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Little Dragon - After The Rain. Picasso's Printmaking Techniques. In the intaglio printmaking process, lines of an image to be printed on paper are incised first by hand-held tools and/or acids onto the surface of (generally) a flat metal plate, most often, copper. The surface of the metal plate is inked and then wiped so the only ink that remains is in the incised areas of the plate. The paper is carefully positioned on top of the inked metal plate and "pulled" through a press, pressure pushing the paper onto the inked plate allowing the ink to be transferred to the paper producing an original print, or graphic. With intaglio prints one can observe the outer edge of the metal plate impressed into the paper due to the pressure of the printing press. The paper margins extend beyond the plate mark.

Some of Picasso's prints were printed on smaller margined papers and some of the same image were printed on larger paper and therefore wider margins. Engraving, drypoint, etching, and aquatint are intaglio forms of printmaking. Engraving Aquatint Scraper Linocut. Home | Marina - A Documentary Film about Marina Abramović.

In pictures: Giant spider takes up residence at Tate. LESLEY DILL. Interactives | Exhibitions | 2003 | Kiki Smith: Prints, Books & Things.