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EMT: Early Music Theory. Johannes Tinctoris: Complete Theoretical Works. JOHANNES TINCTORIS (c. 1435–1511) is widely acknowledged as one of the most important writers on music of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance.

Johannes Tinctoris: Complete Theoretical Works

His twelve Latin treatises demonstrate not only an exceptional technical command of the intellectually demanding musical notation and theory of the time, but also an intimate acquaintance with contemporary compositional practice, derived from a close knowledge of the composers of his day and their music, both in northern Europe, where he began his career, and in Italy, where he was employed from the 1470s to the early 1490s at the Aragonese royal court in Naples. The legacy version of the Tinctoris project, hosted by The Stoa Consortium, is still available, but in due course it will be subsumed completely within the new site. Support for the project is gratefully acknowledged from: The Music of Thomas Ravenscroft. Orchesographie - Sommaire. L'Orchesographie de Thoinot Arbeau est un traité de danse publié en France en 1589.

Orchesographie - Sommaire

C'est une référence indispensable à tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux danses de la Renaissance. C'est aussi le premier manuel multimédia alliant texte, image et musique pour décrire les danses avec une grande précision. La transcription présentée ici est la première édition intégrale de ce livre sous forme électronique.

English music

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