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Meaningful Integration of AR. Meaningful Integration of Augmented Reality in Education Below you will find a list of ideas and apps to help meaningfully integrate augmented reality into education. This list will continue to grow as we collaborate with amazing educators on game changing ideas! Homework Mini-Lessons: Grade Level: All grades We use Explain Everything for many activities in our classrooms. Grade Level: PK-2, ELL This app uses augmented reality to engage the students in learning their letters. Grade Level: K-3 This fun app uses augmented reality to engage students in solving addition and subtraction problems. Student created book reviews: Grade Level: All grades Students can create short video book reviews of the book they have read from the classroom library or school library. Faculty Photo Wall Personalize your school's entryway by hanging a photograph of each staff member. PTA Support/Recruiting Rubrics Grade: All Learning Targets: Exit Slips/Tickets Words of Encouragement Mystery Reader or Staff Members Yearbook!

Creating Learning Objects. Printer-friendly version Supporting student learning with online resources at Fanshawe College In 2007, a counsellor in the Accessibility Office at Fanshawe College in London received a grant to study and support the learning styles of students with learning disabilities enrolled in apprenticeship programs. As many of the students learned more effectively with visual resources, it was decided to create video materials that would be accessible to all learners to enhance and review what they had heard and seen in the classrooms in lectures and live demonstrations. The videos were produced collaboratively, with the Learning Object Studio working with the professors in Motive Power (now the School of Transportation Technology) and the Accessibility Office.

Although the grant has expired, the creation of video learning objects has continued. The Learning Object Studio includes staff from the Centre for Academic Excellence and the Information Technology Department. Innovation Potential Resources. Ten Reflections on the First Year of an iPad Pilot | Ed Tech Diva. Passing out iPads to students on the first day of school was like celebrating Christmas (or in this case Hanukkah) with thirty antsy kids sitting around the tree, attempting to hide their impatience. Once the iPads had been handed out, students were instantly excited, engaged and enchanted with the new learning device in their hands. At first, everyone was confused about where to find work, where to save and store their products – and which app to use for what purpose.

As with every pilot, these issues worked themselves out and soon classes were running pretty smoothly. Once they all learned what a “hard reset” was we were on our way. After an exciting year chalked full of learning lessons and changes in our learning landscape here are my takeaways: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Like this: Like Loading... Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink. 6 Steps to Add Voice Comments to Google Docs. Here is a step by step guide to show you how you can add " Voice Comments " within your Google Docs.

This application is developed by 121 Writing. Here is how you can do it : 1- Head over to your Google Docs and click on " Create". scroll down to the bottom and click on "connect more apps " 2- Type in the word " voice " in the search panel then click on connect in front of " voice comments " 3- Go back to your Google Docs and right click on the document you want to add voice comments to then select open with voice comments 4- The document will open in a new window, click on the record button as shown in the screenshot below. 5- To share your voice feedback click on " share with collaborators ".

You and your collaborators can access it Google Docs via the "Comments" button on the top-right corner beside the Share button. Is Mobile Learning The Future? – Key... A true model for mobile learning: how we interact with technology. I was fortunate enough to see Cirque du Soleil last night, an astonishing performance of athleticism and creativity. For those of you who haven’t seen them, Cirque provide a modern take on circus skills, blending vibrant costumes, elaborate props and modern technology. They have some seriously ambitious staging: in this case, giant video screens that formed the floor, but could rise up to make walls or slopes, all the stage for the performance. The technology, in itself, was impressive, but it’s role was to facilitate the creativity. In an opening scene, the large central video screen showed an image of a train moving along, whilst three ‘vandals‘ in harnesses danced and scaled the wall, then were able to ‘run‘ along the vertical screen, spraying digital graffiti onto the moving train.

Like a giant iPad, interaction between people and image, technology facilitating the creative process and storytelling. Social technology: to serve and to create Like this: Like Loading...