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4 interesantes plugins oficiales de Twitter y Google para WordPress. Twitter lanza un nuevo plugin oficial para instalarse con WordPress con Twitter Cards y analíticas. Twitter Marketing: How to Succeed on Twitter. Do you use Twitter for your business?

Twitter Marketing: How to Succeed on Twitter

Are you wondering how to get more out of your Twitter marketing? To learn how to successfully market your business using Twitter, I interview Mark Schaefer. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is an on-demand talk radio show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.

In this episode, I interview Mark Schaefer, the author of The Tao of Twitter, Return on Influence and co-author of Born to Blog. Listen to Mike talk with Mark W. A new profile experience on Twitter for iPhone. The 10 best new Twitter tools for business. Twitter is great for business.

The 10 best new Twitter tools for business

And Twitter is building out it set of business-ready tools to help companies better track fan engagement. For instance, the recently released Twitter Analytics does a great job of providing insights into what impact each tweet is having on the platform. That kind of information is great for starters, but there are so many other excellent Twitter tools available for businesses. I compiled a list of the top 100 Twitter tools back in 2012 and, while many of those services remain relevant and have perhaps gotten even better since then, the landscape has also changed quite a bit.

How to Use Twitter Animated GIFs to Improve Your Marketing. Does your Twitter marketing need a new twist?

How to Use Twitter Animated GIFs to Improve Your Marketing

Have you considered using Twitter animated GIFs in your tweets? Twitter’s newest feature lets you include animated images, called GIFs, in your tweets. Twitter animated GIFs add more interest to images and are a great way to gain exposure on Twitter. Sad Tweets, conoce los tweets que no debías haber enviado. Enviar un tweet a la red social Twitter no cuesta dinero, tampoco supone un excesivo trabajo ya que escribir menos de 140 caracteres no es una tarea que agote demasiado.

Sad Tweets, conoce los tweets que no debías haber enviado

Pese a estas dos razones, también es cierto que hay tweets que podríamos no haber publicado pues su difusión en la red social de microbloging ha sido nula o escasa. Sad Tweets es una herramienta online que nos será de gran utilidad para descubrir estos tweets que pasan sin pena ni gloria por nuestra timeline, tal vez puedan mostrarnos un patrón para identificar las publicaciones que no logran calar entre nuestros seguidores.

Potential Impressions vs. Actual Impressions: Which Should You Measure? Since Twitter updated its activity dashboard to include actual impression data, I’ve heard one question from a lot of social media marketers: Should my team focus on potential impressions or actual impressions?

Potential Impressions vs. Actual Impressions: Which Should You Measure?

It’s a good question, albeit a tricky one. And, as is the case with most analysis, there’s no universal answer. If there were, we’d just call it math (and I’d be out of a job). As the breadth of social measurement grows, and we’re able to granulate specific actions, we can find very specific insights from the data we look at. What Is an Actual Impression? 11 Creative Brands using Twitter’s GIF Feature « Social Fresh. By Nick Cicero on Jun 18, 2014 In a move that will forever animate your Twitter feeds – GIFs have finally arrived on Twitter.

11 Creative Brands using Twitter’s GIF Feature « Social Fresh

Announced today by the @Support team, native uploading of GIFs is now accessible via the Twitter website and also iOS and Android mobile apps. This isn’t the first time GIFs have come to Twitter though. While technically unsupported, for years we all knew that rando who had a GIF as their avatar, and later they were semi-officially supported through Twitter Cards from providers like Giphy and Storify.

However today is the first time you can publish natively. You can watch a GIF in your timeline by simply clicking a play button that shows up over top of them. GIFs are already more than popular on Tumblr, and Pinterest also offers support for uploading these animated clips. 6 Tips to Boost Your Twitter Conversations. Are you struggling to build an engaging Twitter community?

6 Tips to Boost Your Twitter Conversations

Do you want to lead relevant conversations, but aren’t sure where to begin? Standard auto-tweets aren’t going to cut it. Your top priority should be creating helpful, authentic interactions. In this article I’ll tell you six ways you can start Twitter conversations and keep your followers’ attention. #1: Make Your Twitter Profile Inviting When someone is looking for you or your brand on Twitter, the first thing they’ll do is search for you, and then they’ll check out your profile. SpareFoot is an example of a Twitter profile done right. Alertas de Twitter ya disponible en España.

