Founded in 2013 and based in the heart of Silicon Valley, FleetUp offers a patented, FMCSA-compliant suite of integrated telematics and GPS applications.

FleetUp applies big data technologies to fleet management with a patented solution that enables companies to maximize profitability, improve driver safety, and comply with current and upcoming regulations more effectively. The FleetUp Fleet Management System is the most comprehensive fleet management system available today, offering service and distribution companies unprecedented insight into their operations, empowering them with actionable data to optimize the efforts of drivers, allowing for maximum revenue while reducing operating costs.

FleetUp Trace - Complete HOS Solutions For Commercial Drivers. Real-Time Fleet Diagnostics with FleetUp/Navistar Partnership. Menu. Vehicle Fleet Management System For Construction Industry. Free Fleet Management Software Demo - Fleet Management System. FAQs - FleetUp Fleet Management, GPS, ELD Devices Tracking & IFTA. Myths of Bluetooth ELDs - Facts They Don't Want You To Know. FleetUp Trace - Complete HOS Solutions For Commercial Drivers. ELD Short-Haul Exemption Explained - 100 or 150 Air Mile Radius. Menu. Dot 16 Hour Rule - Short-Haul Exception Benefits and Exemption. ELD Violation Fines - ELD Penalty For Not Complying ELD Mandate. Dot 16 Hour Rule - Short-Haul Exception Benefits and Exemption. Top Fleet Telematics Company - Best Fleet Management System. Fleet MaaS - All In One Moblity As A Service Platform Solution. Fuel Cost Saving - Fleet Fuel Efficiency Software - FleetUp. ELD Compliance - FMCSA Approved Electronic Logging Device.

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