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KDE Santa Barbara. Welcome to the Kids Do Ecology Biomes Pages!

KDE Santa Barbara

Aquatic Biomes | Terrestrial Biomes | GAMES! What are biomes? Biomes are regions of the world with similar climate (weather, temperature) animals and plants. The Environmental Literacy Council - Ecosystems. The ecosystem concept has its roots in theoretical concepts regarding the organization and dynamics of natural systems.

The Environmental Literacy Council - Ecosystems

The word itself is of relatively recent origin; it was initially suggested by a scientist in 1935 as a more abstract replacement for the community concept. In its present usage, however, an ecosystem is generally defined as a community of organisms living in a particular environment and the physical elements in that environment with which they interact. Just as there is an immense diversity of individual species on the planet, so is there a rich diversity of ecosystems ? From the icy arctic zones to tropical forests lush with plants and animals.

Chain Reaction - Build a Food Chain. Educational sites2see » Interactions in the Environment. Ecosystems. Vermi_game_page.