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A briefing on the new Google Analytics update: 16th January 2013. Google Analytics have rolled out a series of fairly big changes to their User Interface. They do this every so often, either to incorporate extra functionality, or simply to clean up the user interface & improve user experience. (See the tweaks they made last time, for example). This time around most of the changes are purely around the interface, though there are some large, useful functionality tweaks too. Editor’s note: At the time of writing there isn’t a new post on the Google Analytics blog to point you to for more detail, but we’ll add that once available. This post covers the 9 main changes made to Google Analytics: 1. The top navigation (and the overall information architecture) has changed quite considerably. Here was the old top nav: Here’s the new top nav: The main changes there (including the bits you can’t see) are: The ‘Home’ tab has gone. 2.

A small change, but useful. 3. As mentioned, the ‘accounts’ dropdown is significantly wider. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Summary Editors note. 5 Ways to Fulfill Your Traffic Goals in 2013 Using Data from Google Analytics. Most businesses start the year by creating goals and objectives. What many businesses don’t know is that Google Analytics can greatly assist them in achieving those goals. The first step is to start asking yourself questions that you’d like answers to. This is the crux of good analysis. Once you know what questions you’d like answered then you can go to work on finding ways to tweak Google Analytics to give you those answers.

To begin with, the most important question is, what are your goals? Think of the 80/20 rule. Before we continue, a word of caution: Don’t go report crazy! Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty (or granular, in GA speak): 1. This report can be found under Traffic Sources > Search Engine Optimization > Queries (once you’ve connected your GA and GWT account).

Look for keywords that have a low CTR. 2. Many businesses select highly competitive head terms as their target keywords and focus their link building and optimization on those terms. 1 word 2 words 3 words 4+ words. The Marketer's Guide to Pinterest SEO. Once viewed as a niche player in the social space, Pinterest has become one of the fastest growing social networks ever, harnessing both an increased user base and its exponential growth as a referring site to become a considerable force in the marketing world. Equally important for businesses to consider is the buying power behind Pinterest: Pinterest users purchase items more often and in greater quantities, spend more money, and shop more frequently than any other social network. So if your initial trial of using Pinterest for business has yielded positive results and you think Pinterest is a viable social media marketing platform for your business, you know what the next step is, right?

Optimization! To get you started, below we’ll outline 10 great tips to optimize your business' Pinterest presence for search. 1) Choose an Optimized Company Username Furthermore, be sure to verify your website. 2) Optimize Your Page's 'About' Section 3) Include Links Back to Your Website That's right! Introduction au référencement naturel | Édition Nº30. Avec une part d’audience représentant 40 à 60 % en moyenne du trafic total d’un site Web, le référencement naturel — que l’on nomme aussi SEO (pour search engine optimisation) — s’est imposé comme la première source d’audience des sites Web.En France, Google possède 90 % des parts de marché de la recherche en ligne : quand on parle de référencement naturel, implicitement on parle de référencement naturel Google.Bien que tout le monde ait entendu parler au moins une fois de ce fameux « référencement naturel », rares sont ceux qui arrivent à se faire une idée claire de ce qu’est réellement le SEO et de ce qu’il peut apporter.

Avant de rentrer dans le détail , il est nécessaire de définir quelques expressions du jargon SEO : Les principes fondamentaux du SEO Le référencement naturel peut être séparé en deux champs d’action indépendants mais qui se rejoignent : L’optimisation interne d’un site ;Le travail de netlinking. Maintenant dites-vous que : et que donc de la même façon : Conclusion. Ressource : le "Google SEO starter guide" - le guide de démarrage pour le référencement. Quelle autre voix devriez-vous écouter lorsque vous travaillez sur le classement de votre site dans Google que… Google lui-même? Eh bien notre moteur de recherche préféré propose, dans sa section « Outils pour webmasters », un PDF gratuit de 32 pages couvrant tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le référencement naturel pour Google… Facile à lire et illustré de nombreuses captures d’écran et images, ce document s’adresse aux débutants aussi bien qu’à ceux travaillant dans le domaine depuis un moment et ayant besoin d’un petit rafraîchissement.

