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Linked Data Microframework: Linked Ratpack. The other day I ran across some of the Sinatra inspired web microframeworks available in various languages, including Ratpack for Groovy.

Linked Data Microframework: Linked Ratpack

Given RDF builder DSL in Groovy Sparql, I thought it would be a nice thought expertiment to create a microframework for linked data and RDF. After an afternoon of coding and testing, the results look quite promising. So here it is - Linked Ratpack, a microframework for Linked Data. Linked RP works the same way Ratpack does - you provide a single Domain Specific Language (DSL) script where you write your methods to perform some function on a URL, and it weaves those in to a Jetty container.

In this case, I've added some capabilities to Ratpack to work with linked data: You can now browse to the following URLs: localhost:4999/localhost:4999/timlocalhost:4999/groovy Note: since Jena models being returned by those functions get automatically serialized back out - if you want to do serialization inline - return null Enjoy!


Traitement Automatique de la Langue. Web Semantic. La recherche Full Text avec Solr. Apache Lucene est un moteur d'indexation de texte permettant d'effectuer des recherches en langage naturel à l'aide de diverses manipulations automatiques du texte.

La recherche Full Text avec Solr

Le texte indexé est enregistré sous de multiples représentations, de même pour le texte recherché, et les résultats de recherche sont déterminés suite à la comparaison de ces variantes. Apache Solr étend le principe de Lucene en facilitant l'administration (interface RESTful) et en ajoutant des fonctionnalités : filtres de recherche, manipulation des résultats, etc. Dans ce tutoriel, vous apprendrez à mettre en place un serveur Tomcat avec plusieurs schémas Solr. Cet article est destiné aux programmeurs ayant déjà mis en place au moins un moteur de recherche sur un site ou dans une application. Si vous n'avez encore jamais mis en place de moteur de recherche ou si vous n'avez remarqué aucun problème en les utilisant, vous risquez de ne pas comprendre certaines subtilités, voire même l'intérêt d'utiliser Solr. 10 commentaires.

Text Analysis API. Saplo API gives you the possibility to build applications upon our text analysis technology platform.

Text Analysis API

Take a look at our Text Analysis API documentation. Through the API you gain access to: Through Saplo API it's possible to automatically extract entities found in text. This service can automatically define the meaning of words and identify each tag as a company, person or location. Support is implemented for English and Swedish texts though new languages can be added on demand. Inspiration & Ideas: Create theme sites. With Saplo API it is possible to identify how articles are semantically related to each other. Cross link entire websites. Saplo context API gives you the possibility to define personalized textual contexts that are possible to match against any type of text. Firstly, create a context by defining texts that are typically descriptive for the context you aim at creating.

Automatic Classification and Taxonomy Generation. IDOL's classification solutions remove the time-consuming reliance on manual intervention required by traditional methods and overcomes issues caused by the exponential growth of unstructured data through its ability to automatically, consistently and accurately classify data.

Automatic Classification and Taxonomy Generation

IDOL provides a wide range of highly automated and scalable classification solutions. Automatic Categorization and Channels By understanding the information in your enterprise, IDOL automatically generates taxonomies and instantly organizes the data into a familiar child/parent taxonomical structure. IDOL automatically identifies, names and creates each node based on an understanding of the concepts within the data set as a whole. IDOL eliminates the need for any human intervention, preventing the errors and inconsistency that are frequently associated with manual categorization. Autonomy Collaborative Classifier (ACC) Taxonomy Libraries.

Text categorization with Lucene and Solr. I-SEMANTICS 2012 – 8th Int. Conference on Semantic Systems September 5-7, 2012, messecongress graz / austria.

Machine Learning