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Facebook Twitter Custom Paging in GridView Control | Me.Thoughts.ToString() I searched the entire web looking for tutorials about custom paging in GridView control in ASP.Net 2.0. Since GridView is relatively new to ASP.Net, most of my search returned custom paging using DataGrid Control. To help others who have the same problem as I encountered today, here is the tutorial regarding custom paging in GridView. I hope you’ll have a great time reading my article as I have writing it. While DataGrid requires additional coding for it’s paging, GridView control automatically supports paging by setting the PagerSettings property. This allows you to customize the appearance of the pager the the GridView automatically generates for you. You can set the mode of your PagerSetting to the following custom made selections NextPrevious – This will render a “Next Previous” Pager on your control.

NextPreviousFirstLast – A set of pagination controls consisting of Previous, Next, First, and Last buttons. Numeric – Sets your pagination to a 1 2 3 4 5 …. 1. 2. 3. Page 4. If (ddlPages ! Resultados de búsqueda para Hola! Uno de los primeros trabajos que tuve que hacer fue implementar la seguridad en un sitio Web.En la universidad sólo había aprendido a manejar membresías, roles y demás sólo por código, lo que lleva cierto tiempo. Pero Visual Studio 2008 nos proporciona herramientas fantásticas para poder realizar un sitio completamente seguro, con autenticación y autorización sin practicamente tocar código. Usaremos controles de Login y el Site Administration Tool.

Primeramente debemos crear una página de Login. Alli insertaremos un LoginView.Como verán este control posee dos vistas: una para el usuario anónimo y otra para el usuario autenticado.En la vista del usuario anónimo insertaremos un control de Login, que hace nada más (ni nada menos) que pedir al usuario sus credenciales.Ahora cambiaremos a la vista de usuario autenticado e insertaremos algún mensaje de bienvenida. En este ejemplo, yo agrego las carpetas Administradores y la carpeta Usuarios. El paso 1 es sólo una bienvenida a la herramienta. Getting Started with jQuery in Visual Studio 2008 - Guy Burstein. In this post I’ll talk about adding jQuery IntellSense in Visual Studio 2008, and how to add jQuery to a simple Web Application inside Visual Studio 2008. jQuery IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2008 - KB946581 In order to use jQuery in Visual Studio 2008 with IntelliSence a hotfix for Visual Studio 2008 must be installed: Download the hotfix from Connect Run the executable and extract its contents to a folder in your hard drive.

Make sure all instances of Visual Studio 2008 are closed, and run VS90-KB946581.exe from the above folder. Download the Latest jQuery Library + Documentation To use jQuery in Visual Studio 2008, and enjoy its IntelliSense, you should download 2 javascript files. One contains the actual jQuery library, and the second contains the library with documentation for Visual Studio 2008 to display its IntelliSense.

Go to jQuery Official Download Page Scroll down and find the Current Release section. Using jQuery in a Visual Studio 2008 Web Application Summary. jQuery with ASP.NET. ASP.NET Silverlight Server Control. [Note: This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.] The ASP.NET Silverlight server control lets you provide a Rich Internet Application (RIA) experience with your Web application, beyond what can be done with AJAX and DHTML alone.

This control is an instance of the Silverlight class. By using this control, you can integrate XAML and any supporting code (a managed-code assembly, a managed dynamic-language script module, or client JavaScript libraries) into your Web site. You can use managed code to handle interaction with the Silverlight server control (a Silverlight 3 Beta scenario) by using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 or Microsoft Expression Blend 2 SP1 to create a Silverlight application project that is compiled as a .xap package. Alternatively, you can use JavaScript to create a JavaScript type to handle the interaction (supported in Silverlight 1.0 and Silverlight 3 Beta). Reference Silverlight. Walkthrough: Integrating XAML into an ASP.NET Web Site Using Managed Code - ASP.NET and Web Tools Developer Content Team.

