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AR, VR will generate $150 billion in the next five years. Despite the failure of Google Glass to evolve into a mainstream consumer gadget, upcoming augmented reality devices like Microsoft’s HoloLens, which combines virtual objects with the real world through high-tech glasses, are forecast to become a $120 billion business by 2020 according to a new report from Digi-Capital.

AR, VR will generate $150 billion in the next five years

That’s four times more than the $30 billion business virtual reality will generate in the same five year span. Tim Merel, managing director of Digi-Capital, believes augmented reality technology like HoloLens, Magic Leap (which is backed by Google, Legendary Entertainment, and venture capital) and Meta is driving this sector into the mainstream.

The good news for investors is that Merel believes both the AR and VR markets will become mainstream by 2020, even if he sees more opportunities for AR with a larger audience. In today’s $88.4 billion global video game landscape, the PC, console, and mobile industries all thrive. Tapping Generation Z. LONDON, United Kingdom — Recent years have been tough for traditional teen retailers.

Tapping Generation Z

Abercrombie & Fitch, Aéropostale and American Eagle — once sought-after brands among high-school kids in the US — have seen their popularity and profits plummet. Since 2010, Abercrombie & Fitch has closed more than 275 stores, while Aéropostale shuttered over 120 stores in 2014 alone. Startup supremo wants to find out if a universal basic income will boost your creativity. A British police force is the use of trialling DJI drones to identify cannabis farms, locate on-the-run suspects and combat antisocial behaviour in a bid to save money.

Startup supremo wants to find out if a universal basic income will boost your creativity

Warwickshire Police, which operates in the West Midlands region of England, started a trial of the equipment – including a DJI Inspire 1, a DJI Phantom 3 Advanced and a FLIR Vue thermal imaging camera – last week. The trial, which will last for six months, involves the equipment being carried in a Warwickshire Police Operational Patrol Unit – a police car – with fully trained staff available to immediately put it into use 24 hours a day.

How Fast Food Packaging Influenced Mobile Virtual Reality. One year ago, my two oldest Berlin friends, Tom Kubischik and Nayden Naydenov contacted me.

How Fast Food Packaging Influenced Mobile Virtual Reality

Nayden had claimed to make Virtual Reality possible on smartphones. Tom and Nayden both work in the gaming industry, Tom as a large-scale project-manager for “Morgen Studios” and Nayden as a genius developer. In the 90s I was working in the VR department of the Fraunhofer Institute IPK in Berlin. One of the biggest problems in Virtual Realty in those days was the huge and expensive setup you needed to show your work. I think this was the reason Virtual Reality never had the Impact it could have had in its early years. Virtual Reality. Unlike augmented reality, virtual reality (VR) is a simulated environment based on fictitious or real world locations.

Virtual Reality

Furthermore, virtual reality can allow users to have a virtual presence in simulated environments. VR requires specialized hardware at a high cost for its head-mounted display and head tracking. Will Virtual Reality Appeal to Kids and Teens. Recently Touchstone Research completed a study with kids and teens about virtual reality (VR) through their youth and family consumer research panel.

Will Virtual Reality Appeal to Kids and Teens

The study, called ‘The New Reality of Virtual Reality and the Potential with Youth’, looked at how the impact of VR and the marketing behind it has impacted kids and teens. In an online survey of 500 US kids, between the ages of 10-17, drawn from across the country to represent a wide diversity, the research study want to know what they thought of VR currently. The kids were first asked about VR technology and then exposed to the current state of VR through images, videos, and text and then asked their opinions. The results show how kids and teens today are much more technologically aware than previous generations and show a keen interest in VR and its possible uses as the technology progresses. The infographic below summarises the results. Meet the Consumers That Will Make or Break Virtual Reality Next Year. In Greenlight VR’s last article for Singularity Hub we broke down the virtual reality landscape, including company growth, investment, and geographical trends.

Meet the Consumers That Will Make or Break Virtual Reality Next Year

In this installment, we’ll look at the consumer market. As big players like Oculus, Sony, and HTC unveil consoles to the masses in 2016, it’s valuable to understand the consumers that will make or break the industry. Greenlight VR recently conducted a national 2,000-consumer study in the US with Touchstone Research to gauge affinity for VR consoles, shed light on realistic price-point thresholds, and most importantly, assess what VR content consumers want. The Year Virtual Reality Becomes a Consumer Reality.

2016 is going to be a very big year for Virtual Reality (VR).

The Year Virtual Reality Becomes a Consumer Reality

Why now? Because there are hundreds of companies betting big on the consumer VR market since all signs point to excitement. Consumers are excited because the technologies are becoming “affordable” and the content is finally starting to be “good.” In the next 12 months, there will be an explosion of new and improved technologies and content that people want to consume. MeadWestvaco study reveals effects of product packaging on buying behaviour. Mumbai | | February 28, 2014 The study intended to gauge the impact of packaging on consumer purchasing behaviour, brand loyalty and overall product satisfaction.

MeadWestvaco study reveals effects of product packaging on buying behaviour

Packaging. How To Make Your Product Packaging Stand Out Essentially, the packaging you sell your product in serves as an advertisement.


