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Need Assistance on GWT, Mysql - Google Web Toolkit | Google Grou. Security for GWT Applications - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code. Dan Morrill, Google Developer Relations Team Updated January 2009 It is a sad truth that JavaScript applications are easily left vulnerable to several types of security exploits, if developers are unwary. Because the GWT produces JavaScript code, we GWT developers are no less vulnerable to JavaScript attacks than anyone else. However, because the goal of GWT is to allow developers to focus on their users' needs instead of JavaScript and browser quirks, it's easy to let our guards down.

To make sure that GWT developers have a strong appreciation of the risks, we've put together this article. GWT's mission is to provide developers with the tools they need to build AJAX apps that make the web a better place for end users. However, the apps we build have to be secure as well as functional, or else our community isn't doing a very good job at our mission. This article is a primer on JavaScript attacks, intended for GWT developers. Part 1: JavaScript Vulnerabilities Leaking Data Forging Requests. Widget Gallery - Google Web Toolkit - Google Code. This is a beta version. If you find errors, please report them or change them! The following are widgets and panels available in the GWT user-interface library. You can view a code example of each widget in the Showcase sample application.

Widgets: Button PushButton RadioButton CheckBox DatePicker ToggleButton TextBox PasswordTextBox TextArea Hyperlink ListBox CellList MenuBar Tree CellTree SuggestBox RichTextArea FlexTable Grid CellTable CellBrowser TabBar DialogBox Panels: PopupPanel StackPanel StackLayoutPanel HorizontalPanel VerticalPanel FlowPanel VerticalSplitPanel HorizontalSplitPanel SplitLayoutPanel DockPanel DockLayoutPanel TabPanel TabLayoutPanel DisclosurePanel Widgets Button PushButton RadioButton CheckBox DatePicker ToggleButton TextBox PasswordTextBox TextArea Hyperlink ListBox CellList MenuBar Tree, CellTree SuggestBox RichTextArea FlexTable, Grid, and CellTable CellBrowser TabBar DialogBox Panels PopupPanel StackPanel and StackLayoutPanel* HorizontalPanel VerticalPanel FlowPanel VerticalSplitPanel.