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The Journey of Gerald of Wales. GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS OR GERALD OF WALES (continued) Contents of this section Part I - The Welsh Their hospitality and eating habits How the Welsh cut their hair, take care of their teeth and shave off their beards The Welsh love music and singing Part I - The Welsh Their hospitality and eating habits In Wales no one begs. Everyone's home is open to all, for the Welsh generosity and hospitality are the greatest of all virtues. In Wales young people go about in groups and families, under their chosen leader.

Guests who arrive early in the day are entertained until nightfall by girls who play to them on the harp. Back to the top How the Welsh cut their hair, take care of their teeth and shave off their beards Both the man and women cut their hair short and shape it round their ears. The men shave their beards, leaving only their moustaches. Julius Caesar, too, tells about the way, when about to fight a battle, the Britons daub their faces with shiny paint. The Welsh love music and singing. Texts on Music in English. - UCSB English Broadside Ballad Archive. Ancient_modern_music.pdf (application/pdf Object) DIDLEC TEXT. TRAITÉS FRANÇAIS SUR LA MUSIQUE School of Music Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405 (phone: [812] 855-6889; Internet: Data entry: Peter Slemon with OCR Checked by: David Schneider Approved by: Peter Slemon Fn and Ft: DIDLEC TEXT Author: Diderot, Denis Title: Leçons de clavecin et principes d'harmonie en dialogues Source: Oeuvres complètes de Diderot, vol. 12, ed.

J. Assézat (Paris: Garnier Frères, 1876), 179-534. Le Maître, Le Disciple et un Ami. Le Disciple. Quelle expression! Le Maître. C'est un bonheur que j'ai peu senti, et que je ne sens plus. Et pourquoi? C'est qu'il y a des pédants en tout genre: en politique, en littérature, en musique. J'entends; le soir, lorsque vous rentrez, vous êtes si ennuyé, si las, vous avez un si pressant besoin de repos, que vous êtes peu tenté de vous mettre au clavecin.

Cela m'arrive pourtant quelquefois. [-180-] Le Disciple. N'y aurait-il point d'indiscrétion à vous demander une certaine pièce de Schobert? Laquelle? Que Schobert? The world of Reformation Britain: seen and heard in the Wode Psalter. The Part-books were compiled between 1562 and 1592 by Thomas Wode to contain four-part settings of metrical psalms, though other songs and instrumental music were added.

For the very first time, the eight surviving Part-books that comprise the Wode Psalter will be brought from Washington, Dublin, London and Edinburgh to be seen together in exhibition during the 2011 Edinburgh International Festival. The Psalter will also be heard: a selection of music from the Psalter will be performed in two concerts and recorded on disc. These manuscripts offer an ideal mirror for reflecting the multi-faceted world of Reformation Britain. The Wode Psalter presents an excellent multi-disciplinary focus for scholarly endeavour and public engagement with the world of Reformation Britain, allowing it to be seen and heard in physical and electronic formats.

Prior to the exhibition, a virtual research forum will facilitate the compilation of a research agenda for the Psalter. Funding sources: Open Access.