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Express Capital - A direct nationwide real estate lender offer private money lenders, hard money loans & commercial real estate loans. Call (718) 285-0806.

How Commercial Real Estate Investors Safeguard Against Downturns. The economy is very strong right now, and commercial real estate investors are experiencing a lot of growth in various market segments.

If you are looking to expand your portfolio and position yourself to safeguard against economic downturns, contact us today! – ecapitalfinancing

However, anyone who has been in this field for a decade or longer remembers all too well the downturn NY – and in fact the entire country – experienced back in 2007.

How Commercial Real Estate Investors Safeguard Against Downturns

While no one can make themselves completely bulletproof against downturns in the commercial real estate market, there are precautions to take to lessen the impact, and even come out on top. Long-Term Leases If there is something that can stave off the full brunt of market downturns, it’s a long-term lease. Commercial real estate investors who focus solely on residential properties, such as homes and apartments, may take more of a hit during downturns than others. Go High-End on Apartments During economic downturns, higher-end or luxury apartments are not severely impacted. Financing During Downturns Express Capital Financing is a leader in funding solutions for NYC property investors. 5 Areas that Qualify a Commercial Real Estate Hard Money Loan. Although you may be familiar with residential real estate lending, securing a commercial real estate hard money loan involves excellence in key financial areas.

5 Areas that Qualify a Commercial Real Estate Hard Money Loan

Before you start the commercial loan process, take some time to review the five areas that can make a difference between successful qualification and unfortunate rejection. 1. Total Net Worth. Tax Tips for Real Estate Investors: Tips for Closing Out the Year. Let’s be honest, taxes can be quite the headache.

Tax Tips for Real Estate Investors: Tips for Closing Out the Year

There are a seemingly endless series of guidelines and rules from the IRS saying what you can and cannot do as a real estate investors when it comes to fulfilling your tax obligations. Put simply, taxes are highly nuanced, articles online are jam-packed with barely comprehensible financial jargon, and readers like you are on the losing in as far as keeping more of your hard-earned money where it belongs: in your pocket. That’s why we wrote this article—to unpack some of the more significant bits of tax advice for real estate investors looking to finish the year on a high note in a straightforward, plain-English format.

Get Down to Business Technically, real estate investors are their own business entity—meaning you are privy to business deductions. Fix and Flip New York Market - Status Update: Closing out 2020. If you are a real estate investor looking to expand your property portfolio in the near future with potential fix and flip New York projects, pay close attention to the market in the coming months as we approach the close of 2020.

Fix and Flip New York Market - Status Update: Closing out 2020

A pair of research analysis reports conducted by industry specialists indicate that there will be a dramatic uptick in the number of foreclosures that will extend into the new year—mainly attributable to the fact that homeowners will have exhausted their mortgage forbearance relief options available through the CARES Act. These measures permit borrowers to pause their mortgage payments for an aggregated 360 days (two individual 180-day terms) that began in March 2020. How Does The Flip Funding LLC Works? Flipping property is one of the popular investment options for both individual investors and real estate companies.

How Does The Flip Funding LLC Works?

But getting the flip funding LLC is the difficult task since getting the loan through traditional method taking more time. There are higher chances of loan rejection if you have a poor credit score. But the fix and flip loans no money down fills this gap between the buyer and the property purchase price along with its renovation costs. Maximize Revenue With Commercial Fix and Flip Loans in Westchester.

The house flipping market in Westchester County has skyrocketed over the past few years.

Maximize Revenue With Commercial Fix and Flip Loans in Westchester

With the availability of foreclosure properties and people relocating for work. Now is the best time for those on the fence about investing in commercial real estate in and around Westchester County to start generating revenue. However, rehabbing older houses in Westchester County takes capital, but the payoff is worth it. In this blog, we will be covering everything about using a commercial fix and flip loans in Westchester county to maximize revenue. How To Find Private Money Lenders For Residential Real Estate? You would have found many people who are successful in the real estate industry.

