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CrossFit Eureka's Paleo Made Easy. This week we took a little drive out to Mckinleyville with the family to pick Organic Blueberries, which are currently in season. It was a fun experience for everyone, they even provide cute little buckets for the littlest guys to "pick" in, though I think the majority of their berries made it to their bellies. It's a fun little outing that will also net you some delicious fresh Organic blueberries. Their location is: Wolfsen Farms, 2103 Mckinleyville, California and their phone number is 707-839-2017. They offer Certified Organic Blueberries, July 1st-September 15 each year, they were about $5.00 a pound when we bought ours last week.

CrossFit Eureka's Paleo Made Easy. Food. Last night in a rush to prepare dinner, I made one of my fairly standard go to meals; but it always comes out different. I call it “Kitchen Sink Soup” because everything I can find in my kitchen typically goes into it, except the kitchen sink… Before we ate, I took a picture of my bowl (it was so pretty!!) And quickly put it up on Facebook and of course, you all wanted the recipe and of course I want to share it with you! Like I said on Facebook, this soup is more of an idea than a recipe that should be followed to the T so feel free to change it up as you and your tastebuds see fit. Oh, by the way, when I make (any) soup I make a GIANT pot so we can have leftovers for the next day.

Paleo is EXPENSIVE!!! Easy Recipes | Balanced Bites | Holistic & Paleo Nutrition Coaching & Seminars. Paleo/Veg Recipes. Drs Eades. Health Newsletter From Dr. Al Sears Promotes Health and Wellness | Discover the Best Natural Alternatives with Dr. Al Sears, MD. Mary Dan Eades, M.D. Fat Head - Blog site for the comedy-documentary Fat Head.

Raw Mango & Strawberry Cheesecakes.