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Ecodrop Essential Oils

Sprouted from a deep-rooted passion for herbal medicine and holistic healing, EcoDrop offers an exclusive line of 100% pure essential oils and organic skincare derived straight from nature.

Ginger Essential Oil Powerful Uses & Benefits. Home Remedies For Cough Using Essential Oils. Organic Sandalwood Essential Oil. Healing earth. How to use clay for skincare - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Skin covered in mud, what a pleasure.

Healing earth. How to use clay for skincare - EcoDrop Essential Oil

Its one of the most fun toys for kids, elefants live under the african sun with almost no fir protecting their skin with mud, pigs too, clay or mud are used by all mammals with bare skin. We are mammals with bare skin too. Its one of the oldest medicines of our planet, used by humans for therapeutic purposes since we crawl the earth. First historical register of clay therapy dates back to the ancient rome, before christ was born.

The topical use to sooth and heal the skin is really old and even the ingestion of clay is an ancient healing practice to purify the body from the inside out. Clay is used because of its ability to draw toxims from inside the body to the surface of the skin. The use of clay topically for soothing and healing the skin, and even for internal medicinal uses traces back throughout ancient history. Adding essential oils you can, at the same time nurish your skin. Your pores will shrink, your skin will glow. Ingredients Directions. Ginger Essential Oil: Powerful Uses & Benefits - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) is one of our oldest natural medicines.

Ginger Essential Oil: Powerful Uses & Benefits - EcoDrop Essential Oil

For thousands of years, ginger has been a renowned folk medicine for digestion and immunity. In Ayurveda, it is known as a “universal medicine.” In Chinese Medicine, ginger is used to increase the body’s Qi and vitalise energy levels. Home remedies for cough using essential oils - EcoDrop Essential Oil. To relief cough essential oils are great.

Home remedies for cough using essential oils - EcoDrop Essential Oil

You can use them for inhaling mixed with hot water in a bowl, in your bathtub to relax body and mind or with carrier oils as chest rubs. Essential Oils for Headaches and Migraines Recipes. Boost Circulation With Essential Oils. Organic Sweet Orange Essential Oil. Essential Oils for Headaches and Migraines + Recipes - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that can be used for a variety of reasons and ailments.

Essential Oils for Headaches and Migraines + Recipes - EcoDrop Essential Oil

Overall, they have the ability to relax the nervous system, soothe tension and relieve pain, making it an exceptional tool for relieving headaches and migraines. Headaches and migraines are caused by varying reasons. It could be due to stress, hormonal imbalances, diet, muscle tension, changes in weather, or even how stuffy your room is (Hoffman, 2003). For whichever reason, there are simple practices you can introduce to relieve these symptoms. This could be by noting down certain triggers, making changes in your diet and lifestyle, cutting down alcohol and tobacco, practice breathing exercises, alongside introducing essential oils into your protocols.

Boost Circulation with Essential Oils - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Circulation is about nourishment, movement and release.

Boost Circulation with Essential Oils - EcoDrop Essential Oil

Also known as the cardiovascular system, this bodily function is in charge of pumping blood from the heart to the rest of the body, feeding all the organs with oxygen, and carbon out of the lungs. Think about the roots of plants and trees, how they circulate nutrients from the soil to the plant’s organs.

Our body also has its own roots that supply us with vital energy. Healthy circulation will ease stagnation, promote the body’s immunity, and get rid of toxins that arise from stresses in the environment. However, sometimes we may feel physically and mentally drained, especially during the cold and rainy seasons of autumn and winter. Essential Oils for Healthy Respiration. 5 Essential Oils for Concentration.

Organic Rosemary Essential Oil. A Guide for Dry Winter Skin - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Let’s face it.

A Guide for Dry Winter Skin - EcoDrop Essential Oil

The skin is not always on top of it’s game. It’s always changing. One week we have glowing soft skin, the next it’s dry, with a very stubborn pimple demanding it’s territory. The thing is, this can get very frustrating. We clean our face every day and just do what we can to get by. This is totally normal, you are not alone. Essential Oils for Healthy Respiration - EcoDrop Essential Oil. With cold and flu season here, prevention prior to treatment should be at the forefront of our priorities.

