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How to : Business Card. As web designers and developers, we often overlook printed marketing materials. But on occasion, they can come in very handy: at conferences, when we meet face-to-face with clients, or when we happen to run into someone we might want to do business with. Having business cards is a great way to promote yourself in the physical world. Of course, since web design is a creative field, you’ll want your business card to serve as a sort of mini portfolio that displays your skills. You should put the same time and energy into designing your business cards that you put into designing a website.

And the skills necessary to design a business card can be easily adapted from those that are required to design a website. Read on for more information about how to design your business cards. Size and Shape Standard business cards are 2″ x 3.5″, in either vertical or horizontal orientation. Die cut cards are particularly popular. Over-sized and under-sized cards are growing in popularity. Printing Method.


Lemonade. How To : Sketchy Client +Contract. Advertisement Many things about our business make one glad to be creative; and there certainly are things that destroy the very soul and one’s will to carry on. Client interaction can either lead to strong relationships that last a lifetime or make you feel low and worthless.

We look at our designs as our own children, and why not? We create our work from our mind and very being. We have an emotional attachment to our work. The question arose on a blog about how to screen a client. How to Spot a Sketchy Client The number one recommendation of many is to have a strong contract. The contract is usually the deal-breaker for me. Let’s say you now have a draft contract. Me: Here’s my contract. At this point, I’m usually told to get out. One client agreed to a contract but wanted to tack on the phrase “… and anything else needed” to the end of a laundry list of services included in the quoted fee.

What to include in a contract Designers ask me about my contract. Client: ________________ 1. 2. 3. "How To Steal Like An Artist (And 9 Other Things Nobody Told Me)" by Austin Kleon. Wednesday, March 30th, 2011 Buy the book: Amazon | B&N | More… Here’s what a few folks have said about it: “Brilliant and real and true.” —Rosanne Cash“Filled with well-formed advice that applies to nearly any kind of work.” Read an excerpt below… Tags: steal like an artist.