How To Find Private Money Lenders For Residential Real Estate?

Over the years, the fix and flip loans have gained more popularity. Nowadays, many successful real estate businessmen getting the loan from the private money lenders for residential real estate so that they can get the amount required for their business growth. If you don’t know about the hard cash loan then know that you have wasted your time till now. So first, you have to know about what is private money. Multi-Family Lending: Ins and Outs of Hard Money Loans. One of the ideal scenarios for hard money loans is when you need a loan on short notice to use for a multi-family lending investment.

Multi-Family Lending: Ins and Outs of Hard Money Loans

Multi-family real estate assets are structures that are comprised of 4-5+ separate family residences. A poll conducted by the National Multifamily Housing Council indicated that well over 60% of all rental properties are categorized as multi-family buildings, whereas only a third of them are single-family residences. The appeal of multi-family properties from an investment perspective is that they present the ideal opportunity to generate a passive income stream that far outstrips expenses for the owner’s mortgage payments and maintenance costs. This enables landlords to realize a profit with a minimal amount of effort expended. Types Of Hard Money Lenders Who Helps In Providing The Loans. Top Fix and Flip Financing Options. You can point the finger at HGTV, the turbulent housing market, or the current trends in the home design industry—but one thing is for certain: the popularity of house flipping is at an all-time high.

Top Fix and Flip Financing Options

An exponential amount of savvy real estate professional investors are purchasing ‘fixer-uppers’ with the intent of flipping them over a short timeframe and pocketing a substantial return on investment when it’s all said and done. If you are also considering hopping on to the appealing fix and flip financing bandwagon, you are far from along. Over ten per cent of all real estate transactions in the past year consisted of fix and flip projects. But what you may be wondering is how do you go about financing these sort of deals? Reasons To Consider Flip Funding For Your Investment. Fix and flip loans are an important tool that must be considered by both new and experienced real estate investors.

Whether you are an experienced or beginner in the real estate investment, make sure you use flip funding for your investment & improve your business. – ecapitalfinancing

The right fix and flip financing will help the investor leverage their assets to earn more with higher security than investing on their own.

Reasons To Consider Flip Funding For Your Investment

Even though there are many challenges in investing in a fix and flip property, it is important to be aware of everything so that you can find the right lender for your flip funding. In general, there are many fix and flip lenders which help in the property purchase. Since getting loans from the bank for commercial needs takes more time and higher interest rate, you can get the fix and flip line of credit from the private lenders. Express Capital Financing. There’s more than one way to invest in real estate, and it often comes down to a choice between the ‘fix and flip’ or the ‘buy and hold’ strategies. Each strategy comes with its own pros and cons, so if you’re considering both investment options, here is a quick guide to help you decide. Fix and Flip Recalling our ‘Ultimate House Flipping Cheat Sheet for Beginners’ article, this strategy involves purchasing a property, making improvements, marketing it, and then selling it for profit.

Flipping houses or commercial spaces requires a lot of effort within the shortest amount of time possible. This allows for a faster ROI, freeing up investors’ capital for their next money-making project. Ultimate Guide To Multifamily Investing.

If you are interested in multifamily investing make sure you use the hard money loans for it. Read out the basic guide for beginners before taking any action. – ecapitalfinancing

3 Tips for Evaluating the Worth of a Fix and Flip Properties. Purchasing a property with the intent to renovate and sell can be a lucrative business. However, sometimes it’s difficult to determine if a property is worth your time and effort. Hard Money Loans & Distressed Properties. The Perfect Match A distressed property is one that is being listed by the hard money lender or has entered into the foreclosure process.

If you are looking to partner with a hard money loans lender, Express Capital Financing offers pre-approval letters within 24 hours. – ecapitalfinancing

There is a multitude of reasons why a property is classified as being distressed, but regardless of the cause, this type of real estate presents a significant opportunity for savvy investors to get an ideal purchase price and considerable profit. If you’re contemplating acquiring a distressed property, but don’t have the capital on hand to complete the transaction at this time, here’s a few compelling reasons why you should use a hard money loan to get the funding you need in a short amount of time so you don’t miss out on a great deal.

