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Speaker: Boomers need to build bridge to Generation Y. But there are challenges in these two generations working together and developing an organizational culture that appeals to members of Gen Y and develops their talents, according to Dr. Gustavo Grodnitzky, a clinical psychologist and organizational consultant in Winston-Salem. Grodnitzky spoke on “Four Generations: Workforce Survival” at the 2010 Business Leaders Forum on Thursday sponsored by the Lexington and Thomasville Area Chambers of Commerce, Smart Start, Focus on Leadership and Thomasville Medical Center. More than 100 business people and educators attended the seminar held in the fellowship hall of First Baptist Church on West Third Avenue.

Grodnitzky said generations are defined by their shared experiences. To give some context to his presentation, he outlined the four generations as follows: G.I. Grodnitzky noted the G.I. But Generation Y, primarily the children of boomers, reject the mindset of parents who define themselves by their jobs, Grodnitzky said. 4th HELIOS thematic report: Is e-Learning contributing to internationalisation of education and training? Diez ideas poderosas que moldearán el presente y el futuro de las Tecnologías de la Información en la Educación. PDF: Network theories for technology-enabled learning & social change: Connectivism & Actor Network theory. PDF: Interpreting Complexity: a case 4 sociotech interaction framework as an analytical lens 4 learning tech research. Manual Para Cursos de Blogs. Hoy en día la tecnología es parte de nuestra vida diaria y sobre todo aquella que se deriva delinternet.

Que la comunidad victoria conozca y maneje una herramienta de actualidad para que cumplala misión de la Universidad Victoria. Este curso va dirigido a la comunidad victoria, maestros, alumnos y personal administrativo. Los primeros blogs eran simplemente componentes actualizados de sitios web comunes. Sinembargo, la evolución de las herramientas que facilitaban la producción y mantenimiento deartículos web publicados y ordenados de forma cronológica hizo que el proceso de publicaciónpudiera dirigirse hacia muchas más personas, y no necesariamente con conocimientostécnicos.

Mediante software para blogs comoBlogger o Live Journal, o mediante servicios de alojamiento web corrientes como Dream Host. Reflexión sobre el conectivismo y el uso de recursos web 2.0 en la docencia. - Watch Video - Kendin Coş. La mayoría de los blogueros son ilustrados y con dinero. Imagen de kk+. Flickr. Hace unas semanas dedicamos un artículo a un estudio sobre el estado de los blogs y sobre quiénes eran los famosos blogueros que son cada vez más numerosos en todo el mundo, pero que aún no son tan conocidos por millones de personas que todavía no comprenden del todo el fenómeno y se preguntan ¿qué es un blog? ¿Para qué las personas escriben un blog? En esta ocasión mencionaremos la segunda parte de ese estudio, llamado “State of the Blogosphere 2009” (Estado de la blogósfera 2009), en la que el enfoque es más hacia la parte de la motivación de los blogueros, sus características, sus medidas de éxito, los temas que tocan y cómo influyen las condiciones externas de la situación mundial en el trabajo de los blogs.

Expanding On The Nine Events Of Instruction. Sharebar Learning and instructional theories are the framework of Instructional Design. We rely on these theories to make design decisions that help us predict what will happen during a learning experience. That’s why I like to go back and review some of the classic learning theories, because when you understand them well, you feel the freedom to create new approaches that work in your current context. So on one recent wild night, when I was browsing through Smith and Ragan’s textbook, Instructional Design, I came across a different and expanded version of Gagne’s Events of Instruction.

Background In case you missed out on this theory, the Events of Instruction were proposed by Educational Psychologist, Robert Gagne. Gagne’s Events of Instruction form a compelling foundation for Instructional Design, however, there is the sense that the learner is somewhat passive. Learner-generated Version The column on the left captures the internal processes of learning, according to Gagne. Assessing Student Work in the Open Educational Resources Era. Complexity: The new world between chance and choice. Complexity. The new world between chance and choice April 10, 2010 Nonlinear dynamics are concerned with messy systems. Examples for these systems are the human brain, the evolution of life itself and the weather. Chaos theory explains how the parameters in the equations cause patterns in time. Never the same but always recognizable The strange thing with a strange attractor is that the ongoing movement is never the same but always recognizable.

The weather is normally used as an example of a system that displays this pattern. The smallest overlooked variable or the most minute change can escalate up by non-linear iterations into a major transformative change in the later life of the system. Classical physics took individual entities and their movement (trajectories) as the unit of analysis. Every interaction of any particles is thus potentially meaningful and can lead to amplification of the slightest variation. From complex adaptive systems to complex responsive processes Like this: The Knowledge Tree 2009 » Article: The world of e-portfolios. The Knowledge Tree 2009 » Article: Dis-integrating e-portfolios. ePortfolios, Finally! Viewpoint ePortfolios, Finally!

