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Cómo crear por programa una base de datos de SQL Server utilizando ADO.NET y Visual C# .NET. This step-by-step article shows you how to create a Microsoft SQL Server database by using ADO.NET and Visual C# .NET because programmers often need to create Databases programmatically. Steps to Create a SQL Server Database To create the database, follow these steps: Create a new Visual C# .NET Windows application.Place a button on Form1. Change the button's Name property to btnCreateDatabase, and then change the Text property to Create Database.Use the using statement on the System and System.Data namespaces so that you do not have to qualify declarations in those namespaces later in your code.

Add the following code to the General Declarations section of Form1:using System; using System.Data.SqlClient; Switch to Form view, and then double-click Create Database to add the click event handler. - The SQL Server blog spot on the web. What are the main differences between Access and SQL Server? Access Topics. Cómo: Recuperar el valor de identidad al insertar registros en la base de datos de Access utilizando Visual Basic .NET. This step-by-step article discusses how to retrieve the identity column value from an Access database. Retrieving the Identity value from a Jet database is different from that of SQL Server, because a Jet database does not support multi-statement batch commands.

The Jet OLE DB version 4.0 provider supports the SELECT @@Identity query that allows you to retrieve the value of the auto-increment field that is generated on your connection. To run the SELECT @@Identity query, it is recommended that you use another OleDbCommand object. This article describes how to use a second OleDbCommand to retrieve the Identity column value. Note: This feature works only with Microsoft Jet OLEDB 4.0 databases. The earlier versions of Microsoft Jet OLEDB do not support this feature. Connect to the Access Database Trap the Identity Column Value The trap the identity column value, follow these steps: Complete Code Listing ( ) Office Online: Help and How-to: Access specifications. Custom Paging in ASP.NET 2.0 with SQL Server 2005.

By Scott Mitchell Introduction A common pattern in web development is providing paged access to data. Rather than displaying the entire contents of a report or database table to an end user, developers often show only a subset of records per web page, with controls for moving from page to page. With ASP.NET 1.x, the DataGrid made paging incredibly simple - just set the AllowPaging property to True and add a few lines of code in the PageIndexChanged event handler and you were done! Of course nothing is free in life, and the tradeoff you make with the ease of checking a checkbox to enable paging (or, in the DataGrid's case, writing a couple lines of code) is performance. The alternative to default paging is custom paging, in which you are tasked with writing code that intelligently grabs the correct subset of data.

Read on to learn more! Default Paging vs. The GridView in 2.0 (and the DataGrid in 1.x) offers two paging models: default paging and custom paging. Would return results like: Microsoft Access - Bases de datos. Microsoft Access es un sistema gestor de bases de datos relacionales (SGBD). Una base de datos suele definirse como un conjunto de información organizada sistemáticamente. En la terminología propia de las bases de datos hay tres conceptos claves dentro de las tablas: campo, registro y dato. Un campo es cada uno de los tipos de datos que se van a usar. Se hace referencia a los campos por su nombre. Un registro está formado por el conjunto de información en particular. Ejemplo : Elementos de Access Tablas Las tablas con el componente básico o elemental de las bases de datos. Consultas Las consultas son preguntas que un usuario hace a la base de datos. Formularios Los formularios son un mecanismo que facilita enormemente la operatoria general con tablas, principalmente a la hora de mostrar, introducir y modificar datos.

Informes Los informes permiten presentar la información con una apariencia altamente profesional a la hora de imprimir nuestros datos. Páginas de acceso a datos Macros Módulos.