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Dual Specialization in MBA 2021: Important Scope & Benefits. An MBA has been very popular among students who opt for MBA programs as Benefits of doing an MBA are just so many.

Dual Specialization in MBA 2021: Important Scope & Benefits

However, even after choosing to do an MBA, one has to choose the right specialization. Well, what if I told you could choose to do TWO specializations or a dual specialization in MBA. But, What is a dual MBA? Dual MBA specialization or an MBA program with dual specialization provides students with an opportunity to pursue two different areas in the management field. Through this, the student can showcase an array of skills and knowledge in various industry domains. Why an MBA after Engineering? Things Every Aspirant Must Know. Master of Business Administration or MBA is one of the most popular professional courses in the world.

Why an MBA after Engineering? Things Every Aspirant Must Know

Many see it as a key to unlocking a successful career. There are various factors contributing to why such large numbers of students from diverse academic backgrounds are willing to pursue an MBA, we will explore some of them here. PGDM vs MBA: Which one is better? 11 Key Differences & 5 Factors to consider. Aspiring managers and students in the management field want a higher education that can provide them with tools to be on top of their career game.

PGDM vs MBA: Which one is better? 11 Key Differences & 5 Factors to consider.

One full-proof way of making it there is by pursuing a management program after graduation. India has over 5000+ B schools offering both MBA & PGDM programs. However, one dilemma all students face at this crossroads is ‘what is the difference between PGDM and MBA and which course is better between MBA and PGDM? Many factors need to be kept in mind in choosing what’s better, but most important is to consider our career goals and personal interests.

So together let us explore the difference between PGDM and MBA, what’s best for you between PGDM vs MBA and why! Sunstone Eduversity: India's #1 Pay After Placement MBA School. Pay After Placement: India's #1 MBA School. Sunstone Eduversity: India's #1 Pay After Placement MBA School. PGDM vs MBA: #1 Solution of the Experts' Debate! - Sunstone Eduversity. Dual Specialization in MBA 2021: Important Scope & Benefits. MBA in Operations Management: Career, Scope and Salary - MBA & PGDM Blog - Pay After Placement. MBA in Operations management is one of the key roles in making any business run smoothly.

MBA in Operations Management: Career, Scope and Salary - MBA & PGDM Blog - Pay After Placement

Professionals involved in this field generally concern themselves with planning, organizing and supervising various aspects of the business. This includes all the work being done in regards to production and manufacturing, along with the procurement of raw material, technology and even human resources among other miscellaneous services.

However, it’s crucial to know if a PGDM is equivalent to an MBA in the operations field. How To Ease Your Way Into Investment Banking With An MBA? What is Investment Banking?

How To Ease Your Way Into Investment Banking With An MBA?

Investment banking(IB) is probably the most prestigious and coveted profession in the financial sector. This charm of the domain comes from its high profile nature and handsome revenues. In contrast, IB is one of the most challenging jobs, given its long work hours and high stress working environment. Some investment bankers work for about 80 to 100 hrs a week. The title of the job is a bit misleading and says little about the daily challenges of the job.