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Default to open: The story of open source and Red Hat. Intellectual property: Patents against prosperity. AMERICA is still in denial, but among economists and wonks I think the hard truth is settling in: we're not as rich as we thought we were and our prospects for future high growth rates aren't looking so great.

Intellectual property: Patents against prosperity

America's last best hope for breaking free from what Tyler Cowen has called "the great stagnation" is the discovery of new "disruptive" technologies that would transform the possibilities of economic production in the way the fossil-fuel-powered engine did. As it stands, growth, such as it is, depends largely on many thousands of small innovations increasing efficiency incrementally along many thousands of margins. Innovation and invention is the key to continuing gains in prosperity.

Zero-sum "win the future" rhetoric notwithstanding, it doesn't much matter whether the advances in new technology occur in China, India or America. Nevertheless, it remains that America is the world's leader in technical invention, and continues to attract many of the world's most inventive minds. O passado e o presente do Linux em um infográfico traduzido.


Biopunk: DIY Scientists Hack the Software of Life. For most of us, managing our health means visiting a doctor.

Biopunk: DIY Scientists Hack the Software of Life

The more serious our concerns, the more specialized a medical expert we seek. Our bodies often feel like foreign and frightening lands, and we are happy to let someone with an MD serve as our tour guide. For most of us, our own DNA never makes it onto our personal reading list. Biohackers are on a mission to change all that. These do-it-yourself biology hobbyists want to bring biotechnology out of institutional labs and into our homes.

In Biopunk, journalist Marcus Wohlsen surveys the rising tide of the biohacker movement, which has been made possible by a convergence of better and cheaper technologies. Wohlson discovers that biohackers, like the open-source programmers and software hackers who came before, are united by a profound idealism. With all their ingenuity and idealism, it's difficult not to root for the biohackers Wohlsen meets. Biopunk: DIY Scientists Hack the Software of Life. Santos Dumont - Pioneiro do Opensource no Brasil. Alberto Santos Dumont nasceu na cidade de Palmira no estado de Minas Gerais em 20 de julho de 1873.

Santos Dumont - Pioneiro do Opensource no Brasil

Seu pai, Henrique Dumont, era engenheiro formado pela Escola Central de Artes e Manufaturas de Paris. Pelos relatos de familiares, Santos Dumont já demonstrava desde pequeno sua vocação: se interessava por mecânica, vivia mexendo em maquinários diversos, inclusive trens! Julio Verne foi uma de suas inspirações para suas ideias sobre maquinários voadores. Conhecia a tecnologia de balões, e estudou a fundo a tecnologia de dirigíveis. Ao mesmo tempo ele se interessava pela tecnologia de controle dos mesmo, estudando motores e lemes, as ideias começaram a germinar.

A Short Guide To Open-Source And Similar Licenses - Smashing ... Advertisement Many developers and designers want to release their work into the world as open-source projects.

A Short Guide To Open-Source And Similar Licenses - Smashing ...

They want others to be able to build on and share their code. The open-source community is vibrant because of this. Open-source software is available for virtually any application you could think of. Marcin Jakubowski: Open-sourced blueprints for civilization. Open Source Ecology Wiki - Open Knowledge Conference 2011. The Unix revolution—thank you, Uncle Sam? This November, the Unix community has another notable anniversary to celebrate: the 40th birthday of the first edition of Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie's Unix Programmers Manual, released in November 1971.

The Unix revolution—thank you, Uncle Sam?

Producing the document was no easy task, because at that point the Unix operating system grew by the week; budding aficionados added new commands and features to the system on a regular basis. "The rate of change of the system is so great that a dismayingly large number of early sections [of the text] had to be modified while the rest were being written," Thompson and Ritchie noted in their introduction.

"The unbounded effort required to stay up-to-date is best indicated by the fact that several of the programs described were written specifically to aid in preparation of this manual! " That's why Unix timelines are fun to read—they give a sense of how quickly the system collaboratively evolved. Dangerous program! For the project staff, the news came as a blow. Ready to do our part. Um verão com código aberto - fisl12. Uma oportunidade para estudantes aproveitarem o tempo de verão para se aperfeiçoar em softwares de código aberto e melhorar suas qualidades de programador.

Um verão com código aberto - fisl12

É o que oferece o Google Summer of Code, programa de estágio remunerado online durante o verão (do hemisfério norte). A administradora do projeto, Carol Smith, foi destaque na primeira tarde do fisl com a palestra sobre o projeto. Ao todo, o GSoC, como é conhecido, já beneficiou mais de 2,5 mil estudantes, de 98 países. Ele acontece anualmente desde 2005 e funciona através de uma parceria entre o Google, o estudante, e uma instituição cadastrada. Basicamente, o aluno trabalha em um projeto para uma organização durante o verão. Programas para gravar vídeos aulas no Linux. HP e Facebook defendem Linux.