Essential Oils for Healthy Respiration - EcoDrop Essential Oil

Essential oils are useful companions for promoting respiratory health. They can help decongest the sinus by clearing out the pathways, combating infections, bacterias and viruses. Healthy respiration is vital for wellbeing. A person can survive several days without food, but only a few moments without breath. Oxygen is needed to supply all the organs and cells for our sustenance, making respiration the most important function in the whole body. 5 Essential Oils for Concentration - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Essential oils are wonderful tools for concentration.

5 Essential Oils for Concentration - EcoDrop Essential Oil

As much as we love our coffee, if we have too many, chances are we will be feeling agitated and nervous. When stress levels rise, we are prone to anxiety, mental fogginess and restlessness. This is where essential oils come in! They can help stimulate concentration and focus, while also relieving anxiety and stress. Natural SPA. Massage Oils With Essential Oils. Top 3 Essential Oils for Grounding. Organic Rose Geranium Essential Oil. Natural SPA. Massage oils with essential oils. - EcoDrop Essential Oil. We humans are sensitive to touch.

Natural SPA. Massage oils with essential oils. - EcoDrop Essential Oil

We are social beings who not only enjoy but really need touch. Through touch people relax, connect, surrender and exchange energy. There is people who can heal only by touching the skin, letting universal energy flow through the body reestablishing the energetic balance. Massage often is not only for pleasure, its therapeutic. To make it more confortable for the skin oil is used in all types of massage as a lubricant. At the same time it is skincare as the skin gets moisturized and circulation is increased. The toxins of the body get into movement and can be liberated, the oil can penetrate more deeply into the skin and nurture it more profoundly. Also the muscles get a great treat. Tensions are relieved, cramps and spasms disappear. Organic Peppermint Essential Oil. Organic Patchouli Essential Oil. Top 3 Essential Oils for Grounding - EcoDrop Essential Oil.

Immune System Booster Diffuser Blends. 8 Diffuser Blends For Inner Peace. Fight Anxiety. Organic Neroli Essential Oil. Immune system booster diffuser blends - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Its fresh in the north.

Immune system booster diffuser blends - EcoDrop Essential Oil

Its so easy to catch a cold with this changing climate, warm one day, cold, wet and fresh the next day….. Ideal for catching a cold. Its no news that eating fresh fruits to ensure enough vitamin intake is a good measure to maintain health. Also proper clothing and enough rest help to stay strong. But there is more you can do. Ginger is great as well. Make yourself a tea. 8 Diffuser blends for inner peace. Fight anxiety - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Life can be stressful. You might feel like you are on a permanent run, always late, always in a hurry.

Aromatherapy is a way to integrate calm moments and self awareness within your buisy daily life. Set an intention. Me I feel like searching for this magic little spot inside myself where I can connect with the source of my inner strength. DIY Recipes For Dry Lips. Tropical affaires. Use and Benefits of ylang ylang essential oil. Organic Marjoram Essential Oils. Soft and sweet kisses. DIY recipes for dry lips - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Lips are so soft. So sensitive. So important for your presentation, lips are always visible, exposed and observed. While you talk, eat, drink or just sit somewhere im a public space, people see your lips. Especially now that the sun comes back with strength but we still suffer lots of temperature changes between the inside and the outside our lips suffer from dryness. They need an extra care. The skin on our lips is much thinner than the skin on the other parts of our body.

Dry air, sun and wind will equally dry your lips all year round. we use lipbalms all the time. DIY Facial Moisturiser for Dry Winter Skin. 5 Ways to Have More Energy. Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil. Tropical affaires. Use and Benefits of ylang ylang essential oil - EcoDrop Essential Oil. The scent of ylang ylang flowers is overwhelming. Its very lush and tropical.