Amazon ya nos permite comprar vía Twitter. Notición desde Amazon: ya podemos añadir productos en nuestro carro de la compra directamente desde Twitter.

Amazon ya nos permite comprar vía Twitter

5 ideas para sacarle provecho a los nuevos perfiles de Twitter. An open source Buffer app. Eduripoll : Así luce el nuevo diseño... New web profiles are here. How to Maximize the New Twitter LayoutThe Canva Blog. Twitter is rolling out a new jumbo-sized cover photo and a few additional features to spice up your Twitter experience.

How to Maximize the New Twitter LayoutThe Canva Blog

Here’s the news from the Twitter blog: “The new web profile lets you use a larger profile photo, customize your header, show off your best Tweets and more. Here are main features:” Best Tweets: Tweets that have received more engagement will appear slightly larger, so your best content is easy to find.Pinned Tweet: Pin one of your Tweets to the top of your page, so it’s easy for your followers to see what you’re all about.

Once you pin the tweet to the top of your Twitter profile page, it stays at the top of the page and the expanded tweet with the image shows. Filtered Tweets: Now you can choose which timeline to view when checking out other profiles. For a preview of the new Twitter layouts, check out these web profiles: Film stars @zacefron and @channingtatumFrench TV host @nikosaliagasAustralian Football League @AFLFirst Lady Michelle Obama @flotusCanva @Canva. How Will Twitter’s New Profiles Impact Social Engagement? Yesterday, Twitter began rolling out their new profile theme to a small group of select users.

How Will Twitter’s New Profiles Impact Social Engagement?

Soon, all of our profiles will look like this. Does the format seem familiar? 5 herramientas sencillas para aumentar el número de retweets de tus artículos. Aunque el conseguir gente que esté dispuesta a consumir y compartir el contenido web que creamos es todo un proceso, los grandes resultados suelen verse luego de llevar a cabo algunos pequeños cambios, por ejemplo, en hacer que los usuarios no sufran al querer compartir tal contenido en las redes sociales.

Marketing Online y posicionamiento Web en Alicante. Si te dijera que hay una herramienta que analiza tu cuenta de twitter y te da información con datos reales de la actividad de tu twitter ¿La utilizarías? Pues esta herramienta existe y se llama Twitter Analytics. Brands Experiment With Twitter Photo Collages. ¿Cuál es el mejor horario para publicar en Twitter? (Herramientas online + infografía) Sea que mantengamos una cuenta personal o el perfil de un negocio, no sobra tener a la mano herramientas para evitar depender estrictamente del sentido común al buscar obtener beneficios de un máximo alcance del contenido publicado en Twitter. Con ayuda de una recopilación en MakeTechEasier, hoy revisamos algunas de ellas junto a una muy útil guía, disfrazada de infografía, con recomendaciones de horarios de publicación en Twitter e incluso en otras redes sociales. Hootsuite Además de las decenas de analíticas avanzadas de esta brillante herramienta que permite gestionar múltiples cuentas de redes sociales en simultáneo, Hootsuite incluye un sencillo botón, dentro de la sección de programar mensajes, el cual nos dará el lujo de prescindir del calendario para definir una fecha de publicación manualmente y simplemente programarla automágicamente en la mejor hora.

4 Twitter Search Tricks That Will Get Your Business More Followers. People send more than 500 million tweets every single day. That’s a lot! Luckily, Twitter makes it easy to navigate those tweets & find the info that’s most valuable to you. Fotos y vídeos aumentan la interacción en Twitter hasta un 35% Detalles. Twitter experimenting with showing how many people saw your tweets. How many people saw your last tweet? A new Twitter experiment is answering that question for some users, adding the number of views a tweet has received underneath every post. Twitter's advertising products have long informed clients how many impressions their campaigns are receiving, but this test marks the first time that those statistics are available to everyday users.

