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War Crimes

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Israel faces new war crime headache. McChrystal sideshow masks murderous reality. {*style:<b> <b> McChrystal sideshow masks murderous reality </b> By Chris Floyd </b>*} {*style:<b><b> <b> Some people seem to think that the question of which uniformed goober is in charge of the imperial bloodbath in Afghanistan is a vitally important issue, worthy of endless exegesis. It is not. It is a meaningless sideshow. </b></b>*} {*style:<b><b>- </b> International : Police official says eight Af. An Afghan police official said on Monday that eight civilians were killed in a NATO raid in the southern province of Kandahar, but the alliance claimed the victims were Taliban fighters.

International : Police official says eight Af

The military attacked two houses early Monday morning in Bagh—e—Pul area of Kandahar City, Mohammad Shah Farooqi, the deputy provincial police chief, said. Mr. Farooqi said there was no evidence to show that the men inside were involved in any “anti—government activities.” But NATO said its troops assisted by Afghan forces killed “a Taliban commander and several armed individuals” during the raid. It said Taliban field commander Shyster Uhstad Khan was involved in the distribution of roadside bombs in the region.

James Petras: War Crimes in Gaza and the Zionist Fifth Column in. This book not only provides a detailed account and illustration of Israeli war crimes in Gaza but equally important it provides a comprehensive analysis of the reasons why more and more people are recognizing that the US Congress and White House are zionized occupied territory.

James Petras: War Crimes in Gaza and the Zionist Fifth Column in

Published by the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, and better known by the name of its head, as the “Goldstone Report” was a major breakthrough in three senses. In the first place the Report was the most systematic, detailed study of Israeli violations of international law in its wars against the Palestinian people. Secondly it caught the attention of the broadest sections of world opinion and ignited a firestorm of disapproval of Israel from almost all of the worlds’ leaders. The Report concludes that the actions of the Israeli Government could lead to a “competent court finding that crimes against humanity have been committed.” Here is the great political and moral challenge. Also read: Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News source.

Mullen: Iran will continue to strive for nukes - Haaretz Daily N. McChrystal: The Firing of a War Criminal.... And the Criminal Wa. Wednesday, June 23, President Obama held a press conference to announce what he had decided to do about Stanley McChrystal—the general in charge of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

McChrystal: The Firing of a War Criminal.... And the Criminal Wa

The day before, an article about McChrystal in Rolling Stone magazine (see box below) had hit the internet. And by the time the general was on a plane, summoned to Washington, people all over the world were reading how he had mocked and disrespected U.S. officials in charge of foreign policy and made comments challenging the president’s authority. This was a big deal. And airwaves quickly filled with speculation about what would happen next. In an extraordinary move, Obama promptly fired McChrystal from command of U.S. operations in Afghanistan. The president said, “I relied on his service, particularly in helping to design and lead our new strategy in Afghanistan. “But,” Obama went on to say, “war is bigger than any one man or woman, whether a private, a general, or a president.

Problems Giving Rise to Divisions. List of Neocons that are primarily responsible for American wars. The World Can't Wait! Welcome to Spy Vs...Lawyer?