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Autocomplete. Yql. 55 Best Ways To Track Your Website Daily Traffic | Tools | insta. Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. Historically, web analytics has referred to on-site visitor measurement. However in recent years this has blurred, mainly because vendors are producing tools that span both categories. It’s not a easy job to find a best, or i must say the perfect analytic tool for your website. However, there are quite a few resources around the web.

You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. Best Ways To Track Your Website Daily Traffic 01. Woopra is the world’s most comprehensive, information rich, easy to use, real-time Web tracking and analysis application. 02. 03. 04. 05.

Yahoo! 06. Clicky is a real time web analytics service. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. etracker 16. Passing parameters to Flash using Javascript > Tutorials &gt. Want to build something that responds to user input or a custom URL? This tutorial will show you how to use Javascript to pick up parameters sent to a SWF file using only Javascript. Ever wanted to create a menu that remembers what item you pressed? By reading parameters passed in the URL, your Flash file can display this dynamic content or respond to user input. You can use this technique to create things like navigation, slideshows, SWF files with configurable text and much more.

Another nice part of this trick is that it gives you full back-button support on all browsers. Prerequisites This tutorial requires some basic knowledge of Actionscript, Javascript and HTML, but most should be able to follow it. Setting up SwfObject SwfObject 2 is by far the most elegant solution for detecting if a user has Flash installed. Unpack the ZIP archive and copy the file swfobject.js to your webserver. Setting up the HTML file The HTML file contains two javascripts. 01. 04. var strReturn = ""; 13. break;

Charts. JqPlot requires jQuery (1.4+ required for certain features). jQuery 1.4.2 is included in the distribution. To use jqPlot include jQuery, the jqPlot jQuery plugin, the jqPlot css file and optionally the excanvas script for IE support in your web page: jqPlot can be customized by overriding the defaults of any of the objects which make up the plot. The general usage of jqplot is: chart = $.jqplot('targetElemId', [dataArray,...], {optionsObject}); The options available to jqplot are detailed in jqPlot Options in the jqPlotOptions.txt file. An actual call to $.jqplot() may look like the examples below: