Edwise International
Edwise is the one stop solution for all your international study needs. We have been India’s Leading Overseas Education Consultancy since 1991.
Tips to Study From Home. With the COVID-19 pushing people into their homes, we find ourselves pushing through the days.
For a student, it becomes more of a task, since they have to study from home. Used to attending classes on campus, meeting fellow students, having a range of interactive sessions. It becomes extremely tedious for students to study alone at home. The range of distractions, to the technical issues that a student may face. Studying from home is no easy task. However, since times are tough, it is necessary for us all to power through. Make a Timetable Just like your college or university, make sure you make a timetable and adhere to the same. Have a Fixed Study Place Since we are at home, we often find ourselves lazing on the bed or the couch throughout the day. Refrain From Multitasking Since you're at home you will find yourself with a mammoth list of tasks apart from studying. Sleep Well Being at home, it is natural that your sleep schedule has gone for a toss. Eat Well Keep your Gadgets Away. Study Business in the USA. Two words that almost always go together, business and the USA come as no shock.
Two growing entities, if you wish to be part of them, then make sure to attend the eWorld Education Fair Edu-Thon USA Business series. Taking place on the 15th May Friday, from 4.30pm-7.30 pm, you get the chance to interact with university delegates from: Business, is one of the fastest growing fields of study in USA, and if you decide to study the said course there, it is important that you familiarize yourself with its education system. Understanding what it means to study Business in USA, will help you narrow your choices and develop your education plan. Amongst the top-ranking business colleges world-wide, majority of them are located in the USA.
Study Engineering and Information Technology in Australia. Edwise has come up with yet another exhilarating line of events, one of these events is the eWorld Education Fair Edu-Thon Australia Engineering and Information Technology series.
Scheduled on the 14th May Thursday, from 2.30pm-5.30 pm, we have an illuminating list of universities participating in the event. If you wish to study the said courses and look to solve doubts, this event is a must attend. Whilst an education abroad can be expensive, study in Australia is considered economical when compared to other study destinations.
Not only the cost component, but even the quality of living, living conditions and the tolerant multicultural society are pull factors to students. Why Study in Australia? eWEF Edu-Thon UK Law Series. Edwise has organised the eWEF Edu-Thon UK Law Series, which is your chance to interact with leading universities that offer illustrious law courses.
With this live personalised interaction, you can have a one on one session with university representatives from the security and solace of your home. Scheduled on the 12th May 2020, from 2.30pm-5.30pm, don't miss this chance and grab the opportunity to meet leading law universities from your home. Why Study Law in UK. eWEF Edu-Thon International Hospitality Series. Hospitality is one of the most booming industries in the world.
Edwise has organised the eWEF Edu-Thon International Hospitality Series, which is your chance to interact with leading universities that offer illustrious hospitality courses. With this live personalised interaction, you can have a one on one session with university representatives from the security and solace of your home. Scheduled on the 11th May 2020, from 2.30pm-5.30pm, don't miss this chance and grab the opportunity to meet leading hospitality universities from your home.
There are a wide variety of food and hospitality courses, from certificates and diplomas to degree courses. The flexible education system internationally allows students many opportunities to add further qualifications and skills to their repertoire and succeed in the food and hospitality sector. One of the most popular industries, hospitality courses teach students to travel the world and meet new people. Course Structure Entry Requirements.
Top 7 Courses to Study in UK. Education in UK is the key to unlock the door of exquisite education.
UK Universities continue to attract students from across the globe. UK is one of those locations which are preferred by everyone. Universities in UK have world class facilities in terms of infrastructure and faculty employed. How COVID-19 has impacted study in Ireland. A zestful and contemporary country, Ireland has a youthful population that pushes the country to be one of the most dynamic in the world.
Over 40% of the population is below 25 years, and this is one of the major reasons Ireland is able to become one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Aftermath of COVID-19 on university admissions in New Zealand. Universities and colleges in New Zealand are progressive in nature and are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructural facilities.
Graduating from New Zealand not only enables you to attain a globally recognized qualification but also be known as an innovative thinker. The country has a wide range of study opportunities which consist of schools, universities, polytechnics, college of education, private training establishments and much more. To ensure that the quality of education offered at these institutions remains superior, NZQA maintains a close eye on the same. What study in Australia looks like amid COVID-19. Australia is an affordable study destination, which provides quality education, tolerant society and impeccable living conditions.
The higher education system in Australia is top-notch and ranks amongst the world's best. Education in Australia is economical by providing compact and intensive courses, which includes in itself developments in science and technology. Therefore, attaining a degree from Australia is not only practical but also receptive to the changing environment. Presently over 60000 Indian students are studying in Australia. There are 41 universities which have over 3000-5000 students, 39 of the institutions are run by the government. Influence of COVID-19 on university admissions in Canada.
Canada is a host to over 180000 international students in a year.
Through the years the number of international students deciding to study in Canada is increasing. Students have various choices of over 96 Universities and 175 community colleges offering a broad range of courses. The country is an international leader in computers, Java, networking and wireless communication. It has also made a prominent place in a varied number of areas such as aerospace, engineering, biotechnology, telecommunications, transportation, environmental studies and much more. Few of the world's most recognized companies such as BlackBerry, IMAX, Corel, Cineplex Cinema, BATA, McCain food and many more have originated from Canada. These are unprecedented and tough times for all of us, however, it is important that we all remember that this situation is temporary and we all need to stay positive of its outcome.
