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RTB & Programmatic

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Sponsored Content Is Becoming Programmatic, But Can Programmatic Ever Truly Be Native? — The Content Strategist. The sponsored content industry has taken its latest step toward automation.

Sponsored Content Is Becoming Programmatic, But Can Programmatic Ever Truly Be Native? — The Content Strategist

As Business Insider reported earlier this month, native advertising exchange Sharethrough will soon open its platform to real-time bidding. The news, coupled with a similar announcement in December from native ad tech company TripleLift, highlights increasingly ambitious attempts by marketers to integrate programmatic technologies into their native platforms. This trend toward programmatic is meant to help solve what marketers have long perceived as one of native advertising’s biggest weaknesses: the difficulty of getting as many eyeballs on a piece of sponsored content as you would with a traditional display ad. The reason BuzzFeed can charge $100,000 for a custom-created sponsored content campaign is brands know their stories will match the quality, tone, and appearance of the trusted editorial work that surrounds it.

Even then, one could argue Nativo’s ads are not truly native. For Programmatic Native, RTB Can Be Problematic For Publishers. "Data-Driven Thinking" is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media.

For Programmatic Native, RTB Can Be Problematic For Publishers

Today’s column is written by Justin Choi, CEO at Nativo. The Interactive Advertising Bureau’s recent update to the OpenRTB guidelines (PDF), which incorporate dynamic in-feed ad units, is generating lots of noise around programmatic, real-time bidding (RTB) and native. In-feed ad vendors can’t wait to pump real-time advertiser campaigns from demand-side platforms (DSPs) and other open buying platforms directly into publishers’ editorial feeds.

Before publishers open the RTB floodgates and expose their most valuable and fragile page real estate to DSPs and open exchanges, they should take note of some of the potential pitfalls. Programmatic ads: The consumer's perspective - Programmatic advertising has emerged as a popular means of marketing over the past couple of years.

Programmatic ads: The consumer's perspective -

This data driven advertising strategy is effective for both the companies that are trying to sell products and consumers who are looking for those products and services. While many businesses have come to learn that programmatic advertising leads to an increase in profits, consumers are also starting to understand how this advertising method benefits them as well. From a consumer’s perspective, programmatic advertising is quite different from other sales techniques.

Companies utilize extensive data to buy time in front of a specific audience. This empowers them to reach potential buyers who are likely to have an interest in the goods that the company sells. Most consumers respond positively to this unique method of advertising. Consumers who are exposed to programmatic advertising typically feel valued by the companies who craft ads specifically for them. Programmatic-whitepaper.pdf. Pub à haute fréquence. Le RTB, la clé du succès de la publicité en ligne. Programmatique pour les nuls. Problem loading page. Le native advertising sur les ad-exchanges : c'est déjà demain - makazi. /2015/01/02/programmatique/ Etude-IAB-SRI_15_10-2010_Web_finale.pdf. Display Advertising Basics (DSPs, RTB, Ad Exchanges, DMPs) - Pete Kluge. Programmatic Advertising and Retargeting. Les Plateformes Ad Exchange.

Prenons un annonceur de parfums et cosmétiques qui souhaite acheter de la publicité ciblée sur les sites parlant de parfumerie, de mode et de santé.

Les Plateformes Ad Exchange

Ces sites, plus ou moins connus, se comptent par dizaines.L’annonceur qui dispose d’un budget à dépenser doit donc, seul ou par le biais de son agence d’achat d’espaces publicitaires, demander à chacun de ces sites une proposition de campagne sur la base de ses critères d’achats (ciblages divers et variés). Cela implique une recherche des contacts, des échanges de mails et de téléphone, l’envoi d’un brief, la réception et la comparaison des offres, la négociation d’un meilleur tarif sur la base de données d’audience, la validation des éléments envoyés par l’agence de création, les tests de mise en ligne, le suivi et l’optimisation des différentes campagnes, etc.

Bref, des tâches chronophages et fastidieuses pour l’annonceur. White Paper UK-A4_FR 221013.pdf. Etude RTB. Conférence sur l’achat programmatique - Salon Emarketing 2014. What is programmatic advertising. This is the latest in a series of articles that explains, in plain English, new technology tools and platforms that are changing the face of digital media.

What is programmatic advertising

To suggest new entries, please email me. Programmatic ad buying has changed the face of online advertising, but there’s still confusion around what it actually is. Here’s a primer, in plain English: What is programmatic ad buying? “Programmatic” ad buying typically refers to the use of software to purchase digital advertising, as opposed to the traditional process that involves RFPs, human negotiations and manual insertion orders. Les achats programmatiques sont encore mal compris. UDECAM 2014 LivreBlanc Revolutions de l'Achat programmatique. L'évolution des modes d'achat du display. Glossaire de l’achat programmatique « Programmatique Marketing. Le marketing programmatique, clé d’une expérience publicitaire en phase avec le public.