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Radulova: ??? Maternita micio.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x383 pixels) Kitty the Cat is Backpacking from Miami to Ushuaia on The Cat?s Meow. Cat-dog_1542110i. Ss-100125-at-02ss_full.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200x774 pixels) - Scaled (83%) 56942.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x406 pixels) Cats. Baby-asian-elephant_227. Top 10: Baby Animal Pictures : Top lists. The Fine Art of Dogs (15 photos) British photographer Tim Flach sees animals in a completely different way. Having completed postgraduate studies at St. Martins School of Art London, Flach shoots stylized animal portraits that look more like fine art than framed shots of your puppy.

Commercially trained as a professional photographer for over 25 years, Flach's conceptual style has been shaped by his background not just in photography but in, curiously, painted sculptures. Flach recently released a book called Dogs that's definitely worth a look. As the stunning follow-up to the critically acclaimed Equus, Flach "delves deep into the psyche of this enduring bond with Canis familiaris to present an exquisite study of “man’s best friend.” Make sure to hop on over to Flach's website to enjoy more of his amazing photos. You can also find his book, Dogs, on Amazon. Cat-mountain.jpg (JPEG Image, 680x453 pixels) Cutest pets on the web - OMG!