By Trent Batson04/07/10 We’ve known for decades, long before portfolios became electronic portfolios, that portfolio practices in the right teacherly hands and in the right syllabus structure seem to improve student engagement and learning. Now, after a brief, five-year detour into irrational database exuberance when electronic portfolio systems became, mostly, tools for institutional re-accreditation and accountability, electronic portfolios are back at the center of consideration for re-architecting teaching and learning on a number of campuses in the United States and around the world. ePortfolio systems and associated portfolio practices finally are on track to become the centerpiece of educational transformation they always seemed destined to be.

Many signs now point to a sudden explosion of electronic portfolio planning, adoption, and rapid market expansion. Many indicators support our impression that academia has re-embraced portfolios. Gestión del Conocimiento. En la mesa de la profesora hay unos libros, unos cuadernos y dos vasos de grueso vidrio verdoso con unas florecitas silvestres amarillas, rojas y de color lila. La maestra, que acompaña al viajero en su visita a la escuela, es una chica joven y mona, con cierto aire de ciudad, que lleva los labios pintados y viste un traje de cretona muy bonito. Habla de pedagogía y dice al viajero que los niños de Casasana son buenos y aplicados y muy listos. Desde fuera, en silencio y con los ojillos atónitos, un grupo de niños y niñas mira para dentro de la escuela. La maestra llama a un niño y a una niña. - A ver, para que os vea este señor.

¿Quién descubrió América? El niño no titubea Semanas atrás, uno de los principales diarios económicos de España publicó con escasos días de intervalo, sendos artículos firmados por 2 consultores defendiendo y criticando la tesis acerca de si la educación debe o no estar orientada hacia el trabajo. ¿Tenemos problemas con la educación? LECTURA: Adopción de Política de Acceso Abierto por la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Stephen Downes: El futuro del aprendizaje online... Lo que pasará dentro de 10 años. Fuente: MasterNewMedia. El Aprendizaje Personalizado Ahora tenemos ordenadores potentes y de bajo costo que podemos llevar por sobre nuestro hombro o en el bolsillo de nuestra camisa.

(Yamamoto, 2006) Estos ordenadores están conectados de forma inalámbrica a Internet con anchos de banda suficientes para permitir la reproducción multimedia instantánea para la comunicación en cualquier parte del planeta. Estos equipos sólo mejorarán en los próximos años, convirtiéndose en más rápidos, más delgados, y más asequibles. Y no estamos en el punto en que vemos la posibilidad de que la educación pueda ser muy personalizada. Hasta la fecha, gran parte de nuestra atención, incluso en el ámbito del aprendizaje en línea, se ha centrado en un sistema de aprendizaje centrado en la clase o cohortes: grupos de estudiantes que estudian al ritmo un mismo plan de estudios a través del mismo conjunto de actividades de aprendizaje. Grupos Versus Redes Gestión Del Aprendizaje Y Competencias.

Sobre Infociudadano. InfoCIUDADANO es un nuevo concepto en producción y distribución de información de interés común. Comprende un conjunto de portales colaborativos y una agencia de noticias que distribuyen información generada por ciudadanos. Fortalecer al ciudadano a través de la autogestión de información y la creación de redes. a. Fomentar y defender las libertades democráticas ciudadanas, especialmente la de libre expresión. b. Nivelar al ciudadano con los representantes y autoridades políticas. c. Portales de infociudadanía en Venezuela, Latinoamérica y EEUU. Programas y productos educativos. Medios alternativos (radio IP, coberturas en vivo y TV IP). infoCIUDADANO opera actualmente , dedicado a Venezuela. Pronto estará en línea nuestro portal en inglés, basado en los Estados Unidos y portales dedicados a diversos países de América Latina. infoCIUDADANO somos: Fernando Núñez Noda Editor en Jefe Milagros González Jefa de información y agregación / Encargada de redes.

What is an open decentralized course? | Open Course in Education Futures. Teacher technology training going into the future. Photo by Victor Cristales, Victor Cristales/Reporter-News Abilene High School algebra and geometry teacher Heidi Anderson teaches other Abilene school teachers how to use a Promethean interactive whiteboard during a technology training workshop at Abilene High School on Tuesday.

Ortiz Elementary School first-grade teachers Karen Lantrip (from left), Kyla Campbell and Erika Maldonado take turns using a Promethean ActivSlate wireless mini-board to control a Promethean interactive whiteboard during a technology training workshop at Abilene High on Tuesday. Federal stimulus dollars are nearly doubling the amount of technological devices in classrooms in the Abilene Independent School District this year, and teachers are logging long hours as they figure out how to use their new high-tech tools.

Grants allow some high school teachers to get technology training stipends, but many district elementary teachers are flocking to workshops and brainstorming sessions — with no financial impetus at all. Top 10 tools to create digital books. Distance Learning Teaching Jobs And Your Future. Global Information Technology Report (WEF) Peru Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013 The travel and tourism (T&T) industry has been one of fastest-growing sectors globally over the past ten years, and this upward trend is expected to continue in the future. The number of international travelers reached 1 billion in 2012 and has almost doubled over the past 20 years. It is estimated that the T&T sector directly contributes about 9.3 percent of GDP and 3.4 percent of employment worldwide.

In addition to its direct economic impact, a strong T&T industry helps to boost productivity and to connect countries by prompting hard and soft infrastructure upgrades, which are... Post date: April 19, 2013 Global Information Technology Report 2013 Finland has toppled Sweden from the top spot in a ranking of economies that are best placed to benefit from new information and communication technologies (ICTs). Report HighlightsDownload these highlightsMeasuring the Power of NetworksMind the Digital GapCan Digitization Kick-Start Growth? Los 7 Pecados Capitales de la Investigación Universitaria Tercermundista. Introducción Estas notas tienen la intención de promover debates en torno a lo planteado en el título... 1. La desarticulación y fragmentación (la Torre de Babel) Los trabajos de investigación no suelen tener nada que ver unos con otros.

Si Ud. revisa cualquiera de los compendios de resúmenes de investigaciones que se suministran en las jornadas de investigación de las universidades, difícilmente conseguirá en ese compendio dos investigaciones que tengan algún parentesco entre sí. Es algo así como la construcción de la Torre de Babel, cuando cada obrero hacía algo que no tenía nada que ver con lo que hacía otro, porque cada quien hablaba un lenguaje diferente y tenía un plan diferente, que resultaban inaccesibles a los demás... 2. La investigación universitaria tercermundista está enfocada bajo una concepción individualista de la universidad, derivada de una visión también individualista de la sociedad. 3.Investigar por investigar (el proceso y no el producto) 4. 5. 6. 7.

Conclusión. Creating a Culture of Collaboration Through Technology Integration by Kim Cofino. 0 Comments March 21, 2010 By: Tech Learning Blog Staff Mar 21 Written by: 3/21/2010 8:17 AM ShareThis Cross-posted on always learning Last week, Chrissy and I were invited to give our presentation from ASB Unplugged, Hardware is Not Enough: The Teacher-Facilitator Partnership, to our Headmaster, Dr. Bill Gerritz, and Deputy Headmaster, Andy Davies. Here's what I have so far for the article, I would love to get your feedback before I send a finished draft off to Bill: Creating a Culture of Collaboration Through Technology Integration For many years technology was treated as a discrete subject to be taught by a technology teacher. Now the expectation is that classroom teachers will authentically and appropriately embed technology into the learning experience. Why Collaborate? The most important (and most obvious) reason for the facilitator and teacher to collaborate is to improve student learning.

Who Does What? Teacher: the primary focus of the teacher is, of course, on teaching and learning. Transformational? by Bob Sprankle. 0 Comments March 25, 2010 By: Bob Sprankle Mar 24 Written by: 3/24/2010 9:17 PM ShareThis I remember the day I bought my first Beatles album: Magical Mystery Tour. defines "transformational" as: A marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better.

When talking about technology integration in education, surely one of the requirements for a tool to be considered transformational is that it must make the learning environment better... better than what previously existed because of the technology. Sometimes it's hard to tell if a tool is truly transformational or if we're just caught up in the "shiny-bright-wow-factor" of it. Enter: The iPad. Next week many early adopters will be standing in lines at Apple Stores across the country, waiting to get their hands on their new iPads (full disclosure: this includes me). "It's just a big iPhone," is what I hear many early critics protest. But... will it be transformational?

What are your thoughts? Teen internet use on the rise. Can we move beyond Integrating Technology as a tool? 0 Comments March 7, 2010 By: Scott Meech Mar 7 Written by: 3/7/2010 1:28 AM ShareThis Image via Wikipedia When talking about lifelong learning, I often reference Project Integration and how we need to get away from this model. Now, I am proud to say that I have helped many teachers and student's improve their learning through creating projects with technology that expand upon their knowledge in a variety of curriculums. Voicethread Linked Here While many of these projects are very worthwhile, I still believe there has to be more to it. We need to focus on learning how to learn. As a former social studies teacher, I know first hand how difficult it can be for teachers in this curricular to make decisions on content. While I evangelize to some, I need to come clean as well.

As stated on, “Learning is at the center of the whole plan,” said Ms. The key is personalizing the learning experience. Meech_Lifelong_Learning_Approach_Syllabus Direct Link to Presentation Related: Students, educators not on the same digital page, survey says. The Benefits of Blended Learning. 10 Twitter Tips for Higher Education. Online courses becoming a standard way to train employees. 7 e-books imprescindibles. Global Self-Paced eLearning Market Forecasts. Informe de los profesionales más demandados y mejor cotizados. The Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government. Real-time Engagement for Anytime Learners. Declaración de Ciudad del Cabo para la Educación Abierta. Global Information Technology Report - World Economic Forum. WebQuest: un modelo de aprendizaje colaborativo en red « Proyecto DTEV. 20 Technology Skills Every Educator Should Have June 2005 THE Journal.