4 herramientas más 1 plugin imprescindibles para Twitter. Twitter es mi red social favorita y por ello constantemente estoy probando nuevas herramientas y plugins que me permitan sacarle más partido. Cómo utilizar Twitter en eventos, paso a paso. InCompartir59. Twitter Chats, How to Create a Successful Tweet Chat. Are you familiar with Twitter chats? Wondering how Twitter chats can help market your business? To learn more about Twitter chats and what they can mean for your business, I interview Pam Moore for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner.

It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing. The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting). In this episode, I interview Pam Moore, founder of Marketing Nutz, an agency specializing in social media marketing. El 80% de los usuarios españoles utiliza el móvil para acceder a Twitter.

Las cookies nos permiten ofrecer nuestros servicios. Al utilizarlos, aceptas el uso que hacemos de las cookies. Consulte nuestra Politica de Privacidad sobre CookiesCERRAR. Twitter Promotion, How to Encourage Others to Promote for You Social Media Examiner. Do you use social media to promote your product, service or events? Are you wondering how you can use Twitter to help get more visibility and sales? To learn how Twitter can be used to encourage others to promote for you, this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast gives you insight into the subject. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing. The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting). Twitter Testing Major Profile Redesign That Looks a Lot Like Facebook.

Twitter is testing a major profile redesign that's very reminiscent of Facebook and Google+. Mashable assistant features editor Matt Petronzio spotted on Tuesday a huge update to his Twitter profile page, with the main picture and bio scaled to the left and significantly more real estate dedicated to the header photo. The revamped tweet stream is also a departure from its signature look. There is a greater focus on photos and content cards. It moves away from a strictly vertical timeline too. Click the image below to enlarge. It's common for Twitter to quietly test new features and design updates before tweaking or rolling it out to a larger user base. Under the header photo in the test is the count for tweets, photos/videos (a new category called out on the profile), who you are following, followers, favorites and lists. Other profile pages viewed from an account with the new design are automatically made to look like this too. Eduripoll : Análisis de los Premios Goya...

Análisis de los Premios Goya en Twitter (Día de la Gala) ¿Qué reglas debe seguir un community manager al publicar en Twitter? [Autor: Sixto Villalba] En esta entrada os voy a mostrar las principales claves que debe tener en cuenta un community manager cuando se dispone a publicar en Twitter, como ya hice aquí para Facebook. SMToolbox: Twitonomy. Twitter se asocia con 300 Entertainment y ofrece analíticas para la industria musical. Katy Perry, Queen of Twitter, Is First to Hit 50 Million Followers. 6 servicios para encontrar gente interesante a quién seguir en Twitter. How To Make Your Instagram Photo Visible On Twitter. How to Network with Influential People Using Twitter. SnapApp Content Marketing Platform. Tweets With Photos Drive Much Higher Engagement Across All Metrics [RESEARCH] Twitter se consolida como el baluarte de las marcas que pretenden fomentar el engagement. Vine profile URLs. How to Use Twitter Ads for More Exposure, Leads and Sales.

10 datos sobre Twitter que ayudan a ganar más seguidores. How Twitter's new expanded images increase clicks, retweets and favorites [New data] Interactive: This Is How Much Money Twitter Owes You. Measuring Twitter with Universal Analytics. SocialBro ya permite traducir emails en cuentas de Twitter. Twitter Analytics. Cómo crear listas en Twitter. #music. Eduripoll : Topsy permite buscar tweets... Topsy. Conoce la nueva plataforma de publicidad de Twitter.

Twitter + GNIP. Sign in - Twitter Ads. Facebook Copies Twitter Again, Adds Hashtags. Sign in - Twitter Analytics. New mobile updates for Android, iPhone and mobile web. Twitter ya permite bajar los tweets a los usuarios en español. Grandes empresas usando Twitter. Algunas ideas… Your new way to filter tweets! Welcoming Bluefin Labs to the Flock. Eduripoll : [FOTOGRAFÍA] Una nueva forma... Eduripoll : #Twitter ya está propagando... Twitter Photo Filters. Crowdbooster: Social Media Marketing Analytics and Optimization. Twitter Marketing 4 Creative Souls. ?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+estwitter+%28esTwitter. 6 Tools to Learn More About Your Twitter Engagement.