Intense, heavy, imposible to ignore fragrance sort of mellows around, sticks to your close and is really so exquisite that you have to get some petals and but them in your pocket. Irs a little like jasmine flowers or roses, its really something you can not forget. It surrounds you and changes your mood. The essential oils always smell slightly different from the flower but the oil is very delightful too. It is a natural mood enhancer, aphrodisiac and so great for the skin and best for perfumes. This essential oil comes from flower petals of the large, tropical ylang ylang tree. Ylang Ylang means “flower of flowers” and has been used for centuries across tropical areas of Asia including the Philippines, Indonesia and the Polynesian Islands. Fresh flowers have been used traditionally in Indonesia to decorate the bed of newly married on their wedding night due to their uplifting and aphrodisiac qualities.

Tropical affaires. Use and Benefits of ylang ylang essential oil - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Essential oils for gardening. Give Bugs and fungus no chance - EcoDrop Essential Oil. If you have been into researching on how to apply essential oils in your daily life you night not be surprised that you can also use them in your garden to avoid pests and bugs chewing on your plants.

And the huge bonus, it’s not harming the environment. No pestizides, easy to apply and safe to use on your veggies too even if you are gardening with your kids or have pets around. Most problems for plant death or weakness is caused by fungus. Explore essential oils on your plants and enjoy bug and fungus free harvest and flowering beauty on your shelf, balcony or garden. This is an all natural alternative. DIY Facial Moisturiser for Dry Winter Skin - EcoDrop Essential Oil. DIY Facial Moisturiser for Dry Winter Skin - EcoDrop Essential Oil. 5 Ways to Have More Energy - EcoDrop Essential Oil. 1. Just Breathe If there is one thing we can all do to improve our health, it is learning how to breathe. Deep diaphragmatic breathing, or belly breathing, means extending our inhales to fill our lungs to capacity, making more oxygen available to our cells. Breathing effectively leads to greater overall vitality. It also activates our Parasympathetic Nervous System, which signals to the body to lower blood pressure, heart rate and ‘rest and digest’.

Breathing deeply signals to the body it is safe, and therefore our body performs optimally in its rest and digest state. When we don’t breathe properly, the body remains in the Sympathetic Nervous System, or flight or flight energy system. If you are someone who ‘forgets’ to breathe, try setting a timer for yourself every hour, where you take 3 minutes to breathe deeply into your belly. 5 Essential Oils for Stress Relief. Reduce Anxiety with Essential Oils. Organic Lemon Essential Oil. 5 Essential Oils for Stress Relief - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Reduce Anxiety with Essential Oils - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Anxiety. It’s difficult for a day to go by without hearing or reading about this modern day epidemic that seems to affect us all in one way or another.

Anxiety is defined as “a feeling of apprehension and fear, characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, and feelings of stress.” It can also manifest as a sinking feeling, a heavy weight on your chest, a tightness, racing thoughts or a overwhelming sense of dread. If you’ve felt it – you’ll know. What makes anxiety different from other conditions is that it is not a one-size-fits all diagnosis or treatment. How to Practice Mindfulness - EcoDrop Essential Oil. This essential oils mindfulness practice is taken from Centered Recovery Programs, where they use mindfulness as a way to heal their clients.

Find a comfortable seat, and bring attention to your breath and to your posture. Organic French Lavender Essential Oil. Heal Scars And Stretch Marks With This Diy Remedy. How To Choose Your Carrier Oil. Frankincense And Myrrh Beautifying Face Cream Recipe. Heal Scars and Stretch marks with this DIY Remedy - EcoDrop Essential Oil. How to Choose your Carrier Oil - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Argan Oil Argan oil is almost magical both by origin and by reputation. Thought of as the golden oil of the Gods, originating from the Moroccan Argan tree. Argan oil is most famous for its incredible effect on hair, and is widely used in many high end hair products, yet it is also amazing for skin. Argan oil is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin E, as well as oleic and linoleic fatty acids, which all help reduce sun damaged skin, reduce inflammation and even heal acne.

