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Using Shaders in the Browser with WebGL. Shader Dev Series Ep 4 :: Getting Started with GLSL. OpenGL Step by Step - OpenGL Development. Playing around with fragment shaders in WebGL. WebGL is a graphics library for web browsers, based on a version of OpenGL for embedded devices, OpenGL ES. The library allows for customized real-time 3d graphics rendering in modern browsers, including the use of shaders. There is a variety of scenarios in which you would want to make use of such a library. Consider, for example, browser games, 3D maps and product views. The simple WebGL interface is accessible via JavaScript and even whole frameworks are available, such as three.js (for an introduction, see Johannes Brosi’s great article from earlier this month). As Christmas holidays are approaching, it is nice to have some toys to play around with.

As I mentioned above, WebGL is accessed via JavaScript. <script type="text/javascript">// <! The result is a blank screen. <script type="text/javascript">// <! Things are straightforward. The initialization function retrieves the HTML canvas object and initializes a WebGL object on its basis. So far this is not too exciting. OpenGL Step by Step - OpenGL Development on Linux. Self-made GLSL shader Part II - Technical explanation(sorta) : GraphicsProgramming.