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Fungi in the Ancient World. Frank Dugan sifts the evidence, separates hype and hyperbole from factual and plausible events, and conclusively demonstrates that fungi have strongly influenced western civilization from its very beginnings.

Fungi in the Ancient World

Issues in Long-term Opioid Therapy: Unmet Needs, Risks, and Solutions. To view the full text, please login as a subscribed user or purchase a subscription.

Issues in Long-term Opioid Therapy: Unmet Needs, Risks, and Solutions

Click here to view the full text on ScienceDirect. Prescription opioid users and continuum of behavior. SUD = substance use disorder. From Exp Clin Psychopharmacol.11 Stepladder approach to pain control. Both chronic pain and prescription opioid abuse are prevalent and exact a high toll on patients, physicians, and society.

Purchase access to this article You must be logged in to purchase this article. Claim Access If you are a current subscriber with Society Membership or an Account Number, claim your access now. Subscribe to this title Purchase a subscription to gain access to this and all other articles in this journal. Institutional Access Visit ScienceDirect to see if you have access via your institution. Drug Abuse Resistance Education: The Effectiveness of DARE. By David J.

Drug Abuse Resistance Education: The Effectiveness of DARE

Hanson, Ph.D. The Drug Abuse Resistance Education program is used in nearly 80% of the school districts in the United States, in 54 other countries around the world, and is taught to 36,000,000 students each year. Therefore, it’s important to know if this highly popular program is effective in reducing alcohol and drug use. The Effectiveness of DARE Scientific evaluation studies have consistently shown that DARE is ineffective in reducing the use of alcohol and drugs and is sometimes even counterproductive -- worse than doing nothing. For Example The U.S. The Cult of Pharmacology: How America Became the World’s Most Troubled Drug ... - Richard DeGrandpre. Punitive Trend of American Drug Policy.

Listening for the Logos - a study of reports of audible voices at high doses of psilocybin. Listening for the Logos: a study of reports of audible voices at high doses of psilocybin Horace Beach, Ph.D.

Listening for the Logos - a study of reports of audible voices at high doses of psilocybin

Psychological Assistant Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Department of Psychiatry Chemical Dependency Recovery Program Vallejo, California E-mail: For an updated list of psilocybin studies, click here There are reports that psilocybin mushrooms can engender a dialogue between the one who ingests them and a voice of unknown origin. The objective of the present study was to search for such reports, to look for differences between those who reported having heard a voice with psilocybin use and those who had not, and to characterize the voice. Overall, the results of this study suggest that what made the difference between hearing a voice or not with psilocybin was more about what people did, than who they were.

For a copy of this thesis contact: UMI Dissertation Services 300 North Zeeb Road P.O. The Other Persinger's findings. Volume 7 Number 1 Winter 1996-97 - Psilocybin's effects on cognition. Psilocybin's effects on cognition: Recent research and its implications for enhancing creativity Matthew J.

Volume 7 Number 1 Winter 1996-97 - Psilocybin's effects on cognition

Baggott Research Associate, Drug Dependence Research Center University of California, San Franciscombagg@itsa.ucsf. DFR : Early Journal Content Data Bundle. About the Early Journal Content (EJC) The Early Journal Content on JSTOR includes journal articles published in the United States before 1923 and articles published in other countries before 1870, and includes discourse and scholarship in the arts and humanities, economics and politics, and in mathematics and other sciences.

DFR : Early Journal Content Data Bundle

On JSTOR, the Early Journal Content is free and available for use by anyone, without registration and regardless of institutional affiliation. The amount of free content will grow over time. As we add more journals to JSTOR, new articles within these time ranges will be added to the Early Journal Content, and will remain freely available. Making this early journal content freely available is the most recent step in our ongoing work to expand access to content on JSTOR, particularly for individuals who are not affiliated with academic institutions or libraries.

The Kingdom Fungi. Persephone's Quest : Entheogens and the Origins of Religion. PDF of Mushrooms Russia and History. Filters and Reflections Perspectives on Reality Zachary Jones, Brenda Dunne, Elissa Hoeger, Robert Jahn, editors ICRL Press, NJ. 2009.

PDF of Mushrooms Russia and History

Full text of "Two Southern Botanists and the Civil War" Gardner's Intelligence Reframed Previewable Book. Taylor & Francis Online. Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence - Carl Sagan. Strange Fires, Weird Smokes and Psychoactive Combustibles: Entheogens and Incense in Ancient Traditions - Journal of Psychoactive Drugs - Volume 42, Issue 4. This paper seeks to emphasize what may be the most primary mode of altering consciousness in the ancient world: namely, the burning of substances for inhalation in enclosed areas.

Strange Fires, Weird Smokes and Psychoactive Combustibles: Entheogens and Incense in Ancient Traditions - Journal of Psychoactive Drugs - Volume 42, Issue 4

While there is abundant literature on archaic uses of entheogenic plants, the literature on psychoactive incenses is quite deficient. From the tents of nomadic tribes to the small meditation rooms of Taoist adepts, the smoldering fumes of plants and resins have been used to invoke and banish and for shamanic travels since humanity mastered fire. The text provides details of primary “incense cults” while highlighting some commonalities and shared influences when possible.

Plant Teachers as Cognitive Tools. Ayahuasca: The Concept of Plants as Teachers among four Mestizo Shamans of Northeastern Peru - Luna. Shamanic Cosmology as an Evolutionary Neurocognitive Epistemology.