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1 to 1 iPad

My first 3 days with a 1:1 iPad classroom – Cageless Thinking. It has taken months of preparation and a ridiculously steep learning curve, but last week I finally got a class set of 30 iPads up and running. In just 3 teaching days I have learnt a huge amount about what works, what doesn’t and what the future of education might be. As a brief prelude to this, it is worth explaining that I have been teaching with an iPad since the beginning of term.

I have an Apple TV connected to my projector and this in itself has been fairly revolutionary. As an English teacher, being able to launch iBooks on a huge screen and allow students to see my annotations and highlighting has been really interesting. Using Explain Everything as a mobile Interactive Whiteboard has been great; I have been able to sit with my class and talk with my class and that has bettered our relationship and the way they are thinking about work. Apple Configurator is a fantastic tool, but it has its limitations There’s an app for pretty much anything Apple TV and airserver are essential. The 1:1 iPad Classroom. How to Manage and Make the Most of Your iPads 1:1 Device Management Every student has an iPad in their hands! AHHHH! What do you do now? First, let's think.

What will iPads in YOUR classroom look like? Will the iPads be in student hands all day? Here are some things to think about....I encourage you to write out your iPad management plan. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Resources Below you will find some resource links to help you get started in the 1:1 iPad Classroom.

Library management and organisation

Importance of school libraries. Online Content Creation with Kids. Cool Teaching Resources. Teacher Resources about Books. App Ideas. Evaluating Internet Resources - Use Websites.