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MyScience Work [Fr]

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MyScienceWork. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. MyScienceWork est un réseau social scientifique professionnel[1] spécialisé dans le libre accès[2]. Il permet aux scientifiques, ingénieurs, étudiants d’élaborer gratuitement leur propre fiche individuelle professionnelle[3], profil, CV, liste de publications. Ce moteur de recherche et plateforme de communication pour scientifiques propose des groupes de travail, des pages congrès, des évènements, des actualités mais aussi des offres d’emploi scientifiques mises gratuitement à la disposition de chaque utilisateur. Création[modifier | modifier le code] MyScienceWork a été créé en août 2010[4], par Virginie Simon[5],[6], chercheuse en nanotechnologies contre le cancer, et Tristan Davaille[7], ingénieur financier.

MyScienceWork et le libre accès[modifier | modifier le code] MyScienceWork soutient la diffusion des textes scientifiques en « open access » ou « libre accès ». Un site de vulgarisation scientifique[modifier | modifier le code] MyScienceWork (MyScienceWork) on Twitter. Access to all scientific articles - MyScienceWork. About us MyScienceWork. MyScienceWork’s goal is to diffuse information and knowledge in a free and accessible way. Virginie Simon and Tristan Davaille are the two founders of the start-up MyScienceWork. Founded in August 2010, MyScienceWork began as a popular science blog. Having built a solid community of researchers and lovers of science and forged partnerships with important institutions, the company launched its site in January 2013.

Today, it offers more than 30 million scientific publications. The MyScienceWork team offers communication services (writing, video production, social networking) and develops collaborative tools for research. With the aim of internationalizing its activities, MyScienceWork set up operations in Luxembourg, while maintaining its branch in Paris. MyScienceWork consists of a team of 15 people, including: Virginie Simon, CEO & Co-founder Virginie Simon earned a degree in biotech engineering from the Technological University of Compiègne (UTC, France).

Damien Vannson, CTO. Sitemap MyScienceWork. Scientific publications MyScienceWork. Abstract Pharmaceutical compounding of capsules is still an important corner stone in today's health care. It allows for a more patient specific treatment plan as opposed to the “one size fits all”-approach, used by the pharmaceutical industry when producing fixed dose finished drug products. However, loss of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) powder during pharmaceutical capsule compounding can lead to under-dosed finished drug products and annul the beneficiary therapeutic effects for the patient. The amount and location of API loss was experimentally determined during capsule compounding of five different preparations: 10 and 20mg hydrocortisone capsules, 4mg triamcinolone capsules and 0.25mg dexamethasone capsules, using a 10% m/m self-made or commercial trituration. News MyScienceWork. Actualité - News MyScienceWork. News MyScienceWork. Recherche - News MyScienceWork. Opinion - News MyScienceWork.

Portrait - News MyScienceWork. Videos - News MyScienceWork.