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Why New Teachers Need Mentors. Tips for Coaching New Teachers - The Art of Coaching Teachers. I've received a number of emails asking for advice when coaching new teachers--especially during these often challenging fall months.

Tips for Coaching New Teachers - The Art of Coaching Teachers

Let's start with considering what new teachers need: They need emotional support, they need some quick wins in the classroom, and they need feedback. The following coaching actions can address these needs. Instructional Pacing: How Do Your Lessons Flow? Pacing a lesson so its nearly seamless takes expertise and practice -- and can be one of the greatest challenges for new teachers.

Instructional Pacing: How Do Your Lessons Flow?

For those more seasoned out there, here's a scenario many of us can relate to from the early days: way too much time for one learning activity, while not enough for another and clunky transitions in between. Also on the teacher plate when it comes to instructional decisions that influence pacing? How best to chunk and scaffold content so it's grade-level appropriate and then deciding on the best instructional mode. So let's take a look at the essentials when it comes to pacing the lesson and the learning: Classroom Management: More Than a Bag of Tricks. Published Online: November 28, 2012 First Person By Tracey Garrett Cindy, a well-educated and highly qualified recent graduate pursuing a 4th grade teaching position, has a ready response for the principal's interview question, "How do you plan to manage your classroom?

Classroom Management: More Than a Bag of Tricks

" She confidently replies, "I plan to develop a system where students will earn points for good behavior during the week and receive tickets to enter a raffle for prizes at the end of the week. " Across the country this spring, thousands of graduates from hundreds of teacher-education programs will enthusiastically prepare for the job search in hopes of landing a teaching position for September in a difficult market. This plan, while not uncommon, unfortunately conveys a narrow view of classroom management. Teacher-Prep Problem However inadequate her answer may be, Cindy's lack of understanding about effective classroom management is not her fault. Prevention Is Key. Supporting New Teachers to Make Global Connections. This past week, a tremendous opportunity to participate and view presentations from educators around the world happened on the web.

Supporting New Teachers to Make Global Connections

The annual presentation is called the Global Education Conference. Listening to Students. Last week, my son's third grade teacher sent home what at first glance looked like a long homework assignment -- three sets of survey questions with many lines for his responses.

Listening to Students

After reading the directions, we learned that I was to ask him the questions and transcribe his responses. Each night we settled down for what turned into a thoughtful, reflective conversation about my child: his reading preferences, learning style, interests, likes and dislikes, fears and hopes. I thought I knew my kid, but I was surprised by some of his responses -- "What distracts you more -- sound or movement? " one question asked. Five Tips to Help You Soar This September. Even though I haven't been a student or a classroom teacher in a long time, the beginning of a new school year still fills my stomach with butterflies.

Five Tips to Help You Soar This September

For me, September still signifies crisply ironed clothes, spotless new shoes, and clean loose-leaf paper in an as-yet-untarnished new binder. As a teacher, the summer vacation gave me the time I needed to recover from the insatiable demands that being alone in a room with 20 or so burgeoning adolescents inevitably placed on me. Supporting New Teachers:The Good Mentor. James B.

Supporting New Teachers:The Good Mentor

Rowley. Role of the Mentee and Mentor. "It is the third most powerful relationship for influencing human behavior (after the family and couple relationships ) if it is working.

Role of the Mentee and Mentor

" Source: Richard E. Caruso, PhD Role of the Mentee. Mentor_training. Ten Tips for Building Teacher Resiliency. In July, I wrote “Building Resiliency in Struggling Students: 7 Key Ideas from the Research.”

Ten Tips for Building Teacher Resiliency

The topic of resiliency got a lot of people talking, and I heard from many of you about the challenges you face when trying to reach your students. In all this talk about resiliency, one important topic sometimes gets left out—teachers. As educators, our mission is to take care of students. Our job is to help ensure their success and see to it that they develop the skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary to lead happy and productive lives. However, sometimes we forget to put the same energy and passion into taking care of ourselves. Maintain perspective. Advice to a new teacher. By Rebecca Mieliwocki, Special to CNN.

Advice to a new teacher

Editor’s note: Rebecca Mieliwocki is a seventh grade English teacher in California who was chosen the 2012 National Teacher of the Year. The National Teacher of the Year is a project of the Council of Chief State School Officers. You can follow Rebecca on Twitter @MrsMieliwocki. (CNN) - Are you ready to be sneezed on? The Secret to Making It a Great School Year. If I could, I'd lay money on the claim I'm about to make: If you do the one little thing I'm about to suggest, you will have a great school year.

Here it is: At the end of every day, identify three things that went well in your classroom. Teacher Survival Kit for Classroom Management: 10+ Tips & Resources. Posted by Shelly Terrell on Friday, August 10th 2012 “We all need someone who inspires us to do better than we know how.” ~ Anonymous The first day with a new class often dictates what the rest of the year will be like. If we start the learning journey well with our learners then we can look forward to what the year ahead will bring. However, we must show our learners how to act in order to have a successful journey.

How our learners approach that journey- their attitudes and behaviors- will determine if they end the journey better individuals than they were before they entered our classrooms. Tips and Resources. Experienced Teachers Reflect on Their First Year. This year I had the opportunity to work with many educators in national and global workshops. On two of these occasions, I asked the teachers to share their wisdom by answering the question, "What I know now that I wish I had known as a first year teacher is . . A recurring theme among their answers was the awareness of -- and responsiveness to -- the needs and interests their students.

Answers like this demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness among experienced educators -- way beyond the pedagogy they were taught. Below are some of the responses I got from experienced teachers when they were asked what they wished they’d known as first-year teachers. In the Classroom 1) State Clear Expectations for Classroom Behavior Anne Manalo-Hussein, an experienced teacher from Macon County Elementary School, Macon County, Georgia, offers this advice: 15 Conflict Resolution Tricks Every Educator Should Know. Teachers wear many hats: counselor, coach, referee, probation officer. With the pent-up energy and (later on) the raging hormones wreaking havoc on students’ sanity, conflict is bound to occur in classrooms and on school playgrounds, meaning teachers have to be ready to put on their “mediator” hat at a moment’s notice. If you’re a young educator and want to have some conflict resolution tricks up your sleeve before you’re thrown into the ring, or you’re an experienced educator looking for some new ideas, we’ve lined up 15 techniques to help you win the fight.

Like your students: Isn’t it true that we treat people we like differently than people we can’t stand? We’re probably more patient, more understanding, and slower to become angry with them. Who Makes the Rules in a Classroom? Seven Ideas About Rule-making - Teacher in a Strange Land. Mentor Teacher Guidelines. Teaching and Learning Together Mentoring is a process. Five Quick Classroom Management Tips for Novice Teachers. Five Tips for New Teachers to Become Connected Educators. Editor's Note: Connected Educator Month (CEM) was launched by the Department of Education in August 2012, and this year, it's being held in October. New Teacher Orientation – ideas and questions. By David Andrade, CT DEN LC, I’m working on my Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership (I already have one in Educational Technology) and my current course is “Developing Teachers.” In this course we are looking at recruiting, training, and retaining teachers and this week we are looking at new teacher orientation programs.

When I started, the new teacher orientation program was three days before the rest of the teachers came in. First Year Highlights: All Of Them In One Place! - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo. Training gives new teachers the 'tools' for success. You’ll Never Get There Without Questions. The day you realize leadership is about them not you is the day you begin leading. Guidance from the Get-Go: Mentoring New Teachers.