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1550816c38.jpg (JPEG Image, 550x417 pixels) Small Cute Animals | c77c Blog. Here is a set of collected photos around the web about little small cute animals. Cutestpaw. Pictures of the day: 12 July 2010. My pup Loki's "Pre-Shake" face. I'm not sure it's possible to look at it without laughing. Catsown.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x705 pixels) Parrots: Parrot eyesight, waves of light, shades of green. Expert: Rev. Dr. S.August Abbott - 8/12/2009 QuestionI'm looking at my green wing mackaw right now and his eyes look so similar to ours. Do parrots see in full color? Answer They see more than we can even imagine. They see waves of light that are invisible to the human eye. They can also detect the quick flicker of fluorescent lights which sometimes leads to acting out, biting and being overall cranky. Some researchers believe that it's the ability to see these different waves of light that allows them to see the unique way another birds' feathers reflect, thus revealing to them whether they're looking at a male or female bird.

So to answer your question, yes, though their perception and depth of color is different from ours, they see in color. Did you know (a bit of trivia) that humans see more shades of green than any other animal ? Ask a Question Rev. Expertise Experience Certified Avian Specialist. PublicationsBird Talk Magazine articles about rescued and problem macaws.