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Extensive Reading Central. The Most Dangerous Writing App. SwiftScribe. Create a podcast, DJ podcast hosting, host podcasts create podcast audio video mix. Write Honey — Therapeutic Writing tool. Declutter your mind. Read Listen Learn - digital graded readers with audio to help people teach and learn English as a foreign language. Literacy, Accessibility & Dyslexia Software. LitLift - A FREE online novel and story writing application. Improve your English using Youtube. Six Amazing Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger.

Long writing activities are not very frequently done in class.

Six Amazing Websites that Make Your Writing Stronger

I tend to think that my students are like me; I need the right kind of atmosphere. Writing requires time, silence and lots of inspiration. Ideally, at this time of the year, I would probably wish to be sitting next to a fireplace with the most perfect instagrammable snow falling outside my window while drinking a nice cup of coffee waiting for inspiration to strike. Unfortunately, there isn’t any snow where I live so I’ll have to make do with a bit of rain and some reddish trees. Note: you won’t find “instagrammable” in the dictionary Inspiration, the most important word when writing and something my students claim to lack. These are some great sites that can help you make your writing stronger. Photo by Tekke 1. Skell is easy to use. 2.Netspeak is a really helpful site to help you write better.

You can find the word(s) you’re looking for by typing signs as seen in the picture below. Type ? English phonetic transcription software Phonetizer. Brainstorming and Voting Amazingly Easy. Free Online Tool  eMargin. Useful Apps and Tools For Designers Who Hate If you are a designer, it is entirely understandable if you aren’t too fond of writing.

Useful Apps and Tools For Designers Who Hate

Your talent is based on visual resources, and you might find hard to deal with words instead. But while it might be true, you don’t want it to stop you from climbing in your career. If you are a graphic or web designer, written content is always around you. From a one-phrase slogan to a magazine website, you are expected to know your way around words. If nothing else, you need to be good enough to write a job proposal at least. Thankfully, there are several tools for designers on the market that will help you upgrade your writing skills. . # 1 – If you have a problem remembering the meaning of some words, is the app for you. But isn’t only about word definition. . # 2 – Grammarly Prefer something that will check your writing straight on?

They also offer plugins for Microsoft Word, Chrome, and Firefox so that it can check your e-mails and posts for you. Journal Selector. 21 Web Sites and Apps with Engaging Writing Prompts. Journals and blogs are a great way to get students to practice writing consistently.

21 Web Sites and Apps with Engaging Writing Prompts

Set a daily writing prompt and give your students about 5 minutes at the beginning of class to respond in their journals or blogs. They can finish the rest of the writing during their free time and you can access once a week or every other week. To keep students engaged and really enhance their writing skills, vary the types of writings and prompts.

Get students to write short essays, emails, sms, status updates, note-taking, comics, short stories, prose, reviews, arguments, scripts, summaries, biographies, poems, headlines, news articles, and any other writing you feel will help them throughout their lives. You can also mix in some past writing prompts from exams they will have to take for ongoing practice. To learn more about integrating technology to support English language learners, attend our free Friday webinars. Check out the Teaching with Technology Certification course we offer online. Interactive Ebook Creation & Digital Publishing Software. 62 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Kids. You can never really have enough writing prompts, right?

62 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Kids

Enjoy! Imagine you had a hundred dollars, but you couldn’t keep it. You had to give it away to a person or charity. Who would you give it to? Why? Like this: Like Loading... Related 30 Fun Writing Prompts for Kids.


Speaking. Writing. Reading.