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You've Never Seen Live Dubstep Like This Before. 6 Terrifying User Agreements You've Probably Accepted. #3. OnStar Is Narcing You Out OnStar is that incredibly convenient product many drivers would literally be lost without. Its automatic crash-response system, stolen vehicle tracking and roadside assistance are just some of the features that make this system so popular. In fact, they field over 15,000 lifesaving calls per year. They're like guardian angels of the highway. Cletch"Global domination? How about the fact that it's legally spying on everything you do? What You Agreed To: First of all, just for OnStar to do what it advertises, it has to include a machine inside your car that tracks your every move.

HBC4511"If you want to see the future of humanity, imagine a bored woman at a desk tallying up every time you fart in traffic. And guess what? There's also a fine chance that, much like the GPS company TomTom, they could receive a subpoena ordering them to release your data to the police. Getty"No, sir, I'm afraid we don't have any models without the spying feature. " #1. Beyond Project Glass: "Sight" Offers A Look At the Future of Augmented Reality. When a prototype of Google’s Project Glass surfaced a few months back, the concept of smart, reality-enhancing glasses, long debated by enthusiasts and skeptics, became real. Amid new reports of Apple and Microsoft developing prototypes of their own, a recently released student film offers a not-so-unfathomable glimpse into the possible future of this technology. Created by Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design grad students Daniel Lazo and Eran May-raz, Sight is an eight-minute short that upgrades augmented reality glasses to iridescent contact lenses that enhance the wearer’s world with interactive overlays of video games, cooking lessons, TV shows, and anything else that’s accessible on smartphones and computers--just minus the cumbersome task of having to type or talk.

"We were inspired by many present-day apps and several sci-fi movies," says Lazo. And the interactions that take place are far from settling. "We tried to create interfaces that were believable," says Lazo. 6 Prank Gadgets That Only a Sociopath Would Actually Use. Everyone knew that one big kid in school who was constantly playing "pranks" that simply involved physically hurting other people ("You just punched me in the kidneys! " "Ha! Gotcha! "). Well, those kids grow up, and often go their entire lives without ever discovering the difference between a "practical joke" and "randomly harming other people just because. " Fortunately for them, an entire industry has emerged to help them raise their game. #6. Ultimate PC Prank Master The Ultimate PC Prank Master is a $29.95 USB device that, when connected to any computer, proceeds to cripple it in several random and annoying ways.

Gadgets and GearThe only way that USB drive could be more obnoxious is if it were full of bootleg Dane Cook routines. It's basically like having a particularly malicious virus, so really you can achieve the same result by taking a regular USB drive to a public library computer and then lending it to a friend. Getty"More people need to go through this, for no good reason. " #5. Ajustes após mudanças no Google garantem sua privacidade; saiba como fazer. Adobe anuncia fim do desenvolvimento do Flash para navegadores móveis - Mac+ - Blog Ipad - Tudo sobre iPAD. iPad Dicas. Big Brother Google: Sob protestos, Google introduz nova "política de privacidade" e cria identificação única de usuários - 01/03/2012.

Destaque dado pelo Google na véspera da mudança se limitou a link minúsculo em área obscura Sob protestos, o Google faz valer a partir de hoje sua nova "política de privacidade". O assunto é candente, já que o Google é possivelmente a empresa que mais coleta, armazena e processa informações no mundo, além de estar em primeiro lugar de audiência na internet nos EUA e em muitos outros países, com seu amplo conjunto de serviços. Leia também: Google explica sua política A empresa decidiu reunir sob uma mesma política cerca de 60 produtos diferentes. Na prática, vai fazer o que nem o governo federal norte-americano conseguiu: criar um identificador único para cada usuário, com o máximo de informações pessoais que puder coletar. Larry Page, o co-fundador e principal executivo do Google, recebeu semana passada uma carta assinada por 39 procuradores federais. Privacidade em xeque Os sete direitos digitais Essa não é uma opinião pessoal. Minoria lê termos de uso O raio-x da questão.