Son contenu est divisé en 6 chapitres principaux couvrant les sujets suivants: Bases SEO ;Améliorer la structure de site ;Optimisation du contenu ;Prendre soin des robots d’indexation ;Le référencement pour mobiles ;Mise en valeur et analyse. De plus, vous trouverez à la fin de chaque section un résumé des « meilleures pratiques » donnant quelques points importants sur lesquels se concentrer. Guide de démarrage Google > Définition et histoire du Web analytics | Blog web analytics. Cet article a été mis à jour le 07/01/2013. Le Web analytics en France et plus largement en Europe est en développement. Les annonceurs sont désormais conscients de la valeur ajoutée que peut leur apporter le Web analytics et cela quelque soit leur(s) modèle(s) économique(s). De nouvelles sociétés se sont lancées dans le domaine du conseil en Web analytics et accompagnent de plus en plus d’annonceurs, qu’ils soient pure player ou non. Chez nos voisins américains, le Web analytics est déjà mature.

Le cabinet d’étude Forrester prévoit que la valeur du marché atteindra les 1 milliard de dollars uniquement pour les Etats-Unis en 2014. C’est dire le potentiel et le chemin qu’il reste à parcourir en France et en Europe. Face à cet engouement, le moment est venu de prendre du recul et de retracer les grandes étapes de l’évolution de la discipline depuis la création du marché par la société Webtrends en 1993 jusqu’à aujourd’hui. - Introduction, définition et objectifs du Web analytics ). The Top SEO Platforms: Forrester Wave Report. Forrester, the large marketing technology analysis organization, has released two of three of its Forrester Wave reports related to search marketing. I wrote about the first one yesterday in Forrester Rates The Top Large Search Marketing Agencies, which offered an assessment of large, full service (meaning agencies that offer both organic SEO and PPC) and agencies who serve large clients of $1 billion or more in revenue.

Today, a look at the second report, covering what Forrester describes as SEO “platforms” – the relatively new set of tools that has emerged over the past few years to help SEOs automate and bring more efficiency to a broad range of search optimization tasks that previously were a manual chore. Forrester’s overall assessment is that SEO platforms are useful, but don’t provide the breadth offered by PPC automation tools. That’s why SEO tools, or “platforms” as Forrester calls them, have emerged. Key SEO Trends Forrester’s Top SEO Platforms Excluded: Passing the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ) Test. A little while ago, I studied for, took and passed the Google Analytics Certification test from Google Partners. I did this in order to cover it for the ClickMinded search engine optimization training class.

It’s also the test that we modeled for the ClickMinded SEO Certification. I was able to pass after about 4 hours of studying. With that said, I had been using Google Analytics for a few years. You need to get at least 56/70 questions correct for a passing grade of 80%. There are a ton of fantastic walkthroughs out there on how to pass this exam, but I felt that some of them were a little bit too wordy, and sort of trick you into over-preparing for it when you don’t really need to.

Ready? Step 1 First, go to the Google Partners and click “Join Google Partners”. Step 2 Next, go to Google Analytics Academy and take all the lessons. As today there are 3 different courses that are free and really helpful. Step 3 Heads up! The test takes an hour and a half.

Web analyst

On-Page Keyword Optimization | SEOmoz PRO. What's New in Google Analytics? In October 2012 Google officially retired the old version of Google Analytics meaning that everyone will now use the new version 5 which has been in beta test for around a year. This coincided with a flurry of activity with new features introduced. So it’s a good to time to think about how you’re using Google Analytics to improve the results from your digital marketing.

Most businesses will have been using the new version, but users will likely need education or training to understand how to use the new features. It’s also a prompt to check that Google Analytics is set up to tailor analysis and reports specific for your business, more on the details of this in my article next month. In this post, I will summarise the main changes introduced over the last year, so you can check you’re “up-to-speed” on these. I’ll start with the most recent: Google Website Optimizer now integrated as Content Experiments. I hope you find this round-up useful. How to Optimize a Landing Page. How to Optimize a Blog Post.