ASP.NET Controls for Silverlight – Documentation - ASP.NET and Web Tools Developer Content Team. Extreme ASP.NET: Encapsulate Silverlight with ASP.NET Controls. Extreme ASP.NET Encapsulate Silverlight with ASP.NET Controls Fritz Onion Code download available at:ExtremeASPNET2008_01.exe(700 KB) Many ASP.NET developers around the world are wondering how and where they should incorporate SilverlightTM into their applications. The answer isn't obvious because there is a wide range of approaches you can take. You can make your entire page a Silverlight control and do everything there or, the more likely approach, you can identify portions of your pages that would benefit from Silverlight and integrate rich UI elements where they add the most benefit, leaving the underlying application structure the same.

The latter approach is sometimes referred to as "adding islands of richness" to your pages. In this month's column, I'm going to explore techniques for building custom server controls that encapsulate Silverlight content. Using Silverlight The first step is to write a XAML file to be rendered by Silverlight. Figure 3 Control Displaying a Green Sphere. How to Create Silverlight Application in Visual Studio 2010 - Dinesh's Blog. In the previous article I attempted to explain What Silverlight is and how it is being used more and more to develop business applications. In this article I will demonstrate how to create a simple Silverlight application using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Create New Silver light Application with Visual Studio: Start Visual Studio 2010 and choose File > New > Project… Select Silverlight from the Project type’s tree, and Silverlight Application from the Templates list.

Give your application a name and click OK. A dialog will appear asking if you want to host the application in a new web site. Once you click OK button you should see the full IDE environment for Silverlight You see following files are added in Silverlight project App.xaml MainPage.xaml What is App.xaml App.xaml file is the loader of your Silverlight Application. 3. x:Class="GettingStarted.App" 5. 7. 8. Application_Startup event is the root of your application. 2. 3.End Sub What is MainPage.xaml 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 17.

Using Silverlight Controls in ASP.NET. Latest Microsoft RIA platform, Silverlight is amazing. The Silverlight 2 Software Development Kit (SDK) Beta 2 includes two ASP.NET server controls. MediaPlayer controlThe ASP.NET MediaPlayer control lets you integrate media sources such as audio (WMA) and video (WMV) into a Web site, without requiring any knowledge of XAML or JavaScript Silverlight control.

The ASP.NET Silverlight control enables you to integrate XAML and any supporting code (a managed-code assembly, a managed dynamic-language script module, or client JavaScript libraries) into a Web site. Unlike the MediaPlayer server control, the Silverlight server control is generic and is not designed only to manage media files but other files as well. These controls are designed to seamlessly integrate with the Silverlight client plug-in to deliver Rich Internet Applications (RIA).

Prerequisites: 1. 2. 3. Let's start step by step. Open Visual Studio 2008- File->New->Project->Silverlight Application The solution will look like below. Orchard Project - Home Page. AJAX Control Toolkit. ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Welcome to the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. Choose from any of the samples on the left to see the live controls in action, and experiment with their different possibilities.

What is the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit? The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is an open-source project built on top of the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX framework. It is a joint effort between Microsoft and the ASP.NET AJAX community that provides a powerful infrastructure to write reusable, customizable and extensible ASP.NET AJAX extenders and controls, as well as a rich array of controls that can be used out of the box to create an interactive Web experience. The AJAX Control Toolkit contains more than 30 controls that enable you to easily create rich, interactive web pages. To get started, and to install the Ajax Control Toolkit, visit the AJAX Control Toolkit Project Page on CodePlex.

Gaiaware - Gaia Ajax for ASP.NET. Pluralsight On-Demand! Player. Colabora.NET: Guia Basica Visual Web Developer Express - Master Pages. Hola a todos, nuevamente! Esta es la segunda entrega. Disculpen por la demora de la entrega taba esperando sus mails, para publicar esta entrega. De todas maneras lo iba a publicar pero si mandan sus mails el proceso se acelera, como que quiere decir que leen la Guía :D,.... Cortando un poco el rollo, vamos a nuestro tema de esta entrega Master Pages. Como se puede apreciar la gran diferencia con una aspx, es la directiva Master, pero los atributos Language, CodeFile, etc, son los mismos.

Este control marca que esta parte será la zona configurable en las paginas que usen el Master Page, es decir todo lo que este fuera de este control, no se podra cambiar. La desventja de esto es que solo hay soporte en la vista Source, solo aca podemos editar.