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Workflow (experimental) - Clojure Design. In the past, I've suggested using a custom workflow in JIRA to make it easier for everyone involved to follow and understand the contribution process.

workflow (experimental) - Clojure Design

That's always languished, but the cumulative pain I was seeing prompted me to speak up again about it at the /dev meetup at the Conj on Saturday. I've created a custom workflow that attempts to formalize my understanding of the contribution process (based on this for the most part), and attached it to a dummy project in JIRA. The result is what I think is what would be a less confusing experience for everyone involved, with useful actions ('submit for screening', 'reject patch', 'change approved', etc) being elevated to workflow transitions rather than being represented by multiple edits involving custom fields in addition to default workflow transitions. I started with the default JIRA workflow, and added two new states: Clojure - home. Clojure/clojure.