Summer Courses. The effect of COVID-19 on university admissions in UK. The United Kingdom offers to you, qualifications that are acknowledged and regarded internationally. Universities in UK, are few of the oldest established education institutions which look to provide an underpinning for expertise needed to attain success in the globalised world. Humongous number of students like you decide to study in UK and the same can be attributed to a variety of reasons, however to truly understand how education in UK will benefit you, look no further. The below mentioned benefits of studying in UK, will bring to light the attributes that UK as a study destination holds. Studying in the UK will give you the opportunity to work, travel and experience Europe. This is made possible as all major European countries are within the peripheral of UK. However, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, university admissions in UK have taken a big hit. This, article looks to help you through the likely effects on university admissions in UK due to the COVID-19.
Current Situation Visa. COVID-19 and its impact on education abroad. The world is now in the midst of grappling with the effects of COVID-19. Nearly every imaginable industry is dealing with its consequences. The overseas education industry is no different, all affected stakeholders such as students, universities, teachers and parents are baffled with what will happen next. It's safe to say that study abroad plans in 2020 will be affected, however one cannot predict its impact and there exists an air of uncertainty around the same. Present Scenario If we look at each country specifically, we can comprehensively understand the situation that persists: USA University Admissions Amid COVID-19.
Amongst the top-ranking institutions worldwide, a large proportion of them are located in USA. These institutions rank highly due to multifold of reasons some of which include, quality education, technological advancement, infrastructure and much more. The US education system utilizes a professional approach which enables you to learn a formidable amount of knowledge. The aim of institutions in the US, is to not only make sure you receive relevant knowledge but also imbibe in you professional skills. Types of Scholarships. Overseas Education has become a preference for students who want to pursue careers that have a wider scope and better employment opportunities abroad. In the ever changing and advancing world, studying abroad has become a preferred and recommended means of education.
When students Study Abroad, they acquire new skills and simultaneously are encouraged to explore opportunities, learn new languages, get immersed in new cultures, develop a sense of independence which collectively exposes every student to the world. 5 mistakes students make while studying abroad. Education abroad is an exhilarating experience; students are eager to go through the life altering adventure. However, in the face of all the excitement, students often end up making mistakes which may hinder their trip. A careful analysis into the errors made by students and an attempt to curtail the same could enhance your college life. Sticking to your roots It is an ordeal to uproot yourself and immerse in a new environment during overseas education. However, experiencing the new culture will be an impeccable opportunity for you.
8 Benefits of having a LinkedIn profile for college students. eWorld Education Fair Edu-Thon April 2020. 20 Reasons to Study Abroad in 2020. Growing popularity of journalism courses. Universities in France. The Complete Guide to Study Abroad. Innumerable students decide to study abroad because they strongly believe that can education abroad will enhance their career prospects. There are countless reasons for the same. An education abroad is seen as an impeccable opportunity for a great lifestyle, pupils get the best of both worlds.
Therefore, cutting to the chase, nearly every parent wants their child, to study abroad for enhanced career opportunities. Studying abroad is the best way to gain international exposure. Want to know the complete guide as to how to study abroad? Select the course Through the years, overseas education is gaining significance, this can be attributed to the fact that more and more students graduate each year from abroad. Selecting Country and University Selecting the perfect university can be as challenging as selecting the country. Study in Germany- Unleash your Career. Benefits of taking internships while studying abroad. Study in New Zealand- Education System. Study in Spain- Upcoming Study Destination. What is the GRE? Popularity of EMBA courses.
6 Steps to Study Abroad. Study in USA For a Bright Future. Myths about studying abroad. USA & Canada Fair March 2020. What does it cost to study in Ireland. What is the TOEFL? Tips for successful university applications. GMAT-All You Need to Know. Best Universities for Engineering in Canada. 10 things to know before studying in USA. Ireland Admissions Day February 2020. Study in Singapore- Key to Success. What does it cost to study in UK? How to choose the right student accommodation. What does it cost to study in New Zealand?
Why students choose to study abroad. 5 things you must pack to study abroad. What does it cost to study in Australia? New Zealand Admissions Day. World Education Fair February 2020. Top 10 Universities in Canada for Hospitality. Study in Ireland- Excellent in Education. How studying abroad can boost your CV. Tips to score high in PTE exam. Growing Popularity of Finance Courses. Funding avenues for overseas education. Australia Fair 2020. 10 Reasons to Study in USA. 10 Things You Should Know Before Studying in UK. MBA specialization courses. Top 10 popular courses to study in New Zealand. Study MS in Australia. Top 6 MS Programs in USA. Tips before Application. Top 5 courses to study in UK. Trending UG and PG courses to Study in Canada. Set of Documents to be enclosed with each application. Rise of the MBA program. Guidelines to follow while acquiring Letters of Recommendation.
Top Universities and Colleges in Australia for international students. Top Universities and Colleges in Australia for international students. Popular Courses to Study Abroad. What does it cost to study in USA.