Pros of Acquiring Distressed Properties Prior to obtaining a loan, it’s essential to comprehend the overall benefits of acquiring a distressed piece of real estate. Quick Approval Process. 3 Quick Ways to Increase the Value of Your Fix and Flip Property. The fix and flip loans approach to real estate investing has the potential to be a financially rewarding enterprise and enables you to contribute towards the revitalization of economically distressed communities. But in a competitive market, it is essential that you come up with ways to give your fix ad flip project an edge on other properties on the market in order to get it on and off the market in the shortest timeframe as possible. Doing so will optimize your return on investment and will allow you to get a fast start on your next income-generating endeavour.

While simple touches like new siding and a fresh coat of paint are good steps towards revamping a home for the market, what else can you add to your fix and flip to give it that “wow” factor when it comes to catching the attention of potential homebuyers in the area? The following are three key additions that will increase the property value of your home and give you a leg up on your competition. Value Add #1: Smart Home Tech. How Owner Occupied Hard Money Loans Put Things In Motion. Owner-occupied hard money loans serve several purposes. These loan products are different from anything you've ever known or heard. Owners continue to live in the same home as their primary or secondary house. In some cases, individuals live at the same property till the time it isn't renovated to save on expenses. Private Money Lending - What is the right time to consider? Multifamily Investing: What to Expect for the Remainder of 2020. There is a wide range of commercial real estate categories to take into account when planning your investment strategy.

Commercial Mortgages in the NY Real Estate Market: Status Update. Notwithstanding the severe job losses and declining economy that resulted in form the March stay-at-home orders across the nation, actions by the federal government have supported the continued operation of key capital markets—albeit with reduced deal volume as compared to the opening months of 2020. This is especially true in the New York commercial mortgages sector, as data compiled by the Mortgage Bankers Association indicates that in August 2020 there was relatively little change in overall commercial and multifamily real estate delinquency rates and an overall decline in borrower inquiries and requests. Expand Your Next Real Estate Investment Using a Hard Money Loan.

How Hard Money Lenders Work Around Fix and Flip Line of Credit. Hard money lenders help investors struggling with fix and flip line of credit. The conventional banking system has no meaning for them. Stop Approaching the Banks as Hard Money Loans Rule.

Invest in hard money loans for flipping houses. Fix and flip loans bad credit need strong association with lenders and a couple of deals going their way. – ecapitalfinancing

How Commercial Hard Money Lenders Brought Stability to Markets. Commercial hard money lenders have taught about stability, survival. How Owner Occupied Hard Money Lenders Nationwide Makes Profit. Private Money Lenders for Residential Real Estate Funds Properties. Top private money lenders for residential real estate arranges funds for investors. There are a lot of new and existing players looking to buy distressed properties. The gap between property value and savings leaves them standing nowhere. They need to arrange extra cash. Not all investment players play by conventional rules. Most of them prefer a quick way to get funds and repay them after making the sale. How Hard Money Loans are Integral to Residential Real Estate. Borrowing hard money loans are convenient, flexible and faster approval. The conventional loan application procedure puts you through a long waiting list.

We haven't even mentioned applicants with a low credit score. Real Estate Lender – What Are The Pitfalls To Be Avoided While Getting The Loan? Nationwide Real Estate Lender: Hard Money Lenders – Fill The Financial Gap Needed For Your Business. Fix and Flip Loans Brooklyn, NY. At Express Capital Financing we are direct lenders that have extensive experience with providing funding for acquistion & Rehab projects as well as Bridge financing. Our loan program allows for flexibility and quick access to capital that is in line with our swift underwriting procedures. Business Lines of Credit Brooklyn.