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What Is Massage Therapy and Its Different Types? Massage is an age-old method of providing relaxation to the body. Nowadays, it is available at massage, physiotherapy and chiropractic clinics, spas and some upscale health clubs. Massage therapists work in a number of settings, including airports, offices, hospitals, and businesses. Massage therapy in Burlington is used as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine to reduce pain and improve the function of the body. Types of Massages Massage therapists usually use their hands to reduce tension by rubbing and manipulating the muscles and other soft tissues of the body. Swedish Massage It is one of the most common types of massages. Deep Tissue Massage Deep Tissue Massage is used to treat musculoskeletal issues such as strains and sports injuries.

Sports Massage Sports massage reduces the tension in the muscles and improves circulation. Trigger Point Massage In this type of massage, the therapist will use different techniques to target and loosen the knots in the muscles that are causing pain. How Can Pregnancy Massages Benefit You - How is Back Pain Treatment Done in Burlington? Sports Therapy in Burlington. A Guide To Backpacks. A properly fitted backpack is very important to ensure the wearers comfort and prolonged health of their back. With the school year starting it is important to address the key factors of properly fitted backpacks. If the bag is too heavy, too small, too large, or not worn properly the wearer can suffer from muscle strain, head aches, nerve damage, neck, back, shoulder and arm pain. These are the important factors to remember when wearing and packing a backpack: 1.

Backpacks should never weigh over 10% of the wearers body weight a. For example, if the wearer is 100lbs their backpack shouldn’t weigh more than 10lbs 2. 3. Choosing the right backpack can be difficult but with these tips in mind it can be done successfully. If you are experiencing any muscle strain or pain you may find relief by visiting our chiropractic clinic in Burlington. Tips on Recovering From a Sports Injury. Sports Therapy in Burlington. Chiropractor in Burlington. How Can Orthotics and Chiropractic Care Help You Heal? Orthotics: A Brief Introduction Orthotics are externally applied devices (inserted into shoes) that are custom designed for the feet in order to help reduce pain, increase mobility, and control biomechanical alignment, to name a few.

Orthotics in Burlington can provide arch support and realign the structures of the feet and legs. It can also help to prevent muscle and tendon fatigue. Good chiropractors in Burlington are able to diagnose foot disorders, fit people for their orthotics and provide orthotics that can be used to correct structural deformities. But before diving into the subject of Orthotics, let us discuss some important aspects of foot care. Foot Care And The Importance Of Arches The feet are the foundation of the body, but we tend to neglect their well-being.

Also Read: How To Keep Your Feet Happy In total, there are three arches in our feet. Keep The Arches Balanced To Avoid Pain It is crucial to keep the three arches balanced to avoid pain. Custom Orthotics In Burlington. Pregnancy Care Chiropractic - Tips on Recovering From a Sports Injury - How Will Custom Orthotics in Burlington Provide Relief? Chiropractor for the Treatment of Lower Back and Neck Pain in Burlington. Chiropractic Treatment of Back and Neck Pain Looking for a chiropractor in Burlington? Call 289-337-1202 for the best chiropractic care and treatments for lower back, neck pain & back pain. As a non-invasive pain relief alternative, chiropractic treatment helps patients with muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissue related pain. In many cases, the treatment provides better results when used in combination with traditional medicines. Back, neck and lower back and chronic pain commonly stem from a misalignment of the musculoskeletal structure, especially the spine.

A chiropractor follows medically proven ways, looking at the medical history of a person, a physical examination, and sometimes, diagnostic imaging, for determining an appropriate treatment regime. People with the following problems can get relief by consulting a chiropractor: Treatment Techniques Used by Chiropractors Mobilization Procedures Instrument-Assisted Soft-Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) Inferential Electrical Stimulation. Chiropractor in Burlington - How To Choose a Good Chiropractor. How Can Orthotics Acquired In Burlington Be Helpful in Foot Care? | by Cameron Edgar | Mar, 2022 | Medium. Foot care is needed when there is pain and discomfort due to underlying conditions. One should bear in mind that foot pain is caused by an abnormality in the foot, which will not go away on its own. They might include a flat foot which can cause a change in gait. This can make a person susceptible to foot injuries. Other conditions that cause foot pain include hammer toes and shin splints.

Arthritis and diabetes can also lead to pain requiring foot care. Many times, medications like pain relievers are not enough to give relief. What Are Orthotic Devices? Orthotics are shoe-inserts that will support the abnormal movement of the foot. The Science Behind Orthotics The pressure coming from the ground to the foot gets altered using orthotics.

Different Types Of Orthotics Foot orthotics can be categorized as rigid orthotics, semi-rigid orthotics and soft orthotics. Meet a Podiatrist To Get Appropriate Orthotics Tips For Using Orthotics. Why Should You Consider Back Pain Treatment in Burlington - Massage Therapy: Beyond Relaxation. Brush aside the perception that massage therapy is just a way to pamper yourself. While it is certainly relaxing, that is just the start of it. Massage therapy has so much more to offer, such as stress relief, reduced pain, improved flexibility, better circulation, and more. Want to know more about the benefits of massage therapy in Burlington or elsewhere? Read on to find out. Counteracts the effects of inactivity As technology continues to evolve, most people find themselves sitting for many hours at their work desks.

Relieves migraines and chronic tension headaches If you are a long-time sufferer of tension headaches and migraines, you will know how difficult it is to alleviate the pain. Therefore, if you are looking to get relief from chronic headaches, consider massage therapy in Burlington. Helps you destress When you think of massage therapy, more often than not, exotic tropical vacations and fancy resorts come to mind.

Soothes delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) The Benefits of Massage Therapy - Chiropractor Burlington. Have you thought of making massage a part of your routine life and want to take your personal care to the next level, then look no further! Edgar Family Chiropractic is here to help you. Many kinds of therapies and massages are available today to relieve stress, pain, muscle, and joint issues. Here at Edgar Family Chiropractic, we have two registered massage therapists, Chelsey and Crystal.

There are many benefits to massage, namely: Stress relief: Regular massage promotes the relief of tension which, in turn, reduces stress.Aids in relaxation: relaxes the body by increasing the temperature of the soft tissues and releasing hormonesReduces muscle soreness, pain, and tension.Aids in better circulation, energy, and alertness.Decreases headache pain: loosens muscle tension situated in the base of the skullpromotes good posture: Loosens tight muscles and relieves muscle tension.Increases immunity function: increases blood flow through the body which helps fight disease.

Top Chiropractors in Burlington, Ontario. Best Chiropractors in Burlington Ontario - Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy - What Can Acupuncture Care in Burlington Help With - Edgar Family Chiropractic — How Can Chiropractic Care Help in Pregnancy? Best Chiropractors Burlington. Burlington Sports Therapy. The Benefits of Massage Therapy in Burlington. Lower Back Pain Chiropractor in Burlington - Chiropractic Care: A Great Treatment for Sports Rehabilitation. Chiropractic Treatment: An Alternate, Non-Invasive Option for Pain Relief.

Chiropractic care in Burlington and in other places is based on the principle that the body has the capacity to heal itself with just a little help and support by a trained professional. Must-Know Chiropractic Facts Whether it is a pain in the joints, nerves or muscles, relief can be found through chiropractic treatment. This form of treatment is usually administered alongside physical therapy or rehabilitation since they can be mutually beneficial. A chiropractor does not prescribe medication but instead uses hands-on muscle therapy and manipulation techniques to improve function and relieve pain. Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief Since people spend long hours sitting down in front of their computers for work, neck pain seems to be one of their biggest complaints. Effective, Affordable and Preventive Patients seeking chiropractic treatment in Burlington or elsewhere can usually expect to see improvements after a couple of sessions based on the severity of the problem.

Heal Your Lower Back Pain With the Help of a Chiropractor - Benefits Of Custom Orthotics. Registered Massage Therapy in Burlington - Chiropractic Treatment for Lower Back Pain. Many people struggle with back pain at some point, especially those between the ages of 30 and 50. At times, the exact cause of pain is hard to diagnose. This is when prevention is a key factor in minimizing the risk of backaches and injuries. Back pain is the most common reason for people to seek treatment at a chiropractor clinic. Fortunately, there are many lower back pain chiropractor clinics and treatments available. Signs and Symptoms of Lower Back Pain Several symptoms indicate that you may have a lower back injury. Numbness in the leg or feetA tingling or pins and needles sensation in the legs or feetBurning sensation in the lower back & legsChronic stiffness in the lower backDifficulty standing in one place for a long timeBack or leg pain and stiffness after exercise or activityDull ache and weakness in the lower backSudden shooting pains in the lower back or legs and feetMuscle spasms in the lower backPain or discomfort when coughing, sneezing or bowel movement.

All You Need to Know About the Pain in your Neck. Neck Pain Treatment in Burlington - A Guide to Backpacks - Chiropractor Burlington. What Is Medical Acupuncture? Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for more than three thousand years. It helps stimulate the human body’s natural healing process using sterile needles at acupoints. Acupuncture in Burlington or elsewhere is a branch of traditional Chinese acupuncture and is used to improve blood flow, reduce pain, and improve the musculoskeletal system’s function. As per modern scientific explanation, this treatment helps with improving circulation and reducing inflammation in specific areas.

It also stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain, which can help to reduce pain. Medical acupuncture treatment helps your body to have an increase in energy. It also improves your mood, and your body may generally function better. What Can Medical Acupuncture Be Used For? Acupuncture in Burlington and other cities has been considered a safe treatment for a variety of medical conditions, including: Specific Areas of Acupuncture Treatment.

Prenatal Chiropractor Burlington - Lower Back Pain Chiropractor in Burlington.