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Marriage & Civil Unions » It's Personal. How is a civil union different from marriage?

Marriage & Civil Unions » It's Personal

Couples who have a civil union will not have any of the protections or responsibilities federal law provides to married couples. These include social security survivors’ and spousal benefits, federal veterans’ spousal benefits, immigration rights associated with marriage, federal spousal employment benefits, the right to file joint federal tax returns, exemptions from income tax on your partner’s health benefits, the federal exemption from inheritance tax, and many other federal protections which are denied same-sex couples whether legally joined in a civil union or a civil marriage. Also, most other states will not recognize the legal status of your civil union, even though they would recognize the Illinois marriage of a different-sex couple. Civil Unions and Domestic Partnership Statutes. Updated March 26, 2014 Several states have expanded the legal rights available to spouses in same-sex relationships through civil unions and domestic partnerships.

Civil Unions and Domestic Partnership Statutes

Six states adopted civil unions available to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. Civil unions provide legal recognition to the couples’ relationship and provides legal rights to the partners similar to those accorded to spouses in marriages. (Delaware and Rhode Island have now replaced their civil union provisions with same-sex marriage that will take effect on July 1 and Aug. 1, 2013, respectively.)

Two states have adopted broad domestic partnerships that grant nearly all state-level spousal rights to unmarried couples. Civil unions and marriages. The electoral programmes of both the Nationalist Party and the Labour Party promised a form of legal recognition for gay couples.

Civil unions and marriages

The PN was in favour of civil partnerships while the PL had pledged civil unions. Neither party, however, said it was in favour of same-sex marriage, so the proposed Civil Unions Bill was not expected to be controversial. This has not proved to be the case, as the Labour Government’s proposed Bill equates same-sex unions with marriage. In reality, this is the legalisation of gay marriage in all but name. Equal Marriage NOW: Civil Marriage v. Civil Unions. Why Civil Unions Aren't Enough. July 27, 2007 | Like this article?

Why Civil Unions Aren't Enough

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Gay Couples Say Civil Unions Aren’t Enough. The Definition Of Marriage (And Why Civil Unions Aren't Enough) The Definition Of Marriage (And Why Civil Unions Aren't Enough) - StumbleUpon. - Customer Service 1-888-631-9695. Life, yo! 7 Social Hacks For Manipulating People. 1.

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