From the material of the package to the design of your product label, it’s crucial to carefully consider these decisions in order to best attract consumers, sell your product and represent your brand. Packaging influences in-store and online purchasing. Fun and Functional Packaging Add-Ons. Major retail chains now call their customers “guests.” They want to be shopping destinations that cater to every need and delight guests with new experiences. The goal is to build up expectations so that shoppers return out of habit. The challenge, of course, is to meet or exceed expectations on every visit. Offering extra value on various items throughout the store is one way to keep shoppers excited. Augmented and Virtual Reality Devices to Become a $4 Billion-Plus Business in Three Years.

You are here: Home / Press / Company News / Augmented and Virtual Reality Devices to Become a $4 Billion-Plus Business in Three Years CCS Insight Releases First Forecast of These Rising Technologies More than 24 million devices will be sold in 2018 Analyst forecasts claim virtual reality could be one of the most disruptive technologies for a decade Virtual reality has the potential to be one of the most disruptive technologies for a decade, according to industry analyst firm CCS Insight. Its new forecast for augmented reality and virtual reality devices signals the market is at a tipping point for both technologies. Will v-commerce replace e-commerce? – More than a third of consumers say they would shop for more products online if they were able to try them virtually using headsets, and 63 percent say they expect virtual reality to impact their shopping experiences in the future, says the Reinventing Retail 2015 Report.

Virtual reality or augmented reality market is set to grow further, with previous projection by Digi-Capital saying the market could reach only $150 billion by 2020. Commerce itself has been moving along waves of technological revolution like Internet and mobile phones and thus it is likely that v-commerce will be the next wave of e-commerce, Sam Sisakhti founder and CEO of UsTrendy told Hypergrid Business.

Sam Sisakhti “There is a strong possibility that v-commerce can be the next step in the evolutionary change of commerce,” said Sisakhti. “In all likelihood I think that v-commerce will actually compliment e-commerce by providing an even better virtual shopping experience.” Haptic Retail: The Next Generation of Online Shopping? When talking about retail, we’re often left wondering, what’s next? What are some of the technologies that will revolutionize the retail industry going forward?

Often, it’s easiest to refer to the things we see in the media, from 3-D printing, the rise of mobile commerce, process streamlining, automated decision making and other digital retail technologies associated with the merger of the physical and digital worlds. However, what technologies go beyond what we see developing in the news? The reality is that no one really knows. VR Headset Sales Forecasts and Market Penetration 2014 – 2018.

Building on our experience in producing market forecasts for the virtual world/MMO sector since 2006, in January 2014 we published the first ever market sizing forecast for the consumer virtual reality market. This forecast has now been updated and expanded to reflect the growing VR marketplace and the emergence of input devices to accompany HMDs. Our full (and free) updated VR market sizing report can be ordered here. We’ll be diving into our findings in a series of articles, starting with addressable markets, HMD and input system penetration rates, available devices and overall unit sales forecasts for 2014 – 2018. Addressable Markets and Penetration Rates The starting point for our VR market sizing is the total global addressable market. A Retail Revolution: The Digital Generation Is Changing the Way We Work, Live, Play, Learn, and Shop.

A Timeline of Fashion’s Early Experiments With Virtual Reality. Rebecca Minkoff Takes Fashion Tech To The Next Level With Virtual Reality Headsets. Trillenium turns e-commerce into “immersive commerce” For eCommerce, Virtual Reality Could Be Here. Explore Famous Converse Sneakers in Virtual Reality. Kellogg's gives young cereal eaters a face full of action with virtual reality headset—UPDATED. The VR race: What you need to know about Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and more: The VR race: Samsung, Google and Razer.

Virtual Reality Cardboard Market 2015-2019 - Industry Analysis. Microsoft hackathon teases Google Cardboard competitor to enter VR arms race. Beyond Gaming: 10 Other Fascinating Uses for Virtual-Reality Tech. Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Cereal Now Comes With A Cardboard VR Viewer For Consumers In New Zealand. 75% of top brands have VR projects – 9 industries using virtual reality. Quickly build beautiful moodboards and easily share the results. Artist Blends Augmented Reality With Real-World Scenarios For Kickstarted Video Series. Five promising trends for the future of food packaging. Exploring marketing trends and packaging innovation - Graphic Arts Magazine.

Holition: face-tracking technology for makeup shopping. Microsoft HoloLens augmented reality headset lets doctors get under patient’s skin. What is Augmented Reality? The Rise of Augmented Reality. Is augmented reality the future of packaging? - Packaging Gateway. Getting personal: how much further can the trend go? Close up – the future of personalised packaging with Benjamin Punchard - Packaging Gateway. New Technology. KEIICHI MATSUDA.

Keiichi Matsuda: Augmented Hyper-Reality. Buy Google Cardboard 2.0 made in Germany. Behance. The 10 things you need to know about augmented reality. Interactive product installation in Dreamoc - with a smart phone or a webbrowser. DIY: Build your own Google Cardboard VR viewer. Touch and go. 3D Augmented Reality using a smartphone & a cardboard box. Packaging trends for 2016 – Sustainability, flexibility and barrier films. Behance. Qubic Store Packaging on Behance. GTS Packaging Solutions. NEW Augmented Reality as part of Tyler's design process. How augmented reality will impact packaging.