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Check Usernames - Social Media Username Availability. Comparing Switzerland to Bulgaria. The GINI index measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of family income.

Comparing Switzerland to Bulgaria.

In Bulgaria is 29.80 while in Switzerland it is 33.70. This index measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of family income in a country. The index is calculated from the Lorenz curve, in which cumulative family income is plotted against the number of families arranged from the poorest to the richest. The index is the ratio of (a) the area between a country's Lorenz curve and the 45 degree helping line to (b) the entire triangular area under the 45 degree line. The more nearly equal a country's income distribution, the closer its Lorenz curve to the 45 degree line and the lower its Gini index, e.g., a Scandinavian country with an index of 25. Guess Someone's Astrological Sign. Favorite This Article Edit Article Edited by David J, Brett, Vivek Kumar Rohra, Jack Herrick and 76 others Has anyone ever guessed your astrological sign?

Guess Someone's Astrological Sign

The Finger Test to Check the Doneness of Meat. Print Photography Credit: Elise Bauer There are two basic methods to test for how done your meat is while you are cooking it—use a meat thermometer, or press on the meat with your fingertips.

The Finger Test to Check the Doneness of Meat

The problem with the meat thermometer approach is that when you poke a hole into the meat with a thermometer, it can let juices escape, juices that you would rather have stay in the meat. For this reason, most experienced cooks rely on a “finger test” method, especially on steaks (whole roasts are better tested with a thermometer). First did you knows. 100 Websites You Should Know and Use. Entertainment Meet David Peterson, who developed Dothraki for Game of Thrones.

100 Websites You Should Know and Use

Ten Ways to Find Free Textbooks Online. Going to university is expensive, and textbooks can make the bill go even higher.

Ten Ways to Find Free Textbooks Online

However, you don't have to break the bank to finance a good education; there are plenty of places on the Web where you can find and download free online books for nearly any class available. Here are ten sources on the Web you can use to find free content for many college classes, all freely available to either download and print offline or view online in your browser.

25 clever ideas to make life easier. Via: Why didn’t I think of that?!

25 clever ideas to make life easier

Reddit-chart-illusion-choice.png (Image PNG, 960x568 pixels) iTools - use the best tools. FBI. The FBI’s Reading Room contains many files of public interest and historical value.


In compliance with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requirements, some of these records are no longer in the physical possession of the FBI, eliminating the FBI’s capability to re-review and/or re-process this material. Please note, that the information found in these files may no longer reflect the current beliefs, positions, opinions, or policies currently held by the FBI. The image quality contained within this site is subject to the condition of the original documents and original scanning efforts. These older files may contain processing procedures that are not compliant with current FOIA processing standards. All recently scanned images posted to the Reading Room adhere to the NARA 300 DPI standard. Which step did you take today? Capitals of Every Country. How to Quit Facebook: 10 steps. Edit Article Reflect on Your Facebook UseTake Action Edited by Nathaniel Wingfield, Tom Viren, Krystle, Jack Herrick and 99 others Maybe you got on Facebook just to stay in touch with old friends -- or to remember the birthdays of your new friends.

How to Quit Facebook: 10 steps

Maybe you were just bored. But now, you're finding it difficult to spend an hour of your waking life without checking or thinking about Facebook. Ad Steps. 8 hair care treatments you can make yourself. Eggs, yogurt and honey are, at first glance, all components of a tasty breakfast — but they also happen to be hair treatment ingredients, and affordable, all-natural ones at that.

8 hair care treatments you can make yourself

And they're not the only ones. Did you know, for instance, that the oils in avocados more closely resemble our own skin's oils than any product in the beauty aisle does? Or that the mild acidity in lemon is an effective — and gentler — alternative to chemical-laden products? Next time your locks need a lift, save money by using one of these kitchen fixes. For all hair types "The [raw] egg is really the best of all worlds," says Janice Cox, author of "Natural Beauty at Home". To use: For normal hair, use the entire egg to condition hair; use egg whites only to treat oily hair; use egg yolks only to moisturize dry, brittle hair, Cox says. For dull hair To Use: Massage 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt into damp hair and let sit for 20 minutes.

For itchy scalp For limp or fine hair For dry or sun-damaged hair. SOPA Emergency IP list: Alcohol Does Not Kill Brain Cells. Myth: Alcohol kills brain cells.

Alcohol Does Not Kill Brain Cells

Now, to qualify that title, pure alcohol will absolutely kill brain cells and many other types of cells, which is why it is used as a disinfectant. However, recent research has shown that the quantity of alcohol you could possibly take in, without killing yourself, does not introduce enough alcohol into your bloodstream to kill brain cells. This was proven by a study by Grethe Jensen and co. (1993), who meticulously counted neurons in matched samples of non-alcoholics and alcoholics.