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Nazi Concentration Camps. Ohio's Statewide Testing: OGT. The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. Trivia. Daily Writing Prompts. As always, The Teacher's Corner is looking for ways to make your life easier. We hope that our newest addition, “Daily Writing Prompts,” does just that. On as many days as possible, we have selected an event from our monthly event calendars to be the focus of the writing prompt. These writing prompts can be used in a number of ways: Daily warm-up activity Practice in prompt writing for state assessments Daily/weekly writing prompt “Anytime” activity Student work center “When You’re Done” activity Substitute teacher activity One added advantage to TTC’s “Daily Writing Prompt” is that they can easily be displayed through an LCD projector in your classroom. You will find that our prompts are written for different grade levels. One of the Writer's Digest "101 Best Websites for Writers" (2008 & 2011) January Writing Prompts - Writing Prompts include: author J.R.R.

March Writing Prompts - Writing Prompts include: Yellowstone National Park, Mardi Gras, Harriet Tubman Day, St. Homepage. Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines. The Supreme Court . For Educators . Classroom Interactives. Playing History | Browse Items. Open Feedback Dialog your source for historical games Browse Items (18 total) Do I Have A Right Do I Have a Right? Tags: american history, rights, law, civics, court Think that the Supreme Court doesn't really matter in your day-to-day life? Tags: american history, supreme court, law, justice, constitution, civics Learn about some of the most notable Supreme Court justices in the long history of the Court … How well do you know the history of the Court's landmark cases? DECIDING THE FUTURE: The Future of the Court Log in to predict how the Supreme Court will vote in this year's most important cases JUST CHANGE: Expanding Civil Rights Explores the Supreme Court's changing stands on the issues of citizenship and equality TALKING ABOUT MY CONSTITUTION:Capitalism and Conflict Test your knowledge of Supreme Court history and the Constitution by matching landmark cases and justice quotes MAJORITY RULES: The First Hundred Years What powers belong only the federal government?

How does the U.S. News. Create timelines, share them on the web | Timetoast timelines. Discover, Record and Share History with Timelines®

Flocabulary: Hip-Hop in the Classroom