This is an oil you would use sparingly due to its price tag, but the good news is that just a few drops go a really long way, and even more so when you add it to your favourite essential oil blends. Frankincense and Myrrh Beautifying Face Cream Recipe - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Top 3 Essential Oils For Cleaning Your Home. Diy Double Espresso Body Scrub. Top 3 Essential Oils for Cleaning your Home - EcoDrop Essential Oil. DIY Double Espresso Body Scrub - EcoDrop Essential Oil. How To Use Essential Oils For Meditation. Organic Ginger Essential Oil. How to Use Essential Oils for Meditation - EcoDrop Essential Oil.

Meditation is a gift we can give ourselves every day. Simply carving out even 5 minutes to become still and go within will have profound benefits for our health and wellbeing. Adding essential oils in your mediation practice is a way to powerfully enhance the experience of mediating, as well as to build a ritual around the practice. Why Meditate? Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years as a way to attain spiritual enlightenment. The Ancient Power Of Aromatherapy. Balancing The Ayurvedic Doshas With Essential Oils. Balancing the Ayurvedic Doshas with Essential Oils - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Ayurveda is an ancient healing modality that has been used for centuries. Ayurveda translates to ‘knowledge of life’ and can be traced back to India 5000 BC in the most ancient Sanskrit texts, known as the the Vedas.

It is used for disease prevention, the curing of ailments and for increasing overall vitality and wellbeing. This powerful practice has stood the test of time and is still used today. Both as an alternative, and as a complement to modern western medicine. Health Benefits of Organic Essential Oils. The Ancient Power of Aromatherapy - EcoDrop Essential Oil.

Origins of Aromatherapy. Sooth Your Sunburn With This Diy Aftersun Treatment. Balance Vata With Essential Oils. Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil. Sooth your Sunburn with this DIY Aftersun Treatment - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Balance Vata with Essential Oils - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Out of Balance Vata Like a leaf swept up into the ether on a windy day, Vata is out of balance when there is lack of grounding. 5 Diffuser Blends To Boost Energy Naturally. Balance Pitta With Essential Oils. 5 Diffuser Blends to Boost Energy Naturally - EcoDrop Essential Oil. How does aromatherapy boost energy? Smell is the most powerful of all five senses. This is because our olfactory nerves are linked to the Limbic System, the part of our brain that controls both emotions, memory and learning.

This means that smell can directly impact our brain activity. Have you ever smelled something that triggered a childhood memory or a feeling of nostalgia? That’s the limbic system in action. How To Treat And Prevent Bags Under The Eyes. Balance Pitta with Essential Oils - EcoDrop Essential Oil. If you notice yourself to be irritable, short tempered and agitated, or perhaps unusually hot and bothered with inflamed skin, rashes and heartburn, it may mean your Pitta is out of balance. Pitta is one of the three energy types, or doshas, according to Ayurveda. Each of us possesses all three doshas in varying quantities, yet one or two types are dominant. Organic Coffee Essential Oil. How To Treat And Prevent Bags Under The Eyes.

3 Natural Insect Repellents To Keep The Bugs At Bay. 3 Natural Insect Repellents to Keep the Bugs at Bay - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Make Your Own Fragrant Body Mist. 5 Self Care Ideas That Don’t Cost A Thing. Make your own Fragrant Body Mist - EcoDrop Essential Oil. 5 Self Care Ideas that don't cost a thing - EcoDrop Essential Oil. How to Treat and Prevent Bags Under the Eyes - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep. Balancing Kapha With Essential Oils. Organic Clove Bud Essential Oil. Muscle Soreness and Spasm Relief. Balancing Kapha with Essential Oils - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Muscle Soreness and Spasm Relief - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Organic Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil. Get Goddess like Hair With Rose Geranium Essential Oil. 5 Ways To Detoxify Your Lymphatic System. Room Spray Recipes For A House That Smells Like Home. Get Glowing Skin with this DIY Chamomile Face Wash Recipe - EcoDrop Essential Oil. Get Goddess-like Hair with Rose Geranium Essential Oil - EcoDrop Essential Oil.

5 Ways to Detoxify your Lymphatic System - EcoDrop Essential Oil.