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jQuery plugins for awesome web typography. FitText.js FitText is a simple jQuery plugin that automatically make a text fit the width of its parent element.

jQuery plugins for awesome web typography

Perfect for awesome, responsive headlines! Download: Lettering.js Although CSS3 and the @font-face directive have definitely improved web typography, it doesn’t offer complete down-to-the-letter control. Manage Events Like A Pro With Wordpress. If you’ve ever tried working with, coding for or just thinking about anything to do with events, you know they are a total nightmare in every possible way.

Manage Events Like A Pro With Wordpress

Repeating events, schedules, multiple days, multiple tracks, multiple prices, multiple speakers, multiple organizations, multiple payment options — the list goes on on for quite some time. Today we’ll show you how to make event management an easy — nay, enjoyable — task by making WordPress do the grunt work for you.