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Pourquoi la santé coûte-t-elle si cher aux Etats-Unis. Les Américains détiennent le record du monde des dépenses de santé.

Pourquoi la santé coûte-t-elle si cher aux Etats-Unis

Selon une étude du Economic Politic Insitute publiée en octobre 2018, les dépenses liées à la santé représentaient 17,2% du PIB (Produit Intérieur Brut) américain en 2017. Les Etats-Unis, une superpuissance au système de santé impuissant. «Bonne année à la meilleure nation sur Terre : L’AMÉRIQUE !»

Les Etats-Unis, une superpuissance au système de santé impuissant

Dans ses vœux aux Américains, le 1er janvier, Donald Trump a joué la carte de la fierté nationale. Des républicains aux démocrates, du président au simple élu local, c’est presque une figure imposée de la vie politique : affirmer, haut et fort, la supériorité des Etats-Unis. En matière de santé, le pays a certes des atouts à faire valoir. Sa recherche médicale demeure une référence mondiale, dotée de financements sans pareil (bien qu’en baisse), source d’innombrables avancées et récompensée de multiples prix. Avec 45 % des lauréats, les Etats-Unis dominent ainsi outrageusement le palmarès du prix Nobel de médecine. Profits massifs. Medicare-for-all: Where Democrats stand on health-care issues - Washington Post. Biden unveils health care plan: Affordable Care Act 2.0. Democratic front-runner Joe Biden on Monday unveiled a health plan that’s intended to preserve the most popular parts of Obamacare — from Medicaid expansion to protections for patients with preexisting conditions — and build on them with a new government-run public insurance option.

Biden unveils health care plan: Affordable Care Act 2.0

Biden would also empower Medicare to directly negotiate drug prices, allow the importation of prescription drugs from abroad and extend tax credits to help tens of millions of Americans buy lower-priced health insurance. Story Continued Below The plan — which the campaign says will cost $750 billion over a decade, to be paid for by reversing some of the Trump administration’s tax cuts — is less transformative than the “Medicare for All” proposal advanced by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and supported by some other Democrats, which would effectively do away with private insurance and shift all Americans to government-run health coverage. Biden also announced new ideas to combat the nation’s high drug prices.

Trump says he will announce 'phenomenal' new healthcare plan within the next two months. L'échec de Trump sur l'Obamacare prouve qu'on ne gère pas les USA comme on gère ses entreprises. Editorial: Obamacare: Repeal, replace or rethink? The worst of Obamacare: Senate voting to repeal it. EDITORIALDecember 02. 2015 11:35PM The Affordable Care Act is falling apart.

The worst of Obamacare: Senate voting to repeal it

Supporters tout that the number of Americans without insurance has fallen, and they’re right. But having insurance is the least important metric of the law’s success. Millions of Americans have been coerced into buying mediocre, overpriced insurance they don’t want in order to avoid a penalty. Millions more have been kicked off their previous insurance plans and into the ACA exchanges. Insurance companies, which pushed the law in order to force more customers onto their rolls, are now dropping out or seeking taxpayer bailouts.

The U.S. Sen. She’s going to stick with a broken law that has driven up health care costs and slowed down the American economy. This week, Sen. President Obama will surely veto the bill. Obamacare is not a Bad Thing - Story - Obamacare Facts. Six Stories of Obamacare Already Making a Difference. Obamacare is a disaster!

Six Stories of Obamacare Already Making a Difference

It's the worst thing to happen to the country since slavery! It will rape the future of our young people! It will cause wives to leave husbands and husbands to marry their dogs! OK, I made up the dog part – but all the others are, sadly, 100 percent real statements made by right-wing extremists in the last few weeks. But despite the hand-wringing and rumor-mongering, and despite some gleefully reported website glitches, around 45,000 people across the country have already enrolled in the insurance program set up by the Affordable Care Act, with almost two months left until the December 15th deadline to be covered starting in January.

For those who have enrolled, many of whom were previously uninsured or were hit with massive co-pays, Obamacare is a total success. Butch MatthewsIf Rikhi's savings sound good, then Matthews' return must be twice as impressive. Trump Says Let Obamacare "Implode" after Repeal Effort Fails. Trump loves the Senate health-care plan. It would break all of his promises. By Matt O'Brien By Matt O'Brien Wonkblog Perspective Perspective Discussion of news topics with a point of view, including narratives by individuals regarding their own experiences June 30 (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File) President Trump has said his health-care plan will be "something terrific” that will "lower premiums and deductibles” and have "insurance for everybody” without cutting Medicaid.

Trump loves the Senate health-care plan. It would break all of his promises.

Senate Republicans, though, apparently didn't get the memo, given that that their health-care bill would break every one of these promises — not that Trump seems to have noticed. The big picture is that the Senate plan would, over the next decade, cut nearly $1.2 trillion of health- care spending for the poor and middle class to pay for $700 billion in tax cuts for corporations and the rich. Five ways Donald Trump's healthcare plan is different from Obamacare. L'échec de Donald Trump sur l'Obamacare montre à quel point la réforme de la santé de Barack Obama est un exploit historique. ÉTATS-UNIS - L'Obamacare a bravé les manifestations du Tea Party en 2009 et la perte de la majorité absolue des Démocrates au Sénat en 2010.

L'échec de Donald Trump sur l'Obamacare montre à quel point la réforme de la santé de Barack Obama est un exploit historique

La loi a survécu à deux mises en cause devant la Cour suprême et au déploiement calamiteux du portail internet