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Why Great Ideas Get Rejected. Have you ever debuted an exciting new idea to the world only to receive a lukewarm or even highly critical response?

Why Great Ideas Get Rejected

Well, get used to it. Mounting evidence shows that we all possess an inherent bias against creativity. Top Design Billboards - Best 45. Design Shop.

Top Design Billboards - Best 45

40+ Beautifully Fresh 3D Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials. Typography is defined as the art and technique of arranging type, type design, and modifying type glyph.

40+ Beautifully Fresh 3D Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials

In order for you to master this art, you should learn more techniques and methods to manipulate text to create stunning typography art. Using 3D effects makes text & typography more realistic and brings it to life. In this article I compiled a list of 40+ 3D Text Effect Photoshop Tutorials for you to learn new 3D text effects. 1. 3D Textured Text Effect. Curating the very best packaging design. Air Aroma January 28, 2013 | 5 Comments Designed by The Graphic Order | Country: Australia.

Curating the very best packaging design

Creative Logo Designs. Oxford Dictionary explains the word “creative” as “relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.”

Creative Logo Designs

Creative is a very common word in the world of art and multiple forms of design; and today at Cruzine we would like to share some examples of practical utilization of creative ideas and approaches in logo designing. When it goes about creativity, it is very difficult to refer such art works to some single common category, because each of them is unique, genuine, and authentic. Born by artist’s imagination, creative logo designs not only attract the attention and serve their purpose, they can also inspire other designers and show them how boundless and versatile art and design industry are.

HOT Illustrations in Advertising. Today we managed to prepare an interesting collection of creative advertisements.

HOT Illustrations in Advertising

So far we were concentrating on regular ads only, making no difference between various styles. This time we made sure to pick illustration ads only. As you can see, they are quite creative and no doubt persuasive enough .). Browse through youself and of course … as usually, get inspired! Enjoy! Science Diet: Husband by Cerebro Y&R. Hip.Young.Thing. Design Ideas and Tech Concepts - Blue Valentine (2010. Jim Helton and Charles Christopher Rubino’s end credits for Derek Cianfrance’s Blue Valentine are a last look of what was and what will not be.

Blue Valentine (2010

In a managed duality of the intimate and the expansive, a hypnotic racked bokeh of celestial colors spreads across the night sky with Grizzly Bear’s “Alligator” conducting the atmospherics, elevating the experience of the film to something glorious. JIM HELTON, the film’s editor (alongside Ron Patane) and end title designer, details the process for us. JH: Let me first start off by saying that I have known Derek Cianfrance for a very long time. My friend Steve Hidinger and I actually created the title sequence for his first film, Brother Tied, back in 1998. That title sequence was all done on a dual gate 16mm optical printer at the University of Colorado in a closet inside a condemned archeology building that no longer exists. The Drowning Project. Voici le photographe Alban Grosdidier qui nous propose de découvrir « The Drowning Project ».

The Drowning Project

Actuellement étudiant à l’ESAG Penninghen à Paris, il étudie le thème de la noyade et propose des clichés de personnes immergées imprimés puis exposés en public. Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article. Diy projects. Suitcase vanity & towel holder. When I visit a friend’s home, it’s the little details filling the house that stand out and make me feel welcome.

suitcase vanity & towel holder

In my own home, I want to find ways to make my guests feel special. Baking cookies or having a favorite drink on hand is easy. What is not so easy is the tiny size of our guest bathroom. The small space makes it difficult to have extra little items on hand for guests. Vintage belt frame. I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of wayward western belts at vintage shops and thrift stores.

vintage belt frame

Judging that most seem to be recent (early 80s) vintage, we can probably thank Kenny and Dolly for their previous popularity. Sling magazine rack. It seems I have a clutter problem. Paper clay barnacles. I love the look of papier-mâché. It is sturdy, classic and timeless, but sometimes it is just too much trouble — the layers, dripping and drying time, and then the painting. If I had an art/craft-dedicated studio and time to spare, I would be all over it. But for now, paper clay is my new papier-mâché. It is the same idea — paper infused with some sort of stiffener — but paper clay looks as if it is ceramic, with the strength of papier-mâché. The best part is its beautiful white color once it is dry — great for so many summer-inspired projects. I used paper clay to make these organic barnacles. Recycled leather & wood shelf. A hanging leather shelving project has been on my to-do list for a while; to be honest, the biggest delay was just finding the right belts.

Has anyone else discovered that thrift-shop leather belts are often unreasonably overpriced?