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ELI7061. Complete Guide to Open Educational Resources. Open Educational Resources | Feature Complete Guide to Open Educational Resources Low-cost, high-quality textbooks may once have been a myth, but no longer: Open educational resources provide a wide variety of free learning content for practically any subject.

Complete Guide to Open Educational Resources

CT asked three OER enthusiasts for their favorite tips and tools. By Dian Schaffhauser08/27/14 OER Defined "OER are teaching, learning and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. Table of Contents About the Author. Maricopa Millions Case Study. What is the goal of the project?

Maricopa Millions Case Study

The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) has refined several existing definitions of open educational resources (OER) and defined it for their purposes as teaching, learning, and research resources that are copyright-free or have been released under a creative commons license that permits others to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute them. Examples of OER include: full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world. The goal of the Maricopa Millions project is to radically decrease student costs by offering LOW COST or NO COST options for course materials.

Courses designated as NO COST will have no additional cost to the student beyond fees associated with tuition. What is being done to meet the goal? Strategic Approach Increased Awareness. Broward College Online Case Study. Diving into Open Educational Resources by David Shulman, Ph.D, Campus President Background It is no secret that the costs of higher education and ballooning student indebtedness have become part of the national consciousness.

Broward College Online Case Study

In numbers this fact is starkly represented by a rise in student loan debt from $240 billion in 2003, to a trillion dollars in 2014. Yes, you read correctly, one trillion dollars….and that is just for tuition. Within the context of affordability, Broward College prides itself on the low cost of tuition; however controlling external factors such as the increase in textbooks and materials is not feasible. Why are we committed to OER and No-Cost Materials?

Affordable education is a deeply embedded value of Broward College, and the idea of taking the path less chosen through no-cost Open Educational Resources (OERs) was too good not to investigate. How did we get here? Our journey started in 2012 with a decision to host an “e-Textbook & Digital Content Symposium.” NOVA’s OER-based General Education. The OER-Based General Education Project was funded through a College Innovation Fund grant received from the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) in early 2013.

NOVA’s OER-based General Education

Dr. Wm Preston Davis, Director of Instruction at Northern Virginia Community College’s Extended Learning Institute, and his staff of faculty, librarians, and instructional designers set out to create a program where students at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) could take one or more courses that utilize free and/or open courses materials to deliver a high quality learning experience without requiring the purchase of textbooks or other course materials. The OER courses lead to the General Studies Certificate and satisfy the first year of the Associate of Science Degree. Goals of the Project “Ultimately, my goal is to see this project save our students a million dollars a year while continuing to show improvements in overall student success.” — Dr.

Team Designed Course Approach Fall 2013 Outcomes Next Steps. Announcements. Reflections on #OEGlobal 2017 from James Glapa-Grossklag, outgoing OEC Board President Colleagues from around the world have posted generous reflections on the 2017 Open Education Global (#OEGlobal) conference, held this year in beautiful Cape Town.


Many of those posts offer summations of key themes, so I will do something a bit different–pose a challenge to the community and offer personal words of gratitude. Challenges On the occasion of the many anniversaries that we celebrated in Cape Town, I was noted in my opening remarks that visions of the future need to be a bit ridiculous, a little crazy. The shared vision of the open education community — education for everyone, everywhere — sounds a little less crazy today than it did 15, 10, or even 5 years ago. A couple of challenges to being crazy in an effective manner were posed throughout the conference and I want to call your attention to them here.

One challenge for our community was voiced in a couple of different ways. Gratitude [ssba] Join us in building understanding of open education. Cerritos College with Lumen Learning. In the above video, Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative faculty participants discuss ways OER make life better for their students.

Cerritos College with Lumen Learning

The Innovation: Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative Textbook costs continue to escalate, creating difficult fiscal choices for students who cannot afford to purchase them. They may attempt to take the course without buying the textbook, impeding their studies and academic success; or bypass the course altogether, and further prolonging their degree completion. Project Kaleidoscope partners conceived another option, creating a comprehensive, general education curriculum with best-of-breed open educational resources (OER). The Issue: High Textbook Costs The Impact: Student Success Suffers The Solution: Kaleidoscope OER The Results: No Textbook Costs and Improved Outcomes The Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative reduced textbook costs in the designed courses by 100%, saving students the entire cost of their textbooks.

Savings did not sacrifice academic success.