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Understanding the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Part II - PowerShell Atoms | Powershell Tutorials, Scripts, and Examples for using Powershell. This is part II for the introduction to Windows Management Instrumentation. In this tutorial you will learn how to make PowerShell interact with WMI. Setup If you have not already done so, click open Windows PowerShell ISE. The Concept: Working in PowerShell in collaboration with WMI is quite simple.

Step one. There are many things you can check out, such as your BIOS (firmware interface of PC motherboards). Now to get far more general information of your computer system, the following command will be of more use: Get-WMIObject Win32_ComputerSystem The first command will have listed the BIOS version, manufacturer, computer name as well as the serial number and version ID’s. Step two. With WMI, you can also query the same exact BIOS information remotely, by using the WMIObject Cmdlet’s -computername parameter, as demonstrated below: Get-WMIObject Win32_BIOS –computername PCNAME The resulting output from running the command should appear like the image below: Step three. A Few Last Words: Using PowerShell and WMI Events Queries for Powerful Notifications. With PowerShell in one hand, and WMI in the other, DBAs can do almost anything in their Window's environments, and Laerte is using his powers for good.

He built a highly precise, highly configurable alerting system for his servers, and now shows us exactly how he did it. Picture the scene: Your wife has gone to visit her mother, taking your car (let’s call it a Ferrari) and leaving you at home to watch the Lakers make a bid for yet another Championship victory. Midway through your wife’s journey, a tire blows out, so of course she'll pick up her cell phone and notify you. Now imagine if, when she called to you, you picked up the phone and immediately said: "Hi honey, I already got an email letting me know about the tire, and I'm on my way.

" Not only would you impress her with your proactivity, speed and organization, you’d earn yourself a delicious home-made dinner and an all-round great weekend with your wonderful wife. A Quick Introduction to WMI Query Language Some Examples #Word Param ( Using PowerShell and WMI Events Queries for Powerful Notifications. Learn WMI Query Language using PowerShell. These posts in the form of an ebook now available 43270 downloads Back in July, I started a series of articles on WMI query language. There has been lot of delay in finishing up the series and when I did finish it, there were several issues with my blog.

I had to re-write last two parts of the series. So, lot of links you might have bookmarked may not be valid since the entire blog content went through a churn. So, I thought it will be good to publish one post with links to all articles in this series. So, here it is — all 10 parts of the series. 1. So, what is next? I am targeting to release this eBook by mid January. Like this: Like Loading... FREE: MoW PowerShell WMI Browser. <span class="big">Please enable Javascript, because you won't see all of the content. </span> We’ve been looking at a number of tools for exploring WMI. The last one I want to discuss is actually a PowerShell script, but it won’t feel like any PowerShell script you’ve run before. The WMI Explorer was written back in the days of PowerShell 1.0, I believe, by former PowerShell MVP Marc van Orsouw, more familiarly known as MoW.

By Jeffery Hicks - Mon, April 15, 2013 - 0 comments Jeffery Hicks is a multi-year Microsoft MVP in Windows PowerShell, Microsoft Certified Professional and an IT veteran with 25 years of experience specializing in automation. He works today as an author, trainer and consultant. We’ve been looking at a number of tools for exploring WMI. Connecting The script will create a Windows form and populate it with all sorts of fantastic WMI goodness. Connecting Expanding the namespace tree show all available namespaces. Available namespaces Viewing classes Viewing classes Instances. Get-WMIObject - PowerShell Tricks Windows Server Management. By Jeff Hicks - November 15, 2011 Introduction IT Pros responsible for Windows Servers are hopefully already familiar with Windows Management Instrumentation, or WMI. This technology has been a staple in Microsoft operating systems since the days of Windows 2000.

Using WMI we can identify all types of management and system information from the BIOS to logical disks to the operating system. In the past, if we wanted to access this treasure trove of information we typically used VBScript. The primary cmdlet is Get-WMIObject. WMI datetime First up is converting those ugly WMI datetime strings like this: 20110128161223.000000-300. PS S:\> get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem | select InstallDate,Caption InstallDate Caption ----------- ------- 20110128161223.000000-300 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate It would be much nicer if the install date was more user-friendly. In the hash table I created a new property called Installed. Normally with Get-WMIObject we get all instances. WMIClass Splatting. PowerShell Tutorial - WMI Reports. PowerShell Tutorial 11 – Part 3: Scripting with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) – Creating Reports In this, the last installment of the WMI tutorials we tackle creating reports.

Up until this point we have only been concern with outputting our results to the console. Being that we are in the real world and we work for bosses that like little “picture thingys” and reports, we need to send results to files. There is one small problem… the WMI Scripts on this site (so far) and the scripts in the Microsoft Script Repository only output results to the screen (Write-Host). When using “Write-Host, output is sent to the console and that’s it, the data no longer exists, there is nothing to redirect (>) or pipe (|) to another cmdlet or file. We will use an edited version of the List BIOS Information script found in the Microsoft Scripting Repository. $strComputer = “.” $colItems = get-wmiobject -class “Win32_BIOS” -namespace “rootCIMV2″ ` -computername $strComputer -or- Changes: 1. .BIOS.ps1.

Auditar grupos críticos y alertar por mail en Active Directory. Es muy importante para todo administrador de seguridad conocer en todo momento quienes tienen cuentas de usuario con privilegios elevados y "vigilarlos". A partir de esto se desprende que es todavía más importante saber cuando se otorgan privilegios a usuarios.

En todo dominio existen grupos de usuario utilizados por administradores o helpdesk que cuentan con mayores privilegios que los usuarios comunes, por obvias razones. El problema es cuando se asignan estos privilegios y no todos (o ninguno) los administradores están informados. El caso más riesgoso es cuando un atacante logra escalar privilegios gracias a algún exploit o vulnerabilidad conocida (se acuerdan de pass-the-hash?). Active Directory posee grupos bien definidos con privilegios elevados, siendo "Domain Admins" el Dios supremo. Cada organización puede definir sus propios grupos, pero "Domain Admins" estará siempre presente como la autoridad máxima, así que debe estar auditado.

Habilitar auditoría de grupos en AD. Dsget user. Published: April 17, 2012 Updated: April 17, 2012 Applies To: Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012 Displays the properties of a user in the directory. There are two variations of this command. The first variation displays the properties of multiple users. The second variation displays the group membership information of a single user. Dsget is a command-line tool that is built into Windows Server 2008. For examples of how to use this command, see Examples. dsget user <UserDN> [-dn] [-samid] [-sid] [-upn] [-fn] [-mi] [-ln] [-display] [-empid] [-desc] [-office] [-tel] [-email] [-hometel] [-pager] [-mobile] [-fax] [-iptel] [-webpg] [-title] [-dept] [-company] [-mgr] [-hmdir] [-hmdrv] [-profile] [-loscr] [-mustchpwd] [-canchpwd] [-pwdneverexpires] [-disabled] [-acctexpires] [-reversiblepwd] [{-uc | -uco | -uci}] [-part <PartitionDN> [-qlimit] [-qused]] dsget user <UserDN> [-memberof] [-expand][{-uc | -uco | -uci}] dsquery user OU=Test,dc=ms,dc=tld -name jon* | dsget user -desc.

Dsget user. Aman Dhally's Blog | the life of an IT administrator..