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NBC News - Hear the sounds of prehistoric times. Architect... Does My Child REALLY Need to Learn the Headache Inducing Recorder? - The Domestic Musician. You sit down with your child after school to look at any notes that came home and to help them with their homework, when all of a sudden you notice a strange looking plastic object protruding out of their backpack. “What is this” you ask your child as you hold the foreign object in your hands. Excitedly your child answers, “it’s my recorder from music class and we get to bring it home to practice” as they proceed to play you a song that can only be compared to the sound of a flock of loud, dying seagulls.

You wonder why anyone would want to torture you this way. What did you do to deserve such a cruel and unusual punishment? Why is your child learning this flute thing? History of the Recorder The recorder has been around for a long time (1400s or 1500s), and it is said that King Henry VIII of England owned 76 of them.

There are wooden and plastic recorders and different sized ones including the soprano, alto, and bass , but the most popular one is the plastic soprano recorder. Awesome!