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Seasonal Shopping : The best in Seasonal Shopping | ECP's blog. In 2012 consumers spent over $17 billion on Valentine’s Day gifts. That was up over 8.5% from 2011 and is expected to increase again in 2013. Valentine’s Day is second only to Christmas in spending. Among the top retail industries popular at Valentine’s Day are: Get your business ready for 2013! Just because it’s January, doesn’t mean you can’t plan ahead for July. It’s time to set your holiday marketing calendar to action. Take a look at our holiday calendar list below to prepare in advance for all marketing need-to-know dates.

The holiday season is finally coming to a close and so far it’s been good news for e-commerce. The holiday shopping season continues to unfold and so do the ecommerce headlines. Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone and the holiday shopping season is now upon us. This was a big week for ecommerce! A Mother’s Day classic is serving breakfast in bed. Avoiding the Rush Consumer taste has long been finicky, erratic and trendy. Get ready for 2011! The Sampler's Seasonal Shopping Guide. Buying another pair of boots was not on my mind until the bus stopped at the corner of Madison Avenue and 61st Street long enough for me to get a good look into the Barney's window.

There in casual spartan urbanity were leather and suede accessories, a stark juxtaposition to the flashy holiday display that had twinkled there for weeks. But it wasn't the brown suede poncho-slash-bolero perched on a pedestal like the thing of beauty it was that made this capable shopper flush. No, it was the huge diagonal block of letters that read CLEARANCE SALE. To find a pair of boots with stylish elan at working girl savings, I'd better hit the streets now. January Stock up for next year at clearance sales of holiday cards, decorations and gift wrappings. February In a month chock-full of competing tributes such as Black History Month, Groundhog Day, Presidents Day and Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day romance dominates with signature hearts alongside red, pink, white and black lace.

Shopping in january. Art and Music, Work Books, Lesson PlansTeaching Activities and Resources. A year in Boston. By Dina Gerdeman, special for Planning a visit to Boston? Here's what you have to look forward to depending on what time of year you plan to arrive: JANUARYFirst Night Boston: Spend your New Year's Eve in downtown Boston at the First Night Boston event Dec. 31, which typically begins in the afternoon and runs until midnight. With the purchase of a First Night button, party-goers gain admission to museums, theaters, churches and performance centers as they host music, dance, visual arts and theater performances. Popular stops include the Family Festival at the Hynes Convention Center, which includes storytelling and puppets, the giant ice sculptures on Copley Square and the Boston Common; the Mardi-Gras-style Grand Procession through the streets of Boston; and the fireworks display.

FEBRUARYBoston Wine Expo: If you enjoy a glass of fine wine, don't miss the annual Boston Wine Expo at the Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center. MARCHSt.


Summer. Atumn. Spring. Spring Is Packed with Sacred Holidays: Here's What They Teach Us - Culture. I’m often amazed by the convergence of so many important, sacred holidays within the same few weeks of the year. If a being from a different planet came to earth this week and got a bird’s eye view, I wonder what lessons they would take away from this coming together on the calendar? I doubt they’d take sides—as in “this tradition good, that one is bunk!” All of them ask people to change their routine in honor of something bigger. Here are some lessons they might take away: From Passover (Pesach), the Jewish holiday: The ritual Seder dinner involving all the senses serves as a parable for and about children, reliving the Exodus of Moses and his loyal believers, embarking on a journey marked by hardship, but ultimately filled with hope and optimism for a brighter future, toward freedom—from oppression, want, and indignity.

From Theravadin, the Buddhist New Year (in Southeast Asia): Renewal is marked by celebratory food, visits to temples, fresh and new items for home and person. Poetry for Spring. For winter's rains and ruins are over, And all the season of snows and sins; The days dividing lover and lover, The light that loses, the night that wins; And time remembered is grief forgotten, And frosts are slain and flowers begotten, And in green underwood and cover Blossom by blossom the spring begins. Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough.

The month of May was come, when every lusty heart beginneth to blossom, and to bring forth fruit; for like as herbs and trees bring forth fruit and flourish in May, in likewise every lusty heart that is in any manner a lover, springeth and flourisheth in lusty deeds. For it giveth unto all lovers courage, that lusty month of May. A little Madness in the Spring Is wholesome even for the King. I sing of brooks, of blossoms, birds, and bowers: Of April, May, of June, and July flowers. In Just— spring when the world is mud— luscious the little lame balloonman whistles far and wee The sun was warm but the wind was chill. Five sure signs spring is coming. February 24, 2011 2:00 AM You've all heard by now that the groundhog predicted an early spring for us, thereby ending weeks of speculation that this winter would never end. While some may scoff, I, too, believe that spring will be here sooner rather than later, though my methods for determining this have nothing to do with seeing my shadow or the actions of a certain furry rodent.

Instead, I have my own scientific proof that spring is nearly here: 1) The left side of the Christmas teeter totter staked to my front lawn has finally begun to emerge. For quite some time now, the three reindeers on the right have been up in the air, perched above the snow, while the left side has been buried deep underneath the white stuff. 2) The squirrels are a little less desperate now. 3) I'm only weeks away from having Girl Scout cookies in my hot little hands. 4) My neighbors have emerged. 5) And the number one sign spring is almost here: My dogs have gone insane. Spring is Coming! In New York City temperatures have reached into the fifties on the Fahrenheit scale today and they are predicted to do the same again tomorrow.

Spring is, of course, more than just one warm spell but as of today we are getting a full hour and twenty-nine minutes more daylight then we did on the winter solstice back in December. The first day of spring in 2011 is 20 March, which means that we are just over a month from the official start of the best season for birders in the northern hemisphere. I, for one, can’t wait!

I have to get up earlier and earlier to enjoy views of a sunrise like this from my balcony Of course, if you have been paying attention to the natural world (and aren’t in a place where you are not familiar with the signs of spring) it is likely that you are well aware that spring is almost here. Crocus coming up in Central Park Has spring started to spring where you are? Winter. When we think of winter, we often imagine sledding, icicles and snowball fights. But think about this: winter is when earth’s north pole is tilted farther away from the sun than at any other time of the year. This is called the winter solstice, and the days just before Christmas are the shortest of all. During this time, the sun shines more directly on the lower half of the earth, or Southern Hemisphere. While we in the United States have winter, Australia, South Africa and the southern parts of South America will have summer. Because the weather continues to cool for about another month after the shortest days, the coldest weather actually arrives after the winter solstice.

For most of the Northern Hemisphere, January and February are typically the coldest months. During the winter we see some rain, but sometimes we see other forms of precipitation too. Look at the figure above. Until spring arrives in March, here’s wishing you a happy and safe winter! Go back to Seasons Page. Spring Quotes, Sayings about Springtime, Verses, Poems, Seasons. Related Quotes Autumn Summer Winter Weather Gardening Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn. ~Quoted by Lewis Grizzard in Kathy Sue Loudermilk, I Love You Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party! " Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer. April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks Go.

Hee that is in a towne in May loseth his spring. It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. Everything is blooming most recklessly; if it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night. It's spring fever. Hoe while it is spring, and enjoy the best anticipations.

Awake, thou wintry earth - Fling off thy sadness! I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden. Spring has returned. Hark! What Season Are You? Listening to Spring. What season are you? In Eastern wisdom, you often see the seasons charted in the shape of a circle. Part of the reason for this is to emphasize that the way in which you flow into a specific place or event or epic is deemed as important as the fact that you are there. In martial arts, for example, the way you move into a specific posture from another is as significant as the way you exit and flow into the next—as well as how you become the posture itself.

Each movement functions to enhance the next. Flow is continuous. As discussed in my previous post, What Season Are You? Let’s look, for a moment, at the seasonal energy that has just waned. Spring’s energy can help activate the procedures to get you there! Spring can provide you with the high –powered fuel you need for clean vision and fluidity. Spring is your time for a fresh start.

Remember not to nitpick anyone else who may be operating from a different seasonal phase than you. Image by taliesin. Seasonal Marketing Report. Dear Business Owner, When it comes to retail sales, the holy grail of profits and income is the holiday shopping season. You've probably attended some of the high-profile sales, been attracted to the glitzy commercials, and been swept away by the emotions and sentimentality of the season.

The result of which is a parting of your money from your wallet. Wouldn't it be nice if you could use those same strategies in your online business? Imagine a hoard of hungry customers crowding around your virtual doors on "Cyber Monday. " What would that do to your bottom line? Now you can. Not a Retailer? Seasonal marketing may once have been the exlusive territory of a handful of retail giants, but now it's easy and fun for every online business to take part. Of course, your season of choice doesn't have to be Christmas. In Seasonal Marketing for Online Businesses, I'll walk you through the process of finding the right events and seasons to use when promoting your business.

It's All in the Planning. Seasonal Marketing — AimFire Marketing. Seasonal Marketing. Seasonal marketing ideas for small business | MarketingZone. Springtime Marketing Ideas. Summer Marketing Ideas. Summer Marketing Ideas for Banks. Spring Marketing Ideas. Seasonal Marketing. 240 Marketing Ideas - My personal Checklist - 121.) Publish a Book. 122.) Start every day with 2 cold calls. 123.) Give your sales literature to your lawyer, accountant, printer, banker, temp-agency, office supply store, etc... (For free advertising) 124.) Put your fax number on order forms for easy submission. 125.) Create Special promotions on a daily, weekly, monthly, & yearly basis. 126.) 180.) Compiled By: Eric Lyon - Scorpion Agency. Five Ways to Succeed with a Seasonal Marketing Campaign for Your Small Business. With the holidays right around the corner, launching your seasonal marketing campaign can be a great way to generate a fresh set of customers.

Seasonal marketing campaigns have long been used by brick-and-mortar stores, especially retail companies turn to themed goods and specials over each holiday. Online businesses can offer free shipping or deep discounts for special shopping days organized around a theme or event, and offering a seasonal or holiday special can help capture a few new customers as they discover the bargains. Here are just five more ways to succeed with a seasonal marketing campaign for your small business: 1. Organize your biggest seasonal launch after New Year's. The holiday shopping rush can quickly eliminate small players in most industries, and it can become especially challenging to get the visibility you need for a new marketing campaign during the buzz of holiday season. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Another way to keep motivation to shop at its highest? Creative Summer Marketing Ideas. Monthly Themes: Calendar of Themes. Monthly Themes: Winter. Writing Prompt Poem: Winter can make people excited for snow, chilled from the cold, blue over gray skies, or cheery for a holiday. Have students write a poem about their feelings for winter. Activities Grades K–2: Art Winterscapes Let children play in the “snow” and create their own snow figures. Grades K–2: Language Arts/Art Picture This A great poet can paint a picture with words. Grades K–2: Science/Social Studies All About Winter Have students write some facts about winter.

Winter (PDF file) Grades K–3: Art/Language Arts Winter Memories Have children create a winter memory book with pictures and writings about winter activities and specific events. Grades K–3: Science The Color of Winter Have students color winter-related pictures and learn more about winter weather. Grades K–4: Art/Mathematics Winter Shapes Grades 1–3: Science Weather Smarts Brainstorm with students various ways to protect themselves from nasty weather. Blizzard. Secret Weapons to Lower Holiday Stress. 5 Reasons the Holidays Are Good For You | The Ladies' Lounge. December 22, 2010 at 3:48 pm , by Amelia Harnish The holidays get such a bad rap for being the time of year when overwhelming stress and irresistible, fattening treats lurk around every corner. Yes, it’s stressful and double yes, it’s hard to resist the myriad cookies and candies and cocktails just begging to be consumed. But there are things about the holidays that are good for you—as long as you remember to rein it in and relax.

So we say enjoy! Here are some healthy tidbits about five of our favorite holiday staples. Holiday Cocktails Alcohol in moderation (no more than a drink or two a day) has been shown to reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and possibly even diabetes. Shopping The stress from packed malls and frantic fellow shoppers is enough to make you want to give up on gift-giving altogether.

Chocolate Family Time Getting together is so much more fun if you can forget about expectations and enjoy your loved ones, quirky as they may be, for who they are. Nuts. Consumer Behavior. Lecture 09 consumer motivation concept. Lesson